The corruption of pols is deep. Now word is out that Nancy Pelosi and her son Hunter, no sorry, I meant to say Paul Pelosi were into the Ukraine money grab as well along with Squid Pro Joe Biden and his slimy spawn, Hunter Gatherer Biden.
There were book deals with kick backs of tax payer monies going out to Obama, Biden, McCabe, and Comey. The stench from Washington, DC is overwhelming. Somebody's got some splaining to do!
The lastest Trump Tweet with the One America News Network exclusive on the Ukraine Pelosi Connection has Nancy's Pelosi's panties down around her ankles and her tits sagging lower than Joe Biden's polling numbers.
And now we learn the Ukrainian US ambassador, Madame Vonvanovich interfered in an investigation they had looking into how 5.8 billion dollars were funneled into organizations that are fronts for George Soros and his globalist ghouls.
Pelosi must immediately resign and make a public apology to the nation for what she has put us through. With good behavior she may get out of jail before the grim reaper comes for her sorry soul.
Ever wonder why there is never enough money for the social safety nets and our inner cities are crumbling around our neediest citizens?
Look no further than the entrenched pols in Washington, DC and their deep state partners in crime.
Time to gather up all the accountants who were fired from Arthur Anderson and sic them on these criminals we elected who have stolen our tax monies.
The 1990's with the post office and house banking scandals were small potatoes compared with today's crimes. I believe it involves all three branches of the government including the judiciary.
Clean up time.
It is time to take the trash out.
Joe Biden Chancre, sr President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Friday, December 27, 2019
An Open Letter To President Donald J. Trump
Dear President Trump,
First let it be known I deeply respect and admire you! Your sacrifice for this nation and the common men and women knows no equal in modern history. I may be taking it too far but it is on a scale with our savior, Christ, whose birthday we have just celebrated. Thank you and God Bless you and your wonderful family.
Now for the meat of this nut:
1. Get a voter ID in place before the next election so we do not have to sweat your re-election.
2. Tax former government officials at 90% of incomes over that they made while in office for the first
10 years out of government service so if pols like HRC and Obama score lucrative book deals or
netflix deals the people and its treasury make great gains as well.
3. End Taxes on people who work after retirement age, this is selfish I am 66. But this would help
a lot to end the unfair burden our Tax code places on the common man.
4. If you want to reduce taxes on the working class by 20%, allow each worker to have a tax amnesty
year for every 5 years worked. Watch the people work harder during the year they are exempt
from taxation.
5. Change the physical character of money, new colors and designs and mandate all money must be
turned in for exchange and some form of accounting for where the money was earned so drug
money and bribes like those from Ukraine to the Bidens and others would become worthless and
confiscated by the US treasury.
6. Don Jr is a natural to follow you as president, can you change the law so you can make it through
an executive order? Seriously, he could win the nomination and the election if he is willing to
make the sacrifice.
7. Eric and Ivanka could follow and America could live through the Golden Age of Trump!
8. Barron could follow as he would be of age if he has any political aspirations.
9. You are the funniest President and your ability to outrage the left is wildly entertaining.
10. Keep up the great work on behalf of our country!
Joe Biden Chancre, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Dear President Trump,
First let it be known I deeply respect and admire you! Your sacrifice for this nation and the common men and women knows no equal in modern history. I may be taking it too far but it is on a scale with our savior, Christ, whose birthday we have just celebrated. Thank you and God Bless you and your wonderful family.
Now for the meat of this nut:
1. Get a voter ID in place before the next election so we do not have to sweat your re-election.
2. Tax former government officials at 90% of incomes over that they made while in office for the first
10 years out of government service so if pols like HRC and Obama score lucrative book deals or
netflix deals the people and its treasury make great gains as well.
3. End Taxes on people who work after retirement age, this is selfish I am 66. But this would help
a lot to end the unfair burden our Tax code places on the common man.
4. If you want to reduce taxes on the working class by 20%, allow each worker to have a tax amnesty
year for every 5 years worked. Watch the people work harder during the year they are exempt
from taxation.
5. Change the physical character of money, new colors and designs and mandate all money must be
turned in for exchange and some form of accounting for where the money was earned so drug
money and bribes like those from Ukraine to the Bidens and others would become worthless and
confiscated by the US treasury.
6. Don Jr is a natural to follow you as president, can you change the law so you can make it through
an executive order? Seriously, he could win the nomination and the election if he is willing to
make the sacrifice.
7. Eric and Ivanka could follow and America could live through the Golden Age of Trump!
8. Barron could follow as he would be of age if he has any political aspirations.
9. You are the funniest President and your ability to outrage the left is wildly entertaining.
10. Keep up the great work on behalf of our country!
Joe Biden Chancre, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Three Days Of The Conyers, Biden His Time, Hunter For Red October, Rob Reiner Is A Meathead, Trump Presidency Til 2058
Congressman Elijah Cummings died about three days after he was pointed out as being almost as corrupt as Bill and Hillary Clinton. I didn't even know he was sick. Wow!
Joe Biden's personal physician, Quack On Crack, has examined the former vice president and finds him to be fit for the office of the presidency.
In a statement released to the press:
" Vice President Biden is in full possession of his faculties and is fully fit to preform the day to day duties and responsibilities of the presidency. However, he may not be able to recall what he has done day to day."
Signed, Quincy Rodham Quack, MD
When Hunter Biden's casual cockholster Luden Roberts received both barrels from a coked up Biden in the backroom of the Gentleman's Quarterly Crack House, two Novembers ago he should have been more concerned with Ms. Roberts last menstrual cycle. Now thanks to a moments indiscretion from a foolish cock master, Baby Biden Roberts is here and needs money to be raised in Biden-land.
A wandering Dick is a wondrous thing. Like Rick James used to say: "Cocaine will make you do some funny things!"
Rob Reiner, is a Meat head. "I know you are, but what am I?"
That's simple Mr. Reiner, a meat head, a meat head, stuck with a middle schoolers mind-set addled by years of THC.
Do us a favor middle school meat head. Hang up your Twitter feed and have some munchies. Your hatred of President Donald Trump is a sign of mental illness.
We deplorables all lived through Obama, you will make it through 5 more years of President Donald J. Trump, followed by 8 years of President Donald J. Trump, jr, followed by 8 more years of President Ivanka Trump.
Then when you are 93 yrs old you can vote for Hillary Clinton since Baron Trump would only be 32 and unable to run for the presidency for another 3 years, but I forgot about President Eric Trump and his 8 years. This would place Baron in line at age 41, whew it ain't looking good for your Hollywood tribe of Trump-hating deplorable hating neurotics.
Well Robbie, old boy, you might have to wait until you are 109 yrs old in order to vote for Hillary who also will be 109 years old. Toke up, it is going to be a long, long frustrating 38 years for you.
Life is a series of ups and downs, and the next 4 decades are sure to be downers for you if your happiness is dependent on a Trump out of the White House.
Americans are woke and are tired of the corruption your side represents with Biden, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Conyers, Pelosi, Kerry, and add your favorite democrat and they are corrupt too!
That is all.
Joe Biden Chancre, SR President Urban Poverty Law Center
Joe Biden's personal physician, Quack On Crack, has examined the former vice president and finds him to be fit for the office of the presidency.
In a statement released to the press:
" Vice President Biden is in full possession of his faculties and is fully fit to preform the day to day duties and responsibilities of the presidency. However, he may not be able to recall what he has done day to day."
Signed, Quincy Rodham Quack, MD
When Hunter Biden's casual cockholster Luden Roberts received both barrels from a coked up Biden in the backroom of the Gentleman's Quarterly Crack House, two Novembers ago he should have been more concerned with Ms. Roberts last menstrual cycle. Now thanks to a moments indiscretion from a foolish cock master, Baby Biden Roberts is here and needs money to be raised in Biden-land.
A wandering Dick is a wondrous thing. Like Rick James used to say: "Cocaine will make you do some funny things!"
Rob Reiner, is a Meat head. "I know you are, but what am I?"
That's simple Mr. Reiner, a meat head, a meat head, stuck with a middle schoolers mind-set addled by years of THC.
Do us a favor middle school meat head. Hang up your Twitter feed and have some munchies. Your hatred of President Donald Trump is a sign of mental illness.
We deplorables all lived through Obama, you will make it through 5 more years of President Donald J. Trump, followed by 8 years of President Donald J. Trump, jr, followed by 8 more years of President Ivanka Trump.
Then when you are 93 yrs old you can vote for Hillary Clinton since Baron Trump would only be 32 and unable to run for the presidency for another 3 years, but I forgot about President Eric Trump and his 8 years. This would place Baron in line at age 41, whew it ain't looking good for your Hollywood tribe of Trump-hating deplorable hating neurotics.
Well Robbie, old boy, you might have to wait until you are 109 yrs old in order to vote for Hillary who also will be 109 years old. Toke up, it is going to be a long, long frustrating 38 years for you.
Life is a series of ups and downs, and the next 4 decades are sure to be downers for you if your happiness is dependent on a Trump out of the White House.
Americans are woke and are tired of the corruption your side represents with Biden, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Conyers, Pelosi, Kerry, and add your favorite democrat and they are corrupt too!
That is all.
Joe Biden Chancre, SR President Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Was Hunter Biden Set Up With Luden Roberts So His Financial Records Would Be Made Public
Foul, dare I say foul!
I think it is fair to assume the spawn of Squid Pro Joe Biden has made a few poor choices in his life. Crack pipes in rental cars, diddling Beau's wife, accepting positions and moneys from shady characters from the Ukraine while pops is controlling a billion dollars in loan guarantees, and a bil and a half from China! But turning down free money has not been one.
And now we learn Hunter Biden frequented a Gentleman's Club in DC and has fathered a child with Luden Roberts, a very comely stripper who worked the club in DC.
The baby was born in August of 2018, and assuming a 9 month pregnancy, the contribution from Hunter came (no gross pun intended) sometime in November of 2017.
If the paternity suit ongoing in Arkansas is successful in opening up Hunter Biden's financial records for the past 5 years, his squib shot into Ms. Luden will be known as another shot that was heard around the world.
More specifically, the world of Vice President Joe Biden.
Now, I am assuming patriots on Trump's side knew about the Biden's Ukraine gravy train in early 2017 when Tooty Fruity-o Rudy first began to investigate the Obama-Clinton scandals in that country.
Was Hunter Biden the target of a honey pot scheme to nefariously get to his financials?
If so it is the greatest plan ever conceived ( pun bow, thank you).
But what was the story of going out to buy a sex toy for Hunter all about? Too much information!
The impeachment of President Trump will do more harm to the previous administration and its FBI, CIA, Justice and State Departments, the Senate and House where the cover in the Foreign Aid with kick backs via $7 billion laundered to a Franklin Templeton fund will be blown to smithereens.
So Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are sticking the nose of the camel under the tent of corruption and they will not be pleased what the public learns about the sausage factory which is Washington DC.
The wonderful late comedian Richard Pryor's quote about Cocaine is salient for Hunter Biden:
"Cocaine is God's way of telling you, you make too much money!"
Thanks to a paternity suit in Arkansas we are going to find out how much was too much for Hunter Biden.
Good luck with that, Joe.
Joe Biden Chancre Sr, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I think it is fair to assume the spawn of Squid Pro Joe Biden has made a few poor choices in his life. Crack pipes in rental cars, diddling Beau's wife, accepting positions and moneys from shady characters from the Ukraine while pops is controlling a billion dollars in loan guarantees, and a bil and a half from China! But turning down free money has not been one.
And now we learn Hunter Biden frequented a Gentleman's Club in DC and has fathered a child with Luden Roberts, a very comely stripper who worked the club in DC.
The baby was born in August of 2018, and assuming a 9 month pregnancy, the contribution from Hunter came (no gross pun intended) sometime in November of 2017.
If the paternity suit ongoing in Arkansas is successful in opening up Hunter Biden's financial records for the past 5 years, his squib shot into Ms. Luden will be known as another shot that was heard around the world.
More specifically, the world of Vice President Joe Biden.
Now, I am assuming patriots on Trump's side knew about the Biden's Ukraine gravy train in early 2017 when Tooty Fruity-o Rudy first began to investigate the Obama-Clinton scandals in that country.
Was Hunter Biden the target of a honey pot scheme to nefariously get to his financials?
If so it is the greatest plan ever conceived ( pun bow, thank you).
But what was the story of going out to buy a sex toy for Hunter all about? Too much information!
The impeachment of President Trump will do more harm to the previous administration and its FBI, CIA, Justice and State Departments, the Senate and House where the cover in the Foreign Aid with kick backs via $7 billion laundered to a Franklin Templeton fund will be blown to smithereens.
So Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are sticking the nose of the camel under the tent of corruption and they will not be pleased what the public learns about the sausage factory which is Washington DC.
The wonderful late comedian Richard Pryor's quote about Cocaine is salient for Hunter Biden:
"Cocaine is God's way of telling you, you make too much money!"
Thanks to a paternity suit in Arkansas we are going to find out how much was too much for Hunter Biden.
Good luck with that, Joe.
Joe Biden Chancre Sr, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Does Anyone Believe Only Slo Joe Biden And His Family Are Corrupted By The D.C. Experience----Duh!
If Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden were the only top US official and family members participating in illegal kick-backs and bribery schemes, the frantic push to remove President Trump would never have happened.
One small turd and his spawn in the great big punch bowl that is Washington D.C. today would not be noticed. They would be dipped out and it would be business as usual where all in government service are angels and behave accordingly.
But if Slo Joe is the canary in the coal mine of deep dark insider secretive sweetheart deals between our political class and the billions they dish out to other country's expecting to retrieve some of that money for themselves, their families and their foundations, then Canary Joe's political death is a hallmark.
And the frantic calls for President Trumps impeachment is the proof.
There is something rotten in Denmark.
I believe Slo Joe and Hunter are small potatoes and the big potatoes are frantic to have Barr's investigation into governmental malfeasance end before those with bigger pans in the fire are outed.
Obama's have both landed lucrative book, Netflix and other deals. Clinton's with the phony foundation and speaking deals have cherry picked billions out of the world's monetary supply. But what in their miserable lives is better?
Bill Clinton appears he could slip from these surly bonds of earth any time now and would require no make-up to play an extra on "The Walking Dead".
Hillary Clinton, tortured by her personal demons, is feeling pressured to waddle into the democrat presidential primary to defeat President Trump a second time since apparently defeating him the first time was not good enough to become the president. She sports a brand new wardrobe of name brand tent wear to hide her bionic assist legs. She will seem to float effortlessly across the stage.
Ack! Ack!
The sacrifice democrats like Adam Schiff and Nanaboo Pelosi are making to try to sully this president is Herculean. There have to be some mighty big skeletons in these closets. To stop the wheels of government for two years and make no progress in your attempt to impeach has to be a bit of a disappointment.
Time to rid our congress of the demons and elect some angels, if we can find some. One way to get angels is to pay them more so money is not a problem.
Hell, if they would raise congressional salaries to about $800,000 a year I would consider running.
If congress has trouble raising the $428 million for salaries, perhaps they could get countries with business before the government to sponsor a congressman or woman. All above board of course.
My take: corruption with bribery and skulduggery is prevalent and runs deep and wide with this current bunch of so-called leaders.
A purge will be necessary.
The democrat play for Trump's impeachment is the fake out. They are in deep state do-do!
Joe Biden Chancre, Sr. President Urban Poverty Law Center
One small turd and his spawn in the great big punch bowl that is Washington D.C. today would not be noticed. They would be dipped out and it would be business as usual where all in government service are angels and behave accordingly.
But if Slo Joe is the canary in the coal mine of deep dark insider secretive sweetheart deals between our political class and the billions they dish out to other country's expecting to retrieve some of that money for themselves, their families and their foundations, then Canary Joe's political death is a hallmark.
And the frantic calls for President Trumps impeachment is the proof.
There is something rotten in Denmark.
I believe Slo Joe and Hunter are small potatoes and the big potatoes are frantic to have Barr's investigation into governmental malfeasance end before those with bigger pans in the fire are outed.
Obama's have both landed lucrative book, Netflix and other deals. Clinton's with the phony foundation and speaking deals have cherry picked billions out of the world's monetary supply. But what in their miserable lives is better?
Bill Clinton appears he could slip from these surly bonds of earth any time now and would require no make-up to play an extra on "The Walking Dead".
Hillary Clinton, tortured by her personal demons, is feeling pressured to waddle into the democrat presidential primary to defeat President Trump a second time since apparently defeating him the first time was not good enough to become the president. She sports a brand new wardrobe of name brand tent wear to hide her bionic assist legs. She will seem to float effortlessly across the stage.
Ack! Ack!
The sacrifice democrats like Adam Schiff and Nanaboo Pelosi are making to try to sully this president is Herculean. There have to be some mighty big skeletons in these closets. To stop the wheels of government for two years and make no progress in your attempt to impeach has to be a bit of a disappointment.
Time to rid our congress of the demons and elect some angels, if we can find some. One way to get angels is to pay them more so money is not a problem.
Hell, if they would raise congressional salaries to about $800,000 a year I would consider running.
If congress has trouble raising the $428 million for salaries, perhaps they could get countries with business before the government to sponsor a congressman or woman. All above board of course.
My take: corruption with bribery and skulduggery is prevalent and runs deep and wide with this current bunch of so-called leaders.
A purge will be necessary.
The democrat play for Trump's impeachment is the fake out. They are in deep state do-do!
Joe Biden Chancre, Sr. President Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strange Tale From A Stranger Direct From Hell--An Atheist's Near Death Experience
I was at a bar one night when a stranger came up, sat and had a drink with me. He was a mid-40 something man who was looking for someone to share his story. I looked like a likely candidate.
His name was Mike, he related the following story.
He was hurt in a construction site accident that left him with crippling back pain when he was only 27 yrs old. He was treated with the usual pain meds and he got hooked on opiates and no matter the dose he lived in constant pain. This went on for many years and he was unable to work and unable to get on disability. He became depressed feeling he was worthless and a burden on his family and one evening he decided to take his life with an overdose of his pain medications.
His mother found him lifeless in his room and called 911. When the paramedics arrived he was pale and not breathing, they began cpr and loaded him into the ambulance and brought him to the nearest emergency room. While these things were happening to his mortal remains, he was undergoing a very different experience. He stated he was an atheist.
He recalls falling down into a deep dark hole. When he got to the bottom he was aware of his body and there were no others around. Before he could consider his situation, his feet burst into flames and he described pain like no other as the flames slowly burned up his legs onto his torso. When they got to his chest he felt his lungs boiling out of his mouth. It was horrible. Burning continued to his neck and face and when the flames consumed his eyes, it all stopped and he was whole again and as Slo Joe Biden would say, son of a bitch, my feet burst into flames again and it was just as painful as the first time.
He said this repeated itself for many, many times, and then it stopped. Next came the demons. He was unable or unwilling to describe them to me but he stated they bit him tearing his flesh from his body. Again agonizingly painful. He recalled his prayers from childhood and he began to pray to God to help him.
He was lifted out of the dark hole and woke in the emergency room where later he was told he was clinically dead for almost 10 minutes.
He told me he gave up atheism and never misses a Sunday at church.
He finished his beer and got up and turned to leave but not before I asked him why he told me his tale.
He smiled and said I looked like I needed to hear this and he left.
Well, son of a bitch!
Joe Biden Chancre Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
P.S. This is a true account though the place has changed to protect the innocent.
His name was Mike, he related the following story.
He was hurt in a construction site accident that left him with crippling back pain when he was only 27 yrs old. He was treated with the usual pain meds and he got hooked on opiates and no matter the dose he lived in constant pain. This went on for many years and he was unable to work and unable to get on disability. He became depressed feeling he was worthless and a burden on his family and one evening he decided to take his life with an overdose of his pain medications.
His mother found him lifeless in his room and called 911. When the paramedics arrived he was pale and not breathing, they began cpr and loaded him into the ambulance and brought him to the nearest emergency room. While these things were happening to his mortal remains, he was undergoing a very different experience. He stated he was an atheist.
He recalls falling down into a deep dark hole. When he got to the bottom he was aware of his body and there were no others around. Before he could consider his situation, his feet burst into flames and he described pain like no other as the flames slowly burned up his legs onto his torso. When they got to his chest he felt his lungs boiling out of his mouth. It was horrible. Burning continued to his neck and face and when the flames consumed his eyes, it all stopped and he was whole again and as Slo Joe Biden would say, son of a bitch, my feet burst into flames again and it was just as painful as the first time.
He said this repeated itself for many, many times, and then it stopped. Next came the demons. He was unable or unwilling to describe them to me but he stated they bit him tearing his flesh from his body. Again agonizingly painful. He recalled his prayers from childhood and he began to pray to God to help him.
He was lifted out of the dark hole and woke in the emergency room where later he was told he was clinically dead for almost 10 minutes.
He told me he gave up atheism and never misses a Sunday at church.
He finished his beer and got up and turned to leave but not before I asked him why he told me his tale.
He smiled and said I looked like I needed to hear this and he left.
Well, son of a bitch!
Joe Biden Chancre Sr Urban Poverty Law Center
P.S. This is a true account though the place has changed to protect the innocent.
Bullshit Has Carbon And The Carbon Tax Plan Is Bullshit, Or Why I Stopped Fearing CO2 And Began To Fear One World Government Pols
If you are somewhat hesitant to take scientific dogma on global warming from those who push transgender ism on children, and common core, and anyone can identify as female or male and no one can dispute the claim, then I suggest you read on. If however you believe CO2 and Gretta Thunburg's rants about the evils of hydrocarbon fuels and the climate, stop reading now. All hope for you is lost and you will probably throw your vote away next November on Hillary or Pocahontas.
I have never believed in the Carbon credit hoax. Politicians were looking for new and inventive ways to tax the shit out of the masses and they needed an excuse to pull even more monies out of the great unwashed but felt the need to cloak the tax in the greater good.
Enter Global warming. OMG, we have to do something to reduce carbon entering our atmosphere or we are all going to drown due to the melting ice caps, or perish in the 1.8 degree rise in temperature shouted the 97% of scientists who would sell their souls for a grant from the government.
Carbon is the basis for all plant and animal life on this planet. CO2 is, along with H2O, the God molecules upon which all life is predicated. Plants absorb CO2 and water(H2O) for you common core students, to make sugar C6H6O6, which we put in our coffee to make it sweet.
In the beginning 4 billion years ago the planet was too warm and unstable to sustain life. We have good scientific records of what atmospheric CO2 levels were from about 600 million years ago to now and believe me our CO2 levels were much higher then than now.
Read a paper by Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, now resigned from that organization once taken over by the kooks, which discusses CO2 levels in history.
According to Dr. Moore CO2 levels have fallen over the past from highs of 10,000 parts per million to 180 ppm just before the use of hydrocarbon burning reversed this trend.
Frighteningly, the CO2 level in which plants become extinct is 150 ppm. Guess what? No plants no animals and no people. Right?
Then man began to harvest the carbon placed and stored in vast deposits of oil and coal and burning this released CO2 into the atmosphere and levels have risen to present day levels of around 400 ppm. Still a historically low level but a safer distance from levels where plant life would be threatened.
The other scientist whom I like to quote is Dr. William Happer, a Princeton physicist who works on CO2 lazers and is a wealth of information contrary to the alarmist global warming tools.
In one of his lectures on CO2 Dr. Happer informs the audience in a 200 seat auditorium the level of CO2 in the auditorium is 1800 ppm and asks if anyone is feeling sick or dizzy. You see we exhale CO2 at levels of 40,000 ppm. How are we even alive?
We are bags of toxic gas producing piggies according to our betters who know best and that CO2 must be reduced no matter the cost in piggy sufferings.
But wait, CO2 is not toxic to humans and plants love it.
Ok, I will not convince many true believers like Leonardo Dicaprio who talks the talk but does not walks the walk in his private jet or his honey trap laden 350 foot private yacht.
But if you want more than my word for the scam of CO2 and global warming, go to Dr. Patrick Moore's web site "" and read his report.
Search for Dr. William Happer on YouTube and watch one of his lectures, he's a delightfully funny and entertaining lecturer with all the trappings of the stereotypical professor. In his lecture he debunks the myth of CO2 and global warming. CO2 is not the problem. It is the solution to the real problem.
Why would we as animals worry about CO2 and a few degrees of potential warming? Get a life and put your faith in God and not a one world government that wants to depopulate the earth for the elitists.
Where did all the CO2 go back in antiquity? Sea shells coral and limestone, lots and lots of lime stone. If we burn the limestone the CO2 can be released. See Dr. Moore's paper in ""
Get informed, tell your children they are being lied to in school.
Joe Biden Chancre SR. Urban Poverty Law Center
I have never believed in the Carbon credit hoax. Politicians were looking for new and inventive ways to tax the shit out of the masses and they needed an excuse to pull even more monies out of the great unwashed but felt the need to cloak the tax in the greater good.
Enter Global warming. OMG, we have to do something to reduce carbon entering our atmosphere or we are all going to drown due to the melting ice caps, or perish in the 1.8 degree rise in temperature shouted the 97% of scientists who would sell their souls for a grant from the government.
Carbon is the basis for all plant and animal life on this planet. CO2 is, along with H2O, the God molecules upon which all life is predicated. Plants absorb CO2 and water(H2O) for you common core students, to make sugar C6H6O6, which we put in our coffee to make it sweet.
In the beginning 4 billion years ago the planet was too warm and unstable to sustain life. We have good scientific records of what atmospheric CO2 levels were from about 600 million years ago to now and believe me our CO2 levels were much higher then than now.
Read a paper by Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, now resigned from that organization once taken over by the kooks, which discusses CO2 levels in history.
According to Dr. Moore CO2 levels have fallen over the past from highs of 10,000 parts per million to 180 ppm just before the use of hydrocarbon burning reversed this trend.
Frighteningly, the CO2 level in which plants become extinct is 150 ppm. Guess what? No plants no animals and no people. Right?
Then man began to harvest the carbon placed and stored in vast deposits of oil and coal and burning this released CO2 into the atmosphere and levels have risen to present day levels of around 400 ppm. Still a historically low level but a safer distance from levels where plant life would be threatened.
The other scientist whom I like to quote is Dr. William Happer, a Princeton physicist who works on CO2 lazers and is a wealth of information contrary to the alarmist global warming tools.
In one of his lectures on CO2 Dr. Happer informs the audience in a 200 seat auditorium the level of CO2 in the auditorium is 1800 ppm and asks if anyone is feeling sick or dizzy. You see we exhale CO2 at levels of 40,000 ppm. How are we even alive?
We are bags of toxic gas producing piggies according to our betters who know best and that CO2 must be reduced no matter the cost in piggy sufferings.
But wait, CO2 is not toxic to humans and plants love it.
Ok, I will not convince many true believers like Leonardo Dicaprio who talks the talk but does not walks the walk in his private jet or his honey trap laden 350 foot private yacht.
But if you want more than my word for the scam of CO2 and global warming, go to Dr. Patrick Moore's web site "" and read his report.
Search for Dr. William Happer on YouTube and watch one of his lectures, he's a delightfully funny and entertaining lecturer with all the trappings of the stereotypical professor. In his lecture he debunks the myth of CO2 and global warming. CO2 is not the problem. It is the solution to the real problem.
Why would we as animals worry about CO2 and a few degrees of potential warming? Get a life and put your faith in God and not a one world government that wants to depopulate the earth for the elitists.
Where did all the CO2 go back in antiquity? Sea shells coral and limestone, lots and lots of lime stone. If we burn the limestone the CO2 can be released. See Dr. Moore's paper in ""
Get informed, tell your children they are being lied to in school.
Joe Biden Chancre SR. Urban Poverty Law Center
Dr. Patrick Moore,
global warming hoax,
William Happer
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Democrats In The House Can't Legislate So they Litigate to Impeach And Impede 45
Legislate or Litigate, that is the question?
Pelosi's petty pack of pols cannot legislate their plans for Medicare for All, Tax the Rich Til There Are No Rich, Destroy the Second Admendment, Open Borders with Mexico, end the Electoral College, with Donald Trump as President since he would surely veto these Schiff for Brains plans. Even if the Senate voted with the dims.
They need to impeach 45 or at least impede 45 for any hope at regaining power in 2020. And impede 45 they have, but not enough to keep Orange Man Bad from being good, really good for the country.
Unemployment, disengagements in the Middle East, lower taxes, renegotiating unfair trade agreements, pulling out of the unfair Paris Climate Accord, rebuilding our depleted military, and draining the swamp, reducing over bearing bureaucratic regulations, reversing Obama's mighty pen putsch push, thanks Google for warning me my content is not approved, this way I know I am on the right track!
Barr and Durham are on the deep state coop like white on rice. Is white on rice racist? Second Google warning! I will try to tow the line in the rest of this work.
Anyway what I meant to say was Hillary Clinton is the real president since she got at least 3 million more votes than the Usurper Donald Trump. And Pelosi and A. Schiff are doing yeomans work keeping Trump and his misbegoten plans for making America great again in check. And Medicare for all, and our immigrants from South of the border first is the icing on the cake for middle America. Open voting is the only fair process in an open democracy. I agree residency and not citizenship is the most important factor in rights to vote. The Paris Climate Accord should be reinstated with a billion dollars going to Hunter Biden to renegotiate it with the United Nations. NAFTA must be immediately reinstated with a billion dollars going to Hunter Biden to renegotiate it with our former trade partners on this side of the globe. And the trade agreement with Asia must be fully reinstated after a billion dollars to Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is so good he does not need any experience to be on any board of directors or negotiate any deal. He read Trump's "Art of The Deal".
We need to fully militarize the border of Syria, and Trump must tear down the wall between us and Mexico so our new citizen voters can pour into our nation and raise the living standards for all current Americans. An executive order to stop producing oil, gas, and coal in America must be signed today and we must again be cowed by the OPEC cartel. Another billions dollars must go to Hunter Biden to negotiate fair pricing with OPEC.
The witch hunt against the Trump Witch Hunters must be halted. Barr and Durham must be relieved of duty today, and Hunter Biden must get another billion dollars to pick their replacements.
All the regulations Trump nixed must be fully restored and Hunter Biden must be given another billion dollars to over see this process.
The American Embasy must be removed from Jerusalem immediately and Hunter Biden must be given one billion dollars to pick the new embassy site.
Al Bagdadi must be put back together from the million pieces his suicide bomb created and resuscitated. Hunter Biden must be given a billion dollars to over see this process.
The penalty for Obamacare must be reinstated retroactively. Hunter Biden must be given a billion dollars to see to it.
Gorsech and Kavanough must be impeached from the Supreme Court replaced by ones chosen by, you guessed it, Hunter Biden, and his customary one billion dollars!
Jim Comey must have his job back as the director of the FBI. And HB should get a billion dollars to help with the transition.
The stock market must fully reverse to pre Donald Trump levels, and HB should get a trillion dollars to see to it the fall is fair.
Hillary Clinton must be declared the 2016 presidential winner and the Clinton Foundation should be awarded 2 trillion dollars as a down payment on the monies it lost due to her loss in the first place. We all know the foundation would have raked in much more in pay for play but America must be frugal as we are already 23 trillion in the hole.
Ok, Google are we good?
Hunter Biden Chancre, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Pelosi's petty pack of pols cannot legislate their plans for Medicare for All, Tax the Rich Til There Are No Rich, Destroy the Second Admendment, Open Borders with Mexico, end the Electoral College, with Donald Trump as President since he would surely veto these Schiff for Brains plans. Even if the Senate voted with the dims.
They need to impeach 45 or at least impede 45 for any hope at regaining power in 2020. And impede 45 they have, but not enough to keep Orange Man Bad from being good, really good for the country.
Unemployment, disengagements in the Middle East, lower taxes, renegotiating unfair trade agreements, pulling out of the unfair Paris Climate Accord, rebuilding our depleted military, and draining the swamp, reducing over bearing bureaucratic regulations, reversing Obama's mighty pen putsch push, thanks Google for warning me my content is not approved, this way I know I am on the right track!
Barr and Durham are on the deep state coop like white on rice. Is white on rice racist? Second Google warning! I will try to tow the line in the rest of this work.
Anyway what I meant to say was Hillary Clinton is the real president since she got at least 3 million more votes than the Usurper Donald Trump. And Pelosi and A. Schiff are doing yeomans work keeping Trump and his misbegoten plans for making America great again in check. And Medicare for all, and our immigrants from South of the border first is the icing on the cake for middle America. Open voting is the only fair process in an open democracy. I agree residency and not citizenship is the most important factor in rights to vote. The Paris Climate Accord should be reinstated with a billion dollars going to Hunter Biden to renegotiate it with the United Nations. NAFTA must be immediately reinstated with a billion dollars going to Hunter Biden to renegotiate it with our former trade partners on this side of the globe. And the trade agreement with Asia must be fully reinstated after a billion dollars to Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is so good he does not need any experience to be on any board of directors or negotiate any deal. He read Trump's "Art of The Deal".
We need to fully militarize the border of Syria, and Trump must tear down the wall between us and Mexico so our new citizen voters can pour into our nation and raise the living standards for all current Americans. An executive order to stop producing oil, gas, and coal in America must be signed today and we must again be cowed by the OPEC cartel. Another billions dollars must go to Hunter Biden to negotiate fair pricing with OPEC.
The witch hunt against the Trump Witch Hunters must be halted. Barr and Durham must be relieved of duty today, and Hunter Biden must get another billion dollars to pick their replacements.
All the regulations Trump nixed must be fully restored and Hunter Biden must be given another billion dollars to over see this process.
The American Embasy must be removed from Jerusalem immediately and Hunter Biden must be given one billion dollars to pick the new embassy site.
Al Bagdadi must be put back together from the million pieces his suicide bomb created and resuscitated. Hunter Biden must be given a billion dollars to over see this process.
The penalty for Obamacare must be reinstated retroactively. Hunter Biden must be given a billion dollars to see to it.
Gorsech and Kavanough must be impeached from the Supreme Court replaced by ones chosen by, you guessed it, Hunter Biden, and his customary one billion dollars!
Jim Comey must have his job back as the director of the FBI. And HB should get a billion dollars to help with the transition.
The stock market must fully reverse to pre Donald Trump levels, and HB should get a trillion dollars to see to it the fall is fair.
Hillary Clinton must be declared the 2016 presidential winner and the Clinton Foundation should be awarded 2 trillion dollars as a down payment on the monies it lost due to her loss in the first place. We all know the foundation would have raked in much more in pay for play but America must be frugal as we are already 23 trillion in the hole.
Ok, Google are we good?
Hunter Biden Chancre, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Kamala Harris From The Golden State Of California, And Tulsi Gabbard Is From Hawaii
Senator Kamala Harris is all hat and no cattle. Tulsi Gabbard cleaned her clock in the last debate. Representative Gabbard is making in roads into the democrat primary such that the old hag of the DNC, Hillary Rodham Clinton, twice failed candidate for the presidency, has attacked her as though Tulsi was one of her husband's peccadillo's.
Now Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent. I cannot doubt Ms. Clinton for she has the security clearance and is privy to information those of us in fly-over country are never to see.
All I can say is if the Russians picked Tulsi and Trump, they have a record of picking winners. And that they failed to chose Hillary should demonstrate Russia's knack for avoiding corrupt losers.
Since I have been watching Senator Harris she seems to have morphed and her face is seemingly pinched with eyes set to close for my viewing pleasure, and a neck better suited to a pachyderm. I do not mean to be critical of her looks, but I am. She does not look presidential. No orange glow?
The Whistleblower with connections to Joe Biden and the CIA and now Adam Schiff's congressional staff has failed to materialize in the Ukraine-Trump brewhaha. Just another slight of hand by Schiff in his attempt to thwart President Trump and his plans to Make and Keep America Great.
And now we learn David DuKKKe was paid $10,000 by the Clinton Foundation to endorse Tulsi Gabbard, more evidence she is hated by the DNC establishment.
Tulsi Gabbard is the dark horse and will have the first or second place on the democrat ticket. That the entrenched powers in the party are ganging up against her is a testament to her popularity among the talent-less democrat troupe in which she is the shining star in a dark sea of mediocrity.
Joe Biden, openly corrupt and openly stupid, Eliz Warren, why tell the truth when a lie sounds better, Capt Buttegeig, Mayor of nowhere, nobody can spell his name, Bern Sanders, older than dirt with slightly more moisture, Beto O'Rourke, what every parent's nightmare is in 40 yr old child, Kamala Harris, snarky, sneaky, cut-throat, unattractive voice, self-aggrandizing, Tulsi Gabbard, articulate, attractive, Russian agent, winner!
Well, I will sign off now as I have to go fishing with my son Joe Biden Chancre II now.
Joe Biden Chancre, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Now Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent. I cannot doubt Ms. Clinton for she has the security clearance and is privy to information those of us in fly-over country are never to see.
All I can say is if the Russians picked Tulsi and Trump, they have a record of picking winners. And that they failed to chose Hillary should demonstrate Russia's knack for avoiding corrupt losers.
Since I have been watching Senator Harris she seems to have morphed and her face is seemingly pinched with eyes set to close for my viewing pleasure, and a neck better suited to a pachyderm. I do not mean to be critical of her looks, but I am. She does not look presidential. No orange glow?
The Whistleblower with connections to Joe Biden and the CIA and now Adam Schiff's congressional staff has failed to materialize in the Ukraine-Trump brewhaha. Just another slight of hand by Schiff in his attempt to thwart President Trump and his plans to Make and Keep America Great.
And now we learn David DuKKKe was paid $10,000 by the Clinton Foundation to endorse Tulsi Gabbard, more evidence she is hated by the DNC establishment.
Tulsi Gabbard is the dark horse and will have the first or second place on the democrat ticket. That the entrenched powers in the party are ganging up against her is a testament to her popularity among the talent-less democrat troupe in which she is the shining star in a dark sea of mediocrity.
Joe Biden, openly corrupt and openly stupid, Eliz Warren, why tell the truth when a lie sounds better, Capt Buttegeig, Mayor of nowhere, nobody can spell his name, Bern Sanders, older than dirt with slightly more moisture, Beto O'Rourke, what every parent's nightmare is in 40 yr old child, Kamala Harris, snarky, sneaky, cut-throat, unattractive voice, self-aggrandizing, Tulsi Gabbard, articulate, attractive, Russian agent, winner!
Well, I will sign off now as I have to go fishing with my son Joe Biden Chancre II now.
Joe Biden Chancre, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Trans-Identity Crisis Syndrome (TICS): It's Not A Joke!
Folks, trans-identity crisis syndorme (TICS) is sweeping the nation. From the woman in the northwest who self identifies as a black, to presidental contender and possible front runner Elizabeth Warren, who self identifies as Native American, TICS is as real as it gets here in America.
I have thought about it a long time and I believe I, too, am a TICS sufferer.
I am Hunter Biden, but unlike my identity doppelganger, Hunter Biden, I can truthfully say I have not received one RED Cent from China nor $1.5 billion, or any amount in betwixt!
Now this being said, I am demanding all my rights and privileges coming to a Biden. To deny my belief in my Bidenism would be to deny my civil rights and I could sue anyone who would deny me a cake for my coming out party.
I have the same experience as my doppelganger when it comes to everything, so there is no limit to the types and numbers of boards on which I could be appointed. I have included my resume below for my potential employers.
I have emailed my TICS father about my new identity but as yet have not heard back from him or his campaign. I hope he is not a Trans-identity crisis syndrome denier!
I will keep this small and elite audience posted on my progress.
I think I will go out and buy a new wardrobe to go with my new found identity. What would Joe and Hunter wear?
Resume, Hunter Biden
born: October 16, 2019
age: 66
sex: love it
religion: yes
political affiliations: which way the wind blows
interests and hobbies: politics, false teeth, hair plugs, pharmaceuticals
talent stack: I can type 30 wpm, I read at a 4th grade level, I am a good swimmer
other special qualities: my eyes are green, currently I am STD free!
personal contact information
phone: 1-877-bribeme
JDM President UPLC
I have thought about it a long time and I believe I, too, am a TICS sufferer.
I am Hunter Biden, but unlike my identity doppelganger, Hunter Biden, I can truthfully say I have not received one RED Cent from China nor $1.5 billion, or any amount in betwixt!
Now this being said, I am demanding all my rights and privileges coming to a Biden. To deny my belief in my Bidenism would be to deny my civil rights and I could sue anyone who would deny me a cake for my coming out party.
I have the same experience as my doppelganger when it comes to everything, so there is no limit to the types and numbers of boards on which I could be appointed. I have included my resume below for my potential employers.
I have emailed my TICS father about my new identity but as yet have not heard back from him or his campaign. I hope he is not a Trans-identity crisis syndrome denier!
I will keep this small and elite audience posted on my progress.
I think I will go out and buy a new wardrobe to go with my new found identity. What would Joe and Hunter wear?
Resume, Hunter Biden
born: October 16, 2019
age: 66
sex: love it
religion: yes
political affiliations: which way the wind blows
interests and hobbies: politics, false teeth, hair plugs, pharmaceuticals
talent stack: I can type 30 wpm, I read at a 4th grade level, I am a good swimmer
other special qualities: my eyes are green, currently I am STD free!
personal contact information
phone: 1-877-bribeme
JDM President UPLC
Time To Move 7 Million Hong Kongers To Mobile Alabama, Hang With Hong Kong
Dear Mr. Maybolt,
To the president of the prestigious Urban Poverty Law Center, I am writing for your help.
I represent 7 million Chinese who live in Hong Kong and are being brutalized for our belief in freedom and democracy by the communist Chinese.
I know a man of your importance has the ear of the great and wonderful President Donald J. Trump.
This is what I am begging from you.
Please tell President Trump he needs to mobilize all his humanitarian forces and move all 7 million of us to Mobile, Alabama and we can bring the kind of prosperity to this part of the America it never imagined.
Alternatively, he could move a million or so to some of the more communistic blue states and turn them Red. Ha, Ha, Ha, I make joke. Hong Kong citizen make America Red!
I fear China will come down on my fellow Hong Kongers in a most serious and brutal way.
Please get my request to President Trump. He is fine man.
I am eternally indebted to you,
Sum Ting Wong, Hong Kong
I have forwarded this message to the White House and hope it is passed along to the greatest President America ever produced.
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
To the president of the prestigious Urban Poverty Law Center, I am writing for your help.
I represent 7 million Chinese who live in Hong Kong and are being brutalized for our belief in freedom and democracy by the communist Chinese.
I know a man of your importance has the ear of the great and wonderful President Donald J. Trump.
This is what I am begging from you.
Please tell President Trump he needs to mobilize all his humanitarian forces and move all 7 million of us to Mobile, Alabama and we can bring the kind of prosperity to this part of the America it never imagined.
Alternatively, he could move a million or so to some of the more communistic blue states and turn them Red. Ha, Ha, Ha, I make joke. Hong Kong citizen make America Red!
I fear China will come down on my fellow Hong Kongers in a most serious and brutal way.
Please get my request to President Trump. He is fine man.
I am eternally indebted to you,
Sum Ting Wong, Hong Kong
I have forwarded this message to the White House and hope it is passed along to the greatest President America ever produced.
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Trump's Reign Over Washington Needs Impeachment For His Re-election
Google's AI will spin and whirl and squeal with my first line in support of president Trump.
President Donald J. Trump is the only honest politician in Washington, DC. Yes, I wrote it, and it is true.
Joe Biden and his spawn are corrupt. The $50,000 per month payment to Hunter Biden is a lie. It was $168,000 a month, funny 168,000 x 12 months is 2 million. This is a million dollars to Hunter Biden a year and a million to the partner.
Say it ain't so, Joe!
Impeach this president for draining the corruption in Washington, DC at your own peril, democrats. Impeachment will seal his re-election!
All the kick backs and skulduggery and subterfuge will come out in the end and it will be you who will be disgraced.
I suggest if you have skeletons in your political closets as it pertains to graft and payoffs, announce your retirement from politics now and hire the best lawyers your ill-gotten funds can afford.
Red state Americans have had a belly full of your kind of politics.
Trump was voted in to take care of the corruption which has gone out of control over the past 30 years.
We cannot depend on the media to investigate honestly. Corporate America is a joke. But what would you expect from a bunch of profit whores.
By the way, if anyone has $168,000 to give my institute I would gladly retract this missive.
Until then, I am with our President.
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
President Donald J. Trump is the only honest politician in Washington, DC. Yes, I wrote it, and it is true.
Joe Biden and his spawn are corrupt. The $50,000 per month payment to Hunter Biden is a lie. It was $168,000 a month, funny 168,000 x 12 months is 2 million. This is a million dollars to Hunter Biden a year and a million to the partner.
Say it ain't so, Joe!
Impeach this president for draining the corruption in Washington, DC at your own peril, democrats. Impeachment will seal his re-election!
All the kick backs and skulduggery and subterfuge will come out in the end and it will be you who will be disgraced.
I suggest if you have skeletons in your political closets as it pertains to graft and payoffs, announce your retirement from politics now and hire the best lawyers your ill-gotten funds can afford.
Red state Americans have had a belly full of your kind of politics.
Trump was voted in to take care of the corruption which has gone out of control over the past 30 years.
We cannot depend on the media to investigate honestly. Corporate America is a joke. But what would you expect from a bunch of profit whores.
By the way, if anyone has $168,000 to give my institute I would gladly retract this missive.
Until then, I am with our President.
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Wise Up President Trump Switch Parties And Take A Bribe
Wise up President Trump, give up your archaic view of what is legal vs illegal in politics.
You and your family could really cash in if you will convert to Democrat and then your sons and daughters could be put on the Ukrainian and Chinese and whose knows how many other countries payroll for millions and perhaps even billions of dollars!
Then the media would have to stop the assault on you and your presidency and maybe we could get the bribes into the trillions and retire our debt to the deep state bankers?
President Trump what could we lose? Just use the tried and true Clinton/Biden/Obama for accepting bribes to family members.
If you can't beat them join them.
Of course I am only kidding. You keep being Trump and MAGA and KAG!
Sarcastic Jack, President UPLC
You and your family could really cash in if you will convert to Democrat and then your sons and daughters could be put on the Ukrainian and Chinese and whose knows how many other countries payroll for millions and perhaps even billions of dollars!
Then the media would have to stop the assault on you and your presidency and maybe we could get the bribes into the trillions and retire our debt to the deep state bankers?
President Trump what could we lose? Just use the tried and true Clinton/Biden/Obama for accepting bribes to family members.
If you can't beat them join them.
Of course I am only kidding. You keep being Trump and MAGA and KAG!
Sarcastic Jack, President UPLC
Are Media Pro-Democrat Due To Bribes Paid
The real question is why does the media protect corrupt pols on the D side?
Money, Biden money, is probably flowing to these enablers from the corrupt pols.
Follow the money, audits of the forensic type may be helpful.
Money, Biden money, is probably flowing to these enablers from the corrupt pols.
Follow the money, audits of the forensic type may be helpful.
Unsolicited Email From Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr
I received this unsolicited email yesterday. It needs no explanation.
September 30, 2019
Honorable Jacksone Delano Maybolt
President Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, Tennessee
Dear President Maybolt:
I am the 42 yr old bastard son of Vice President Joe Biden. My mother interned for him back in the late 70's when he was a senator. She was just a kid when he done what he done to her leaving her with me. I did not know this until she died last week of breast cancer, and she tearfully admitted to her fling with Poppa Joe Biden as she referred to him. It was a series of 2 minute affairs as he explained to mother at the time he was a very busy man and he loved her very much. She never told him about me.
I am wondering if you can help me with my paternity case against VP Biden and if I am entitled to some of the bribery and skulduggery those with the Biden name have come to enjoy. I have worked hard all my life and never dabbled in drugs or affairs with my brother's widow and hope this will not disqualify me in the eyes of Pops.
I believe my father, Joe Biden, is an honest man and when he learns about me I will be brought into the fold and the checks from China and the Ukraine will start to flow. I wonder if dad shook down any other semi-corrupt countries and if I am setting my sights too low?
Anyway if you could help me get my story out I would appreciate it.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.
This is shocking!
September 30, 2019
Honorable Jacksone Delano Maybolt
President Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, Tennessee
Dear President Maybolt:
I am the 42 yr old bastard son of Vice President Joe Biden. My mother interned for him back in the late 70's when he was a senator. She was just a kid when he done what he done to her leaving her with me. I did not know this until she died last week of breast cancer, and she tearfully admitted to her fling with Poppa Joe Biden as she referred to him. It was a series of 2 minute affairs as he explained to mother at the time he was a very busy man and he loved her very much. She never told him about me.
I am wondering if you can help me with my paternity case against VP Biden and if I am entitled to some of the bribery and skulduggery those with the Biden name have come to enjoy. I have worked hard all my life and never dabbled in drugs or affairs with my brother's widow and hope this will not disqualify me in the eyes of Pops.
I believe my father, Joe Biden, is an honest man and when he learns about me I will be brought into the fold and the checks from China and the Ukraine will start to flow. I wonder if dad shook down any other semi-corrupt countries and if I am setting my sights too low?
Anyway if you could help me get my story out I would appreciate it.
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.
This is shocking!
Monday, September 30, 2019
Impeachment Will Open Problems For Washington Insiders, Or Does DC Stand For Democrat Corruption?
The Aidem are protecting Eciv Tnediserp Eoj Nedib from the Eniarku Retnuh Nedib corruption.
Glossing over all the improprieties of money for nothing scams that in all likelihood are flowing all over Washington like Asian Carp through our locks and dams systems.
$83,000 a month was paid to Retnuh as a member of the board of directors of a shady Nainiarku gas company, Barisma Chrisma, Harri, Harri Khrisna. This is a fact and the number thrown around by the Sserp defenders of the Nedibs is only $50,000 here as the real number is roughly a million dollars a year, paid out to the Eciv Tnediserp's son.
The sserp is in a hissy fit to keep this investigation only about Trump and wants desperately to keep this off the Nedibs!
Google has caught on to my scribblings and warned of its not being saved due to a problem with content?
The truth will prevail. Political scandals will rise up and smite the wicked. The Sserp is in for it's come-uppens as well.
And when the Esenihc Nedib scandal is fully exposed, ditto above.
1.5 billion dollars to buy secret technology for the Esenihc from American companies through Retnuh Nedib's front group, what!
The Nedib's are going to need a lot of starch in their collars if justice is meted out.
Glossing over all the improprieties of money for nothing scams that in all likelihood are flowing all over Washington like Asian Carp through our locks and dams systems.
$83,000 a month was paid to Retnuh as a member of the board of directors of a shady Nainiarku gas company, Barisma Chrisma, Harri, Harri Khrisna. This is a fact and the number thrown around by the Sserp defenders of the Nedibs is only $50,000 here as the real number is roughly a million dollars a year, paid out to the Eciv Tnediserp's son.
The sserp is in a hissy fit to keep this investigation only about Trump and wants desperately to keep this off the Nedibs!
Google has caught on to my scribblings and warned of its not being saved due to a problem with content?
The truth will prevail. Political scandals will rise up and smite the wicked. The Sserp is in for it's come-uppens as well.
And when the Esenihc Nedib scandal is fully exposed, ditto above.
1.5 billion dollars to buy secret technology for the Esenihc from American companies through Retnuh Nedib's front group, what!
The Nedib's are going to need a lot of starch in their collars if justice is meted out.
Clinton Foundation Contributions Dry UP, The Trump Foundation Needs Our Contribution
Have you made that all important contribution to the greatest charitable organization of all time yet?
You know of what I write.
Yes, the Clinton Foundation. Seems the contributions to this great and venerable charity have plummeted since Trump ousted the Clintons from power.
In 2016 216 million dollars poured into this farce and the total for 2017 was a paltry 26 million.
Nothing to buy from nothing to sell. A charitable foundation that can only muster 6 cents to charity on the dollar is not efficient, it is money laundering. Say you want to donate 100 dollars to a charity with a 6% efficiency quotient, you would be 18% more effective if you gave $7 directly to the recipient of your largess and burned the other $93.
The scam of the CF is open to the public now and the buyers of political favor currently have nowhere to send their unneeded monies.
Let me propose to President Trump and his lovely family, the time is ripe for the Trump Foundation and the Trump Global Initiative to counter the corrupt CF and its evil twin, the CGI.
This would be a wonderful thing and place Barron in charge as the Titular head to counter the Soros sponsored nonsense of Greta T. and the Globalist cabal.
Wow a 11 yr old Trump heading up a true charity. Watch the money roll in!
Jdm, puplc
You know of what I write.
Yes, the Clinton Foundation. Seems the contributions to this great and venerable charity have plummeted since Trump ousted the Clintons from power.
In 2016 216 million dollars poured into this farce and the total for 2017 was a paltry 26 million.
Nothing to buy from nothing to sell. A charitable foundation that can only muster 6 cents to charity on the dollar is not efficient, it is money laundering. Say you want to donate 100 dollars to a charity with a 6% efficiency quotient, you would be 18% more effective if you gave $7 directly to the recipient of your largess and burned the other $93.
The scam of the CF is open to the public now and the buyers of political favor currently have nowhere to send their unneeded monies.
Let me propose to President Trump and his lovely family, the time is ripe for the Trump Foundation and the Trump Global Initiative to counter the corrupt CF and its evil twin, the CGI.
This would be a wonderful thing and place Barron in charge as the Titular head to counter the Soros sponsored nonsense of Greta T. and the Globalist cabal.
Wow a 11 yr old Trump heading up a true charity. Watch the money roll in!
Jdm, puplc
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Declas? The People Can't Handle The Declas!
Why can't the senate investigate the DNC-Democrat house and senate- Ukraine- Biden quid pro quo debacle? Corruption!
The senate and house are completely corrupt with money from ill gotten gains. Are foreign aid moneys routinely kicked back to our valued leaders? Where did Obama get the billions to give Iran?
I wonder did Iranian money buy the Obama Martha's Vineyard mansion?
It is looking like Trump is the only honest pol in Washington.
It is starting to look like the original sin was not Eve eating the apple but stealing it!
Nancy Pelosi and her proclamation of impeachment inquiry is a great embarrassment. Her timing was off. She needs to have a mentis compis evaluation post haste.
For years the United States was looked upon as the stalwart in a lawless world. Where justice was blind. Where the law was applied equally to rich and poor. Loud foul buzzer!
The criminal class has migrated to politics like flies to scat.
It looks like it is going to take more than one honest president to drain the swamp.
Swamp, hell, it is looking more like a sewer.
The congress is no longer functioning and is frozen. The senate is on life support. The media has lost its ability to find and report the truth.
The American dream has become a nightmare where ex bartenders and 16 yr old actresses from Sweden lecture adults about unproven climate worries and rail against capitalism, and 70 yr old senators claim to have American Indian heritage to get hired on at an Ivy League school.
An America where presidents can weaponize the CIA, FBI, IRS, EPA, and BATF and the press will happily look the other way. Spies can be planted in opposing political party's campaigns and bogus charges of foreign collusion can be investigated by a very partisan team to hamstring a duly elected president.
Gitmo is not large enough to accommodate those who deserve federal housing.
I do not know if America can survive the coming declas.
Like Jack Nicholson proclaims: "The Truth! You can't handle the Truth!"
Our leaders have broken the bond of trust that once served as the glue that held this country together.
The loss of trust will be very hard to re-establish.
This current bunch of pols must be replaced and they should resign immediately and new elections be called. The amendment that took the election of the senate away from state legislators to the popular vote must be repealed because the founders had it right. The senate is to bid on the state's behalf, the congress on the people, and the president is the umpire. Now the government is for sale to the highest bidder.
This arrangement cannot last. The people are woke.
President Trump's call for independent audits of current lawmakers and families should be instituted immediately by the former employees of Arthur Anderson. Anyone who fails the audit must have fortunes forfeited for the green new deal.
I am afraid we do not know the depth and breadth of the corruption that has taken root in our elective officers.
I fear it is too late to salvage. If the declas only points out a few bad apples, then great get them out of office and hire some new apples, but I fear the barrel is rotten and placing a few fresh apples in a putrid barrel is only a stop gap measure.
We are doomed.
At least we have a President in Trump who is trying his best to do the right thing for America and the American people, all of the people.
God Bless President Trump and with President Trump God Truly Blessed America!
jdm puplc
The senate and house are completely corrupt with money from ill gotten gains. Are foreign aid moneys routinely kicked back to our valued leaders? Where did Obama get the billions to give Iran?
I wonder did Iranian money buy the Obama Martha's Vineyard mansion?
It is looking like Trump is the only honest pol in Washington.
It is starting to look like the original sin was not Eve eating the apple but stealing it!
Nancy Pelosi and her proclamation of impeachment inquiry is a great embarrassment. Her timing was off. She needs to have a mentis compis evaluation post haste.
For years the United States was looked upon as the stalwart in a lawless world. Where justice was blind. Where the law was applied equally to rich and poor. Loud foul buzzer!
The criminal class has migrated to politics like flies to scat.
It looks like it is going to take more than one honest president to drain the swamp.
Swamp, hell, it is looking more like a sewer.
The congress is no longer functioning and is frozen. The senate is on life support. The media has lost its ability to find and report the truth.
The American dream has become a nightmare where ex bartenders and 16 yr old actresses from Sweden lecture adults about unproven climate worries and rail against capitalism, and 70 yr old senators claim to have American Indian heritage to get hired on at an Ivy League school.
An America where presidents can weaponize the CIA, FBI, IRS, EPA, and BATF and the press will happily look the other way. Spies can be planted in opposing political party's campaigns and bogus charges of foreign collusion can be investigated by a very partisan team to hamstring a duly elected president.
Gitmo is not large enough to accommodate those who deserve federal housing.
I do not know if America can survive the coming declas.
Like Jack Nicholson proclaims: "The Truth! You can't handle the Truth!"
Our leaders have broken the bond of trust that once served as the glue that held this country together.
The loss of trust will be very hard to re-establish.
This current bunch of pols must be replaced and they should resign immediately and new elections be called. The amendment that took the election of the senate away from state legislators to the popular vote must be repealed because the founders had it right. The senate is to bid on the state's behalf, the congress on the people, and the president is the umpire. Now the government is for sale to the highest bidder.
This arrangement cannot last. The people are woke.
President Trump's call for independent audits of current lawmakers and families should be instituted immediately by the former employees of Arthur Anderson. Anyone who fails the audit must have fortunes forfeited for the green new deal.
I am afraid we do not know the depth and breadth of the corruption that has taken root in our elective officers.
I fear it is too late to salvage. If the declas only points out a few bad apples, then great get them out of office and hire some new apples, but I fear the barrel is rotten and placing a few fresh apples in a putrid barrel is only a stop gap measure.
We are doomed.
At least we have a President in Trump who is trying his best to do the right thing for America and the American people, all of the people.
God Bless President Trump and with President Trump God Truly Blessed America!
jdm puplc
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Looks Like Hitler Visited Sweden
Greta Thunberg's fiery speech to the UN had all the passion and facial mannerisms of her great grandfather, Adolf Hitler?
Her facial distortions appeared possessed. She is a very young looking 16 yr old and not very convincing in her pleas.
I agree with President Trump's tweet.
"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!"
A useful idiot?
Her facial distortions appeared possessed. She is a very young looking 16 yr old and not very convincing in her pleas.
I agree with President Trump's tweet.
"She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!"
A useful idiot?
SloJo Is Going Down, Ukraine The Gravey Train Political Kickback Scheme: A Billion For U And Three Million For Retnuh
So SloJo Nedib and Cooked Yrallih like free money!
Apparently more than political viability! Americans can put up with a lot of faults in their political leaders, sex, (Bill C.) and crude locker room talk among men, chicks for free may be ok, but money for nothing is crossing the line.
SloJo Nedib has just lost his Mojo to a few measly Billion dollars funneled to his son Retnuh.
I cannot see this fatally corrupt politicial figure finishing the democrat primary and may even soon be placed in a nursing home for failed democrat pols where he will occupy a wheelchair next to the other gloriously corrupt couple Llib and Yrallih Notnilc!
American politics is not a game to be played by the poor. Isn't it interesting that the corruption could only be pointed out by an honest business man who has serious money without selling favors to the highest bidder.
President Trump is disinfectant in a seriously sick and infected political process.
Great times to be alive in the good ole USA!
Apparently more than political viability! Americans can put up with a lot of faults in their political leaders, sex, (Bill C.) and crude locker room talk among men, chicks for free may be ok, but money for nothing is crossing the line.
SloJo Nedib has just lost his Mojo to a few measly Billion dollars funneled to his son Retnuh.
I cannot see this fatally corrupt politicial figure finishing the democrat primary and may even soon be placed in a nursing home for failed democrat pols where he will occupy a wheelchair next to the other gloriously corrupt couple Llib and Yrallih Notnilc!
American politics is not a game to be played by the poor. Isn't it interesting that the corruption could only be pointed out by an honest business man who has serious money without selling favors to the highest bidder.
President Trump is disinfectant in a seriously sick and infected political process.
Great times to be alive in the good ole USA!
Monday, September 23, 2019
Carbon Dioxide, Its What's For Breakfast Or Global Warming And Trump
Before my mishap with the JD manure spreader which left my legs bent and useless, I attended a prestigious university out West and with some grit and hard work successfully completed a PhD in Chemistry.
I am not a scientist, but I was one for 4 and a half years.
With this background I find myself in the 2 to 3 percent of the population which believes carbon dioxide is good and there can never be too much.
I have based my opinion on my understanding of molecular science and a few you tube programs presented by Professor William Happer, an emeritus physics professor from Princeton, and Dr. Patrick Moore, former president of Green Peace.
Dr. Happer is a delightfully wonkish and stereotypical professor who explains the levels of CO2 have been markedly higher on earth for millions of years and life did just fine. He makes fun of the EPA which declared CO2 a pollutant, and he brings his CO2 detector out at his lecture and posits what level is the CO2 in the lecture room?
We know the levels of CO2 outside are 420 ppm (parts per million) in our atmosphere.
The room is a moderate sized lecture room at a university filled to capacity like a Trump Rally.
The level is measured and found to be 4 times that of the atmosphere, 1800 ppm as he explains we exhale carbon dioxide at levels of 40,000 ppm. "Is anyone feeling sick?" big laugh.
The ocean is taking CO2 out of the atmosphere and chemically converting it to Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) or limestone. Could Coral be dying because the CO2 levels are falling.
We know that plant life cannot survive levels of CO2 under 150ppm.
So the bottom line plants thrive with higher levels of CO2 and greenhouses actually artificially raise the levels to make the plants grow better.
Carbon is the basis for all life, plant and animal. Oil and gas burning releases the carbon that was stored by plant and animals of our past and allows it to be recycled.
If the Carbon Dioxide level doubles from 400 to 800 ppm the earth's warms 0.8 degrees Centigrade under some models. For the next 0.8 degrees centigrade rise it would take the CO2 level to go from 800 ppm to 1600 ppm.
For my Farenheit crippled readers 0.8 degrees C is 1.17 degrees F.
Dr. Moore posits we should not burn coal so it could be liquefied into usable hydrocarbons when the oil and gas supply is depleted.
In the future the solution to prevent lowering CO2 to plantageddon ( below 150 ppm) is to burn Calcium Carbonate with nuclear power and use nuclear power as our source of cheap electricity. India is building 50 new generation 4 nuclear power plants, Russia 50 and China 100. The USA, crippled by its very vocal eco freaks, is planning to build ZERO!
Bottom line, Carbon chemistry plays a vital role and CO2 is a huge player. Plants through photosynthesis take sunlight and carbon dioxide and combine water to make Glucose C6H6O6 which animals eat and glucose is the fuel for our brains and everything else which drives our life. Our cells take the glucose and through the Krebbs cycle convert glucose into Adenosine triphosphate and CO2 and H2O. Adenosine triphosphate is our energy storage unit and is utilized to keep us going.
Now for the irony. The school children played hooky from school to protest the climate change and I suggest we have them make it up this next Saturday by watching Drs. Patrick Moore and William Happer explain the real science of Carbon and not the touchy feely pseudoscience barked by Al Gore and his global warming hysterical scientific heretics.
God has set this world up to run like a Swiss watch. We only need to worry about the wrong people coming into power and we need to be very very worried now from what I can see. To these Global Warming fanatics there is no God, so who is their master?
The fires of hell burn coal and natural gas, perhaps Satan does not like the competition, and his minions in Hollywood and the press are doing his bidding.
President Trump does not buy into the Global Warming hysteria and I like that. But we need to push for 4th generation nuclear power if we want to compete with the rest of the world.
JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center
I am not a scientist, but I was one for 4 and a half years.
With this background I find myself in the 2 to 3 percent of the population which believes carbon dioxide is good and there can never be too much.
I have based my opinion on my understanding of molecular science and a few you tube programs presented by Professor William Happer, an emeritus physics professor from Princeton, and Dr. Patrick Moore, former president of Green Peace.
Dr. Happer is a delightfully wonkish and stereotypical professor who explains the levels of CO2 have been markedly higher on earth for millions of years and life did just fine. He makes fun of the EPA which declared CO2 a pollutant, and he brings his CO2 detector out at his lecture and posits what level is the CO2 in the lecture room?
We know the levels of CO2 outside are 420 ppm (parts per million) in our atmosphere.
The room is a moderate sized lecture room at a university filled to capacity like a Trump Rally.
The level is measured and found to be 4 times that of the atmosphere, 1800 ppm as he explains we exhale carbon dioxide at levels of 40,000 ppm. "Is anyone feeling sick?" big laugh.
The ocean is taking CO2 out of the atmosphere and chemically converting it to Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) or limestone. Could Coral be dying because the CO2 levels are falling.
We know that plant life cannot survive levels of CO2 under 150ppm.
So the bottom line plants thrive with higher levels of CO2 and greenhouses actually artificially raise the levels to make the plants grow better.
Carbon is the basis for all life, plant and animal. Oil and gas burning releases the carbon that was stored by plant and animals of our past and allows it to be recycled.
If the Carbon Dioxide level doubles from 400 to 800 ppm the earth's warms 0.8 degrees Centigrade under some models. For the next 0.8 degrees centigrade rise it would take the CO2 level to go from 800 ppm to 1600 ppm.
For my Farenheit crippled readers 0.8 degrees C is 1.17 degrees F.
Dr. Moore posits we should not burn coal so it could be liquefied into usable hydrocarbons when the oil and gas supply is depleted.
In the future the solution to prevent lowering CO2 to plantageddon ( below 150 ppm) is to burn Calcium Carbonate with nuclear power and use nuclear power as our source of cheap electricity. India is building 50 new generation 4 nuclear power plants, Russia 50 and China 100. The USA, crippled by its very vocal eco freaks, is planning to build ZERO!
Bottom line, Carbon chemistry plays a vital role and CO2 is a huge player. Plants through photosynthesis take sunlight and carbon dioxide and combine water to make Glucose C6H6O6 which animals eat and glucose is the fuel for our brains and everything else which drives our life. Our cells take the glucose and through the Krebbs cycle convert glucose into Adenosine triphosphate and CO2 and H2O. Adenosine triphosphate is our energy storage unit and is utilized to keep us going.
Now for the irony. The school children played hooky from school to protest the climate change and I suggest we have them make it up this next Saturday by watching Drs. Patrick Moore and William Happer explain the real science of Carbon and not the touchy feely pseudoscience barked by Al Gore and his global warming hysterical scientific heretics.
God has set this world up to run like a Swiss watch. We only need to worry about the wrong people coming into power and we need to be very very worried now from what I can see. To these Global Warming fanatics there is no God, so who is their master?
The fires of hell burn coal and natural gas, perhaps Satan does not like the competition, and his minions in Hollywood and the press are doing his bidding.
President Trump does not buy into the Global Warming hysteria and I like that. But we need to push for 4th generation nuclear power if we want to compete with the rest of the world.
JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Democrat On Display, OMG. Who Will Come Out On Top?
I think it may be too early to voice an opinion on the spectacular field of democrats in the presidential race. Surprisingly, I have my favorite.
Beto O'Rourke is some body's caricature of a serious candidate. His adamant gun control threats have taken him out without any shots being fired.
Slo-Joe Biden with his blown eye and his slipping mind and false teeth would be the first president to need 24 hr nursing in the White House. He is running as a place holder and has no chance at winning.
Senator Elizabet-hawatha Warren is too thin to hold down the presidency. The Marine One copter would have to stop the blades from spinning to have any chance of getting her on board for trips, and how would that look? She would be useless in 20 mile per hour wind gusts unless she was sporting lead weighted boots to increase her ballast. She is too tippy to be president.
Pete Buttekeg (spelling error) to borrow a phrase from the late great Ross Perot, "Doesn't have the skills to run a moderate sized WalMart let alone the country."
Bernie Sanders is old and crusty. His socialist rants are getting stale. What part of capitalism does he not get?
Senator Kamala Harris comes across to me as not a deplorable but a despicable. The way she speaks to witnesses in senate hearings is uncomely. She is awkward in her speaking manner and she has too much skin on her neck. She looks like she has a tan turtle neck sweater on at all times. Is there such a thing as a neck circumcision? She could sure use one.
I do not recall the names of any of the other candidates as it is too early to consider them in this tedious process the parties use to pick the leader of the free world.
I have always had a fondness for Hillary Clinton because she is a two time loser, once to Barak Obama, and once to Donald J. Trump.
If this field does not shape up for democrats, old Hillary may have the chance to lose again.
We all know she is saving herself and seeing which way the wind blows on her email scandals.
That's all for now.
The race continues but the interest is waning.
The Management, Urban Poverty Law Center
Beto O'Rourke is some body's caricature of a serious candidate. His adamant gun control threats have taken him out without any shots being fired.
Slo-Joe Biden with his blown eye and his slipping mind and false teeth would be the first president to need 24 hr nursing in the White House. He is running as a place holder and has no chance at winning.
Senator Elizabet-hawatha Warren is too thin to hold down the presidency. The Marine One copter would have to stop the blades from spinning to have any chance of getting her on board for trips, and how would that look? She would be useless in 20 mile per hour wind gusts unless she was sporting lead weighted boots to increase her ballast. She is too tippy to be president.
Pete Buttekeg (spelling error) to borrow a phrase from the late great Ross Perot, "Doesn't have the skills to run a moderate sized WalMart let alone the country."
Bernie Sanders is old and crusty. His socialist rants are getting stale. What part of capitalism does he not get?
Senator Kamala Harris comes across to me as not a deplorable but a despicable. The way she speaks to witnesses in senate hearings is uncomely. She is awkward in her speaking manner and she has too much skin on her neck. She looks like she has a tan turtle neck sweater on at all times. Is there such a thing as a neck circumcision? She could sure use one.
I do not recall the names of any of the other candidates as it is too early to consider them in this tedious process the parties use to pick the leader of the free world.
I have always had a fondness for Hillary Clinton because she is a two time loser, once to Barak Obama, and once to Donald J. Trump.
If this field does not shape up for democrats, old Hillary may have the chance to lose again.
We all know she is saving herself and seeing which way the wind blows on her email scandals.
That's all for now.
The race continues but the interest is waning.
The Management, Urban Poverty Law Center
Monday, September 2, 2019
Straight Pride Parades Can Coexist With The Other Sexuals
Straight Pride Parade? Being Straight is easy. It takes no courage to be Straight. But it appears some people in the LGBTQ clubs are miffed that Straights would parade Straightness. What's next public displays of boy on girl kissing? Public dancing of man and woman couples? Celebrations of the spawn of Straights?
So should we all step back and take a deep breath and be thankful we live in a country that celebrates everyone? Where all groups can celebrate if they wish with a parade.
It is true LGBTQ parades are more colorful than a bunch of middle aged fat males carrying banners and shouting slogans like "Who's gonna cook my dinner and change my child's poopie diaper?"
I think the power of the parade may fade if Straights adopt this form of celebration formerly only in the playbook of the sexually aggrieved. Will this cause consternation among the non-Straights?
Most Straights do not care about their neighbor's sexual orientation as long as it does not involve their minor children, P should never be included in the list of paraders.
If pedophilia is ever mainstreamed we are lost. Man-animal love, bestiality, is pushing the sexual envelope, but could be accepted by the masses, after all who doesn't love bacon?
Now that there has been a Straight Pride Parade can we add another letter to the sexual preference meme and include everyone as special?
Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual, Queer and one other classification should be included for completeness, Asexual.
So here's to saluting everyone!
SLGBTQA have a parade. I will come if I am not working. We are all children of God!
Management, UPLC
So should we all step back and take a deep breath and be thankful we live in a country that celebrates everyone? Where all groups can celebrate if they wish with a parade.
It is true LGBTQ parades are more colorful than a bunch of middle aged fat males carrying banners and shouting slogans like "Who's gonna cook my dinner and change my child's poopie diaper?"
I think the power of the parade may fade if Straights adopt this form of celebration formerly only in the playbook of the sexually aggrieved. Will this cause consternation among the non-Straights?
Most Straights do not care about their neighbor's sexual orientation as long as it does not involve their minor children, P should never be included in the list of paraders.
If pedophilia is ever mainstreamed we are lost. Man-animal love, bestiality, is pushing the sexual envelope, but could be accepted by the masses, after all who doesn't love bacon?
Now that there has been a Straight Pride Parade can we add another letter to the sexual preference meme and include everyone as special?
Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual, Queer and one other classification should be included for completeness, Asexual.
So here's to saluting everyone!
SLGBTQA have a parade. I will come if I am not working. We are all children of God!
Management, UPLC
Friday, August 23, 2019
President Trump Should Nominate A New Supreme Court Justice Now To Insure A Smooth Transition For The Next Opening
If Ruth Bader Ginsburg, elderly supreme court justice, has a cancer in her pancreas which had been radiated, it could be bad, very bad.
I suggest that President Trump get out in front by nominating his choice to fill her seat now.
It will take at least 4 months for the unfortunate nominee to run the gauntlet of irrational democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and keep a couple of the most irritating candidates for president off the campaign trail.
Harris and Booker will be nonstop critical of Trump and his premature nominee. And with pre-approval the new supreme court nominee and now justice will hit the ground running with no delay in the smooth transition of the nation's highest court.
President Trump, nominate; Mitch, start the confirmation process, and watch the media seethe and twist in agony.
Better yet nominate three in case other justices leave, or assume room temperature.
The Management UPLC
Ginsburg to the Supreme Court is like a flintlock musket to an AK-47.
I suggest that President Trump get out in front by nominating his choice to fill her seat now.
It will take at least 4 months for the unfortunate nominee to run the gauntlet of irrational democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and keep a couple of the most irritating candidates for president off the campaign trail.
Harris and Booker will be nonstop critical of Trump and his premature nominee. And with pre-approval the new supreme court nominee and now justice will hit the ground running with no delay in the smooth transition of the nation's highest court.
President Trump, nominate; Mitch, start the confirmation process, and watch the media seethe and twist in agony.
Better yet nominate three in case other justices leave, or assume room temperature.
The Management UPLC
Ginsburg to the Supreme Court is like a flintlock musket to an AK-47.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Google, Facebook, and Twitter's Sphere Of Influence Will Shrink Under President Donald Trump
The main liberal press has jumped the shark with middle America and its influence over our political future, and theirs, is nil.
I first noticed the liberal bias in the great Clinton rebuke of 1994 when the democrats were booted from office by Newt's Contract With America and Dan Rather groaned after witnessing the thrashing the dems took by stating: "This is just horrible, not a single democrat has won an open seat in this election."
It took years and years but these geniuses of the press who used to guide the public towards and away from some candidates on the right find their sphere of influence diminished to the size of a mitochondrial cell membrane width.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter will all experience the same fate since the same people who now utterly discount the Old World free press will learn to ignore the GFT bias on their computer screens and smart phones.
GFT bias is still effective, but calling them out and shining the light on it will destroy it.
President Trump has the bully pulpit and is employing it to great affect. He will buy Greenland without ever having to sit down with the Danish government to negotiate. He has already won that battle. The Danes will acquiesce.
Best President ever! Donald J. Trump.
The management, UPLC
I first noticed the liberal bias in the great Clinton rebuke of 1994 when the democrats were booted from office by Newt's Contract With America and Dan Rather groaned after witnessing the thrashing the dems took by stating: "This is just horrible, not a single democrat has won an open seat in this election."
It took years and years but these geniuses of the press who used to guide the public towards and away from some candidates on the right find their sphere of influence diminished to the size of a mitochondrial cell membrane width.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter will all experience the same fate since the same people who now utterly discount the Old World free press will learn to ignore the GFT bias on their computer screens and smart phones.
GFT bias is still effective, but calling them out and shining the light on it will destroy it.
President Trump has the bully pulpit and is employing it to great affect. He will buy Greenland without ever having to sit down with the Danish government to negotiate. He has already won that battle. The Danes will acquiesce.
Best President ever! Donald J. Trump.
The management, UPLC
Sunday, August 18, 2019
JE Is Alive! Check The Nose Of The Corpse
JE is alive and well living in a cell somewhere in the Caribbean. The corpse presented as JE was a substitute who looked dead enough, but his nose was slightly more rounded than the original JE.
So everyone who breathed a sigh of relief on hearing of JE's untimely demise is resting on false hopes. He is alive and well and already singing like Barbara Streisand at a Hillary Clinton fund raiser.
JE lives, he has turned state's witness. He has spilled more beans than a boy scout cook out. He is squealing on his friends and acquaintances.
The management, UPLC
So everyone who breathed a sigh of relief on hearing of JE's untimely demise is resting on false hopes. He is alive and well and already singing like Barbara Streisand at a Hillary Clinton fund raiser.
JE lives, he has turned state's witness. He has spilled more beans than a boy scout cook out. He is squealing on his friends and acquaintances.
The management, UPLC
Sunday, August 11, 2019
China V Hong Kong, Who Wins?
If China treats Hong Kong like President Bill Clinton and Janet Reno treated Koresh and his disciples in Waco, Texas, Trump wins the trade war and China will be shunned economically.
It is a bold move by the Chicoms but one they feel they can weather until Biden is sworn in in 2021.
If America needs immigrants open the door to the people of Hong Kong. Proven track records, educated and hard workers.
It is a bold move by the Chicoms but one they feel they can weather until Biden is sworn in in 2021.
If America needs immigrants open the door to the people of Hong Kong. Proven track records, educated and hard workers.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Poem For Big Tech Big Brother, And Big Sister, And Big Brother Who Thinks He Is A Sister And Vice Versa
Google playing with our noodle
Leftist hiding truth and strudel
Youtube leaving out the fiddle
Public watching Dems who piddle
Baltimore burns rat's delight
Cummings churns in broad daylight
Federal grants down the drain
Waste enough for a high speed train
Mayor Pugh what say you
Are your bills over due?
Leadership in the shadows
Heading for the public gallows?
So Google, Youtube show us truth
stop playing games and being uncouth
show Baltimore as a well run city
and we will give you no mo pity
Shine the light on truth today
and watch the rats run away
So Youtube, Google stop the lie
And give the truth another try
People see what you are doing
Just another public screwing
Algorithms skew the news
Touting liberal point of views
How is Russian Collusion different than
Google's Collusion with the China man?
Anti-American Anti- Trump
Google deserves a great big thump
Stop the foolishness stop the war
On half the country its gone too far
Google, Youtube listen to me
Fairness and truth will set you free
The final straw to set you off
Make America Great Again
And wait for it:
Keep America Great! Amen.
Leftist hiding truth and strudel
Youtube leaving out the fiddle
Public watching Dems who piddle
Baltimore burns rat's delight
Cummings churns in broad daylight
Federal grants down the drain
Waste enough for a high speed train
Mayor Pugh what say you
Are your bills over due?
Leadership in the shadows
Heading for the public gallows?
So Google, Youtube show us truth
stop playing games and being uncouth
show Baltimore as a well run city
and we will give you no mo pity
Shine the light on truth today
and watch the rats run away
So Youtube, Google stop the lie
And give the truth another try
People see what you are doing
Just another public screwing
Algorithms skew the news
Touting liberal point of views
How is Russian Collusion different than
Google's Collusion with the China man?
Anti-American Anti- Trump
Google deserves a great big thump
Stop the foolishness stop the war
On half the country its gone too far
Google, Youtube listen to me
Fairness and truth will set you free
The final straw to set you off
Make America Great Again
And wait for it:
Keep America Great! Amen.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Maureen Dowd Can Call For Trump's Impeachment, But Where Are The High Crimes And Mister Meaners?
Maureen Dowd, the aging famously frumpy opinion journamatrix for the NYT, has penned a piece which declares our president, a lumbering impeachable! She from so humble beginnings to such heights, nigh impossible in a single lifetime! But Ms. Dowd has done it. Now on to her President Trump rantings.
Curiously she gives no specifics as to the Trump high crimes and mister meaners, but just ejaculates onto her paper he should be impeached but the senate will not vote it in its current make up. Pity.
Well MoDo, perhaps I can help you with your list of grievances against the Great and Powerful Trump?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to be richer than you?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have a wife who is more beautiful than you?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have an American public, over 50% who get this special man and his wonderful sense of humor and adore him?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have a president who says what we all think and does not cow to political correctness?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to put America first and protect our borders and insure our elections are not swayed by illegals voting for democrats?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to open up our energy sector to end the sway the OPEC cartel has had over America for over 4 decades?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to clean up the corruption that has become Washington D. C.?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to try to bring the Korean peninsula together and bring NorKo into the fold of humanity?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to force NATO members to pay a fair share of their defense?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to be on friendly terms with Putin where cooperation against ISIS and other common threats would benefit both?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to call Baltimore out on its poor hygiene and blame its democrat leaders, maybe Elijah Cummings and his wife can use their tax free scam to buy a few more garbage trucks for the clean up?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to defend one's self from bogus charges of Russian collusion?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to point out members of congress who hate America?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to defeat the worst person ever to run for president and who lost twice?
America has found its savior, the patriot, Donald J. Trump and the only crime and mister meaner is that he did not run for office in 2012 against that fellow whose name I cannot recall.
So Maureen, honey, go get yourself some more chocolates, and buy some new cute pumps and have a few more parties with all your friends who do not understand President Trump and his appeal to ordinary Americans, and hunker down for it is going to be another hard four years for you.
Keep America Great!
Curiously she gives no specifics as to the Trump high crimes and mister meaners, but just ejaculates onto her paper he should be impeached but the senate will not vote it in its current make up. Pity.
Well MoDo, perhaps I can help you with your list of grievances against the Great and Powerful Trump?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to be richer than you?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have a wife who is more beautiful than you?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have an American public, over 50% who get this special man and his wonderful sense of humor and adore him?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have a president who says what we all think and does not cow to political correctness?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to put America first and protect our borders and insure our elections are not swayed by illegals voting for democrats?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to open up our energy sector to end the sway the OPEC cartel has had over America for over 4 decades?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to clean up the corruption that has become Washington D. C.?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to try to bring the Korean peninsula together and bring NorKo into the fold of humanity?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to force NATO members to pay a fair share of their defense?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to be on friendly terms with Putin where cooperation against ISIS and other common threats would benefit both?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to call Baltimore out on its poor hygiene and blame its democrat leaders, maybe Elijah Cummings and his wife can use their tax free scam to buy a few more garbage trucks for the clean up?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to defend one's self from bogus charges of Russian collusion?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to point out members of congress who hate America?
Is it a high crime and mister meaner to defeat the worst person ever to run for president and who lost twice?
America has found its savior, the patriot, Donald J. Trump and the only crime and mister meaner is that he did not run for office in 2012 against that fellow whose name I cannot recall.
So Maureen, honey, go get yourself some more chocolates, and buy some new cute pumps and have a few more parties with all your friends who do not understand President Trump and his appeal to ordinary Americans, and hunker down for it is going to be another hard four years for you.
Keep America Great!
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Did Robert Mueller Have A Peter Strzok?
Rob Mueller played the deaf doddering old white man in his performances in front of the house committees. A far cry from the learned Washington insider he is portrayed in the popular Trump hating press.
Did he have a Peter Strzok?
Did he deliver the knock out punch Jerry Nadler hoped for?
Did he have a Peter Strzok?
Did he deliver the knock out punch Jerry Nadler hoped for?
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
The Squad Is Odd And Trump Is Right, The Border Swings Both Ways, This Ain't Hotel California
If socialism excites your base and you are an American politician, it's time to get a new base. Pelosi and her gang of house democrats are in dire straights. The love affair the Pravda of American journalism have for the Quiff Squad or the Unfreshwomen of Congress who represent districts in New York City, Minnesota, Michigan, and Up State New York have sucked all the oxygen out of Nancy Pelosi's house of representatives.
These harpies are UnAmerican and show allegiance, in no particular order to: undocumented immigrants, Al Quaeda, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and are seeking to undermine American greatness.
President Trump has assessed these unhappy near-do-wells correctly. They hate America, speak ill of Israel and one even opened her big bilingual mouth and killed a win-win deal Amazon had made with the city of New York costing thousands of high paying jobs for struggling New Yorkers. This economics minor from Boston College, thought the billion dollar tax incentive the city was granting Amazon would be better spent on the infrastructure and the poor.
This gadfly bit the hand that feeds her rather hard with that Joe Biden Class gaff! And she never acknowledged her mistake. Maybe she still does not understand what a blunder it turned out to be.
And Ilhan Oman, the Somali princess, refers to 911 attacks on the World Trade Centers as "some people did something".
Why yes, Congresswoman Oman, some people did something to kill over 3000 innocent Americans. You have dishonored our country and should stand under a falling rock for the punishment of your sin in keeping with your noble religion's traditions. However we do not have stoning as a tradition in our western society. Honor killing is not our thing.
We believe "Sticks and Stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us! So we will talk trash with your Squad and President Trump has done that in spades already, but we will never stone or stick you for your delusional utterances. We will beat you at the ballot box. Count on it.
The bespeckled Squid member, looks more suited for a burqa than even the late Helen Thomas of the Washington press corps, has a nasty mouth, which more than once referred to the President as a MF'er. She and a catfish share a striking resemblance and when she enters the room it begins to smell like low tide in no time.
The utterances that come out of Talib's mouth confirm she is a true bottom feeder.
Ok, I am done picking on the Gaggle of Greatness known as the democrat Squad of Communists.
I hope they last for they are entertaining like George Harrison intoned on "A Hard Days Night"
"they're grody, we make fun of them and throw things at them when they come on the tele."
These harpies are UnAmerican and show allegiance, in no particular order to: undocumented immigrants, Al Quaeda, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and are seeking to undermine American greatness.
President Trump has assessed these unhappy near-do-wells correctly. They hate America, speak ill of Israel and one even opened her big bilingual mouth and killed a win-win deal Amazon had made with the city of New York costing thousands of high paying jobs for struggling New Yorkers. This economics minor from Boston College, thought the billion dollar tax incentive the city was granting Amazon would be better spent on the infrastructure and the poor.
This gadfly bit the hand that feeds her rather hard with that Joe Biden Class gaff! And she never acknowledged her mistake. Maybe she still does not understand what a blunder it turned out to be.
And Ilhan Oman, the Somali princess, refers to 911 attacks on the World Trade Centers as "some people did something".
Why yes, Congresswoman Oman, some people did something to kill over 3000 innocent Americans. You have dishonored our country and should stand under a falling rock for the punishment of your sin in keeping with your noble religion's traditions. However we do not have stoning as a tradition in our western society. Honor killing is not our thing.
We believe "Sticks and Stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us! So we will talk trash with your Squad and President Trump has done that in spades already, but we will never stone or stick you for your delusional utterances. We will beat you at the ballot box. Count on it.
The bespeckled Squid member, looks more suited for a burqa than even the late Helen Thomas of the Washington press corps, has a nasty mouth, which more than once referred to the President as a MF'er. She and a catfish share a striking resemblance and when she enters the room it begins to smell like low tide in no time.
The utterances that come out of Talib's mouth confirm she is a true bottom feeder.
Ok, I am done picking on the Gaggle of Greatness known as the democrat Squad of Communists.
I hope they last for they are entertaining like George Harrison intoned on "A Hard Days Night"
"they're grody, we make fun of them and throw things at them when they come on the tele."
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Joe Biden Gaffs And The End Of His Political Life, Who Will Face President Trump
Joe Biden, "poor guy can't help himself" quote Brit Hume. Joe Biden's gaff on Russian interference never on his and Obama's watch has placed him squarely into Hillary Clinton's bridge club of has-beens in elective presidential politics.
Too bad Biden flamed out so soon. He would have been a great place holder to lose to Donald Trump in 2020. Now the democrats will have to offer another sacrifice to fill the slot.
Will it be Bernie Socialist? Probably not his nuts are stale and are rattling around in his head.
Will mayor Pete be the first openly gay president? Nope, he has failed his mayoral duties in his small Indiana city state and is falling short of the media's great expectations.
Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren, will she be able to capture the nomination. No, she is awkward in her movements and comes across as the old maid great aunt who tries to be cool, but falls flat with the younger generation.
What about Cory Booker? No, he is a goober. Spartacus lost without getting into the coliseum.
Kamala Harris is woman enough to capture the nomination. Currently, she is the media's choice. She is just as accomplished as Hillary, who as you recall, rode a powerful politician's back from first lady of Arkansas, to co-president of the United States, to New York senator, to Secretary of State, to twice failed candidate for President of the United States. Hillary Clinton did not have it. It being what it takes to win the presidency.
Kamala Harris got her start in California politics by riding Willie Brown's coattails. She has more of it than Hillary Clinton, but is shrill and comes across to males as unlikable. On her best day she is not presidential. She is in over her head. Green New Deal, medicare for all, open borders, gun control, higher taxes, she supports 5/5 losers. If Kamala Harris gets the nomination she will be blown out by the Trump wave.
Well Google's AI is warning me my content is not approved so since I cannot recall any names of the also-rans for the democrat presidential nomination I will sign off as:
JDM PUPLC the most hated blogger by Google's AI
Too bad Biden flamed out so soon. He would have been a great place holder to lose to Donald Trump in 2020. Now the democrats will have to offer another sacrifice to fill the slot.
Will it be Bernie Socialist? Probably not his nuts are stale and are rattling around in his head.
Will mayor Pete be the first openly gay president? Nope, he has failed his mayoral duties in his small Indiana city state and is falling short of the media's great expectations.
Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren, will she be able to capture the nomination. No, she is awkward in her movements and comes across as the old maid great aunt who tries to be cool, but falls flat with the younger generation.
What about Cory Booker? No, he is a goober. Spartacus lost without getting into the coliseum.
Kamala Harris is woman enough to capture the nomination. Currently, she is the media's choice. She is just as accomplished as Hillary, who as you recall, rode a powerful politician's back from first lady of Arkansas, to co-president of the United States, to New York senator, to Secretary of State, to twice failed candidate for President of the United States. Hillary Clinton did not have it. It being what it takes to win the presidency.
Kamala Harris got her start in California politics by riding Willie Brown's coattails. She has more of it than Hillary Clinton, but is shrill and comes across to males as unlikable. On her best day she is not presidential. She is in over her head. Green New Deal, medicare for all, open borders, gun control, higher taxes, she supports 5/5 losers. If Kamala Harris gets the nomination she will be blown out by the Trump wave.
Well Google's AI is warning me my content is not approved so since I cannot recall any names of the also-rans for the democrat presidential nomination I will sign off as:
JDM PUPLC the most hated blogger by Google's AI
Biden Gaffs,
Britt Hume,
Cory Booker,
Hillary Clinton,
Kamala Harris
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Democrats Love Abortions And Hate Guns, Which Kills More Americans? The Southern Border Is America's Vagina!
Death in America by guns is hotly debated by the 20 democrats running to beat President Trump.
Well, that is a lie.
There is no debate on the gun issue among the democrats. They feel the 39,773 gun related deaths in America for 2018 is too great a burden on a population of 340,000,000. Elizabeth (Big Wampum) Warren even advocates gun confiscation. Something a fool would promote as this would increase the number of gun related deaths in our country.
Gun control is the democrat albatross. Al Gore, Jr lost to G. W. Bush in 2000 because of the democrat's weak party plank on gun control.
Abortion control is the Republican albatross. Never-the-less, nearly 10 times the number of Americans lose their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by the abortionist's evil hand than by the bullet. Planned Parenthood admits to preforming 332,757 abortions in America last year.
If our Southern border were renamed America's vagina and Mexico the world's multiparious uterus at term, delivering hundreds of thousands of unwanted financial babies into our country every month, would the democrats agree to aborting these illegal entrants who have far more rights than our own unborn babies?
To me unwanted illegals should not have more rights than unwanted babies.
The wall is border contraception. It is the only way to stop the unwanted immigrants from dragging us down. Birth control is a good idea, but so is border control.
Silly democrats have aborted 70 million poor and mostly minority American citizens and find their support among working middle class voters is lagging.
So, on the bright side, without Roe V Wade, Hillary Clinton would have been president today, Al Gore, Jr would have clobbered G. W. Bush, Reagan and Trump would never have occupied the White House, and the Supreme Court would have been 9-0 liberal today instead of 5-4 conservative leaning with possible 7-2 given the age and health of Ginsberg and Bryer.
On second thought, keep the abortion mills open and running. Damn life, full speed ahead. The democrats got abortion right but it eliminates their voting block and skews elections towards republicans. Immigration freely across our southern border is the D attempt to get the voters they stopped in the womb.
Good luck with that.
I am,
MDJ Urban Poverty Law Center Janitor
Well, that is a lie.
There is no debate on the gun issue among the democrats. They feel the 39,773 gun related deaths in America for 2018 is too great a burden on a population of 340,000,000. Elizabeth (Big Wampum) Warren even advocates gun confiscation. Something a fool would promote as this would increase the number of gun related deaths in our country.
Gun control is the democrat albatross. Al Gore, Jr lost to G. W. Bush in 2000 because of the democrat's weak party plank on gun control.
Abortion control is the Republican albatross. Never-the-less, nearly 10 times the number of Americans lose their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by the abortionist's evil hand than by the bullet. Planned Parenthood admits to preforming 332,757 abortions in America last year.
If our Southern border were renamed America's vagina and Mexico the world's multiparious uterus at term, delivering hundreds of thousands of unwanted financial babies into our country every month, would the democrats agree to aborting these illegal entrants who have far more rights than our own unborn babies?
To me unwanted illegals should not have more rights than unwanted babies.
The wall is border contraception. It is the only way to stop the unwanted immigrants from dragging us down. Birth control is a good idea, but so is border control.
Silly democrats have aborted 70 million poor and mostly minority American citizens and find their support among working middle class voters is lagging.
So, on the bright side, without Roe V Wade, Hillary Clinton would have been president today, Al Gore, Jr would have clobbered G. W. Bush, Reagan and Trump would never have occupied the White House, and the Supreme Court would have been 9-0 liberal today instead of 5-4 conservative leaning with possible 7-2 given the age and health of Ginsberg and Bryer.
On second thought, keep the abortion mills open and running. Damn life, full speed ahead. The democrats got abortion right but it eliminates their voting block and skews elections towards republicans. Immigration freely across our southern border is the D attempt to get the voters they stopped in the womb.
Good luck with that.
I am,
MDJ Urban Poverty Law Center Janitor
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Hillary Clinton Has Already Been Tried And Convicted For Her Crimes
Conservatives are sick of the Clintons. Eight years in the 90's with the Clinton co-presidency was enough.
Candidate Bill promised a tax cut for the middle class, then faux tears and the admission he worked hard but could not deliver a cut and instead delivered a tax increase! Meanwhile his co-president was busy planning a health care take over in secrecy. That flopped like an Asian carp in a boat on the Illinois River.
Then she gets 800 FBI files on all of Washington and nothing is done. So what, if it is illegal? Then she cannot find the Rose Law Firm Billing records, then Vince Foster kills himself, then she tarnishes any bimbo who speaks up about being groped, raped, or propositioned by bent Willie.
Paula Jones rises up out of The American Spectator article to give credence to Slick's sordid reputation and Monica Lewenski with her semen splashed blue dress puts the icing on the cake.
The questionable behavior would have stopped ordinary politicians cold. But the amazing Clinton Duo are without shame and see their role as the world's greatest grifters as unstoppable.
Hillary's New York senate seat is procured with JFK jr's unseemly death in an airplane capable of flying on autopilot all the way to the designated airport.
Then Barack Obama, a slight man with a booming baritone voice, a knack for reading from teleprompters, appears out of nowhere placing her plans for the presidency back 8 years. She spends 4 of these years as Secretary of State filling the Clinton Foundation coffers to the brim with pay to play schemes. Uranium, (Uranus) One is prolly the greatest shake down that we know about.
She uses a private server for official government business allowing Russia and China to read her missives before its intended receiver. Our Spies in China pay for her careless act with their lives.
When Congress learns of her home server and subpoena her email records, she destroys 33,000 with bit bleach and a hammer.
The FBI pour bleach over their investigation and she is not charged with obstruction of justice or mishandling top secret documents. Really?
She conspires with the DNC to keep Bernie Sanders off the top of the democrat ticket in 2016.
Her health is failing.
She hopes Trump is her opponent since he is weakest in the republican field, a joke. Her wish is granted.
But Americans have been watching this woman misbehave for over three decades. We have seen her skate on crimes that would place anyone else in prison. Something about her warns us , like the red hour glass on the black widow spider or the rattles on a snake, she is not trustworthy or qualified to hold that office.
Hillary Clinton was sized up by middle America and found to be one donut shy of the presidency.
In the court of public opinion Hillary Clinton was tried, convicted, and sentenced to lose the presidency to Donald J. Trump.
She could not defeat the "Orange Man from Manhattan" with all of her fawning press, a billion dollar campaign, and a great and powerful ego.
Justice has been served by a public with better judgment than all of our judiciary combined.
Hillary Clinton loses and we win!
JDM, President UPLC
Candidate Bill promised a tax cut for the middle class, then faux tears and the admission he worked hard but could not deliver a cut and instead delivered a tax increase! Meanwhile his co-president was busy planning a health care take over in secrecy. That flopped like an Asian carp in a boat on the Illinois River.
Then she gets 800 FBI files on all of Washington and nothing is done. So what, if it is illegal? Then she cannot find the Rose Law Firm Billing records, then Vince Foster kills himself, then she tarnishes any bimbo who speaks up about being groped, raped, or propositioned by bent Willie.
Paula Jones rises up out of The American Spectator article to give credence to Slick's sordid reputation and Monica Lewenski with her semen splashed blue dress puts the icing on the cake.
The questionable behavior would have stopped ordinary politicians cold. But the amazing Clinton Duo are without shame and see their role as the world's greatest grifters as unstoppable.
Hillary's New York senate seat is procured with JFK jr's unseemly death in an airplane capable of flying on autopilot all the way to the designated airport.
Then Barack Obama, a slight man with a booming baritone voice, a knack for reading from teleprompters, appears out of nowhere placing her plans for the presidency back 8 years. She spends 4 of these years as Secretary of State filling the Clinton Foundation coffers to the brim with pay to play schemes. Uranium, (Uranus) One is prolly the greatest shake down that we know about.
She uses a private server for official government business allowing Russia and China to read her missives before its intended receiver. Our Spies in China pay for her careless act with their lives.
When Congress learns of her home server and subpoena her email records, she destroys 33,000 with bit bleach and a hammer.
The FBI pour bleach over their investigation and she is not charged with obstruction of justice or mishandling top secret documents. Really?
She conspires with the DNC to keep Bernie Sanders off the top of the democrat ticket in 2016.
Her health is failing.
She hopes Trump is her opponent since he is weakest in the republican field, a joke. Her wish is granted.
But Americans have been watching this woman misbehave for over three decades. We have seen her skate on crimes that would place anyone else in prison. Something about her warns us , like the red hour glass on the black widow spider or the rattles on a snake, she is not trustworthy or qualified to hold that office.
Hillary Clinton was sized up by middle America and found to be one donut shy of the presidency.
In the court of public opinion Hillary Clinton was tried, convicted, and sentenced to lose the presidency to Donald J. Trump.
She could not defeat the "Orange Man from Manhattan" with all of her fawning press, a billion dollar campaign, and a great and powerful ego.
Justice has been served by a public with better judgment than all of our judiciary combined.
Hillary Clinton loses and we win!
JDM, President UPLC
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Mueller Report Selectively Edits John Dowd's Voice Mail Transcript To Exonerate Trump's Team
Mueller and his band of 17 horny democrats doctored John Dowd's voice mail to General Flynn's lawyer to make his request seem more like a case of obstruction of justice. They left out a key phrase.
Dowd in his message to Flynn's Lawyer, asked for a heads up for any information that may implicate Trump for national security reasons but adds the qualifier, that he is not asking for the release of any confidential information.
This part of the request was suspiciously left out of the 408 page report.
Hum? What else was omitted by Andy Weissmann (known for unscrupulous prosecutor's methods, see Enron-Arthur Anderson case)?
If a report has even one questionable line, especially a legal document as important as a Special Counsel's report, how can it be viewed without jaundice and prejudice.
The report is tainted. It cannot be trusted. Mueller and Weissmann must testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
If it is shown that they have lied in the report they must repay the American taxpayers and rewrite the report.
The title is wrong. The selective edit of Mr. Dowd's voice mail was to cast suspicion on President Trump and his team.
Shame on you, Robert Mueller.
Shame on you, Andy Weissmann.
This cements your reputations. Bagmen for Clinton's.
How about a public apology?
We will not hold our breath waiting for one.
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
PS Sic some of the former Arthur Anderson accountants on the Clinton Foundation books and look for how much has been sent to these bad boys and the compliant media.
We may be surprised by their findings?
Dowd in his message to Flynn's Lawyer, asked for a heads up for any information that may implicate Trump for national security reasons but adds the qualifier, that he is not asking for the release of any confidential information.
This part of the request was suspiciously left out of the 408 page report.
Hum? What else was omitted by Andy Weissmann (known for unscrupulous prosecutor's methods, see Enron-Arthur Anderson case)?
If a report has even one questionable line, especially a legal document as important as a Special Counsel's report, how can it be viewed without jaundice and prejudice.
The report is tainted. It cannot be trusted. Mueller and Weissmann must testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
If it is shown that they have lied in the report they must repay the American taxpayers and rewrite the report.
The title is wrong. The selective edit of Mr. Dowd's voice mail was to cast suspicion on President Trump and his team.
Shame on you, Robert Mueller.
Shame on you, Andy Weissmann.
This cements your reputations. Bagmen for Clinton's.
How about a public apology?
We will not hold our breath waiting for one.
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
PS Sic some of the former Arthur Anderson accountants on the Clinton Foundation books and look for how much has been sent to these bad boys and the compliant media.
We may be surprised by their findings?
Friday, May 31, 2019
Watch Bob Mueller FBI Director In 2013 Stumble Bumble With Jim Jordan Questions About Lois Lerner's Tea Party IRS Scandal
Bob Mueller, FBI director in 2013, comes across as an incompetent dud when asked by Jim Jordan, congressman from Ohio, about the IRS Tea Party Scandal. Search it on
Jordan: Can you name the lead investigator in the IRS Tea Party scandal?
Mueller: duh............ I'll have to get back to you on that.
Jordan: How many investigators do you have on the case?
Mueller: Uhhhh.......... I will have to get back to you on that.
Jordan: Have you interviewed any of the subjects of the IRS discrimination Tea Party Case?
Mueller: No.
Put this up against the accolades he received as SC. Know he is deeply biased and a dufus.
A.G. Barr needs to tighten this dysfunctional bureaucratic bunghole and excrete those who have loosened it and corrupted its honesty and integrity.
Chris Wray is acting like a do nothing place holder at the top of the FBI.
Laws are for the the little people, but the little people are not liking the dichotomy.
Trump was elected to take on the big people and make a case for the little people and the biggies are not liking it.
Know the littles love it.
I am,
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center, representing littles since 1988
Jordan: Can you name the lead investigator in the IRS Tea Party scandal?
Mueller: duh............ I'll have to get back to you on that.
Jordan: How many investigators do you have on the case?
Mueller: Uhhhh.......... I will have to get back to you on that.
Jordan: Have you interviewed any of the subjects of the IRS discrimination Tea Party Case?
Mueller: No.
Put this up against the accolades he received as SC. Know he is deeply biased and a dufus.
A.G. Barr needs to tighten this dysfunctional bureaucratic bunghole and excrete those who have loosened it and corrupted its honesty and integrity.
Chris Wray is acting like a do nothing place holder at the top of the FBI.
Laws are for the the little people, but the little people are not liking the dichotomy.
Trump was elected to take on the big people and make a case for the little people and the biggies are not liking it.
Know the littles love it.
I am,
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center, representing littles since 1988
Sunday, May 26, 2019
How Four Out Of The Five Eyes May Be Able To Deny Culpability In Trump Spying Caper
Imagine your great ally comes to your intelligence agency with a story of treason and malfeasance of epic proportions involving a common enemy and an upstart political neophyte. You have never before doubted your ally and feel inclined to offer any assistance necessary to help counter the mischief perpetrated on your great democratic western country and its political process. All stops are pulled, of course you agree to do what ever is necessary. This treason must be thwarted.
Clapper, Comey, Brennan, with the backing of the great and powerful Obama administration are all the proof you need to help out. Even the cancer riddled brain of Senator John McCain is convinced of the espionage taking place against the frail and wilting presidential candidate no one likes in fly over country, the incredible, the one and only, Hillary Rodham Clinton, madam Secretary, Senator, and former Co-President to the awesome, Mr. Pants, William Jefferson Clinton, who as a pair, turn out to be perhaps the greediest money grubbers on the planet, if you exclude the 18th century French Royal Court.
This being said, you send your best spooks to coordinate the investigation, strike that, the matter.
Your people do not know the DNC and HRC have gathered salacious intel on Trump and tried to set his people up by plants from the CIA and the FBI, even sent a Russian Honey Pot into Trump Tower to try to tarnish Donald Trump, Jr (the OOGLEg) has warned of the error to save or publish this), but I shall continue.
As I put all this shenanigans together, I believe, Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the NSA, noticed the unusual number of "unmasking inquiries" coming from private contractors about American Citizens, and squealed to the FISA court. The unmasking was blocked by NSA and an investigation was started. Rogers went to President Elect Trump in early November of 2016 to warn Trump of this spying and Trump lets the cat out of the bag by declaring his phones have been tapped by the Obama Administration.
This was met with great guffaws from the DNC press and ridicule from the DNC late night talk show monkeys. Trump moved his transition team to his New Jersey golf course and the insurance policy alluded to by lovas Strzok and Page was activated, Comey briefs Trump about the phony dossier, leaks it to a willing press, and Trump fires Comey and Rosenstein appoints Mueller, and two years later, and $4 trillion dollars, 500 witnesses, 2300 subpoenas, and 22 quadrillion documents later, Mueller and his team of 19 angry democrats condense this into a 438 page treatise of surrender. There was no collusion and no obstruction.
Meanwhile, the Obama economy is roaring back to life showing a vitality more in step with President Trump, than with the Wilting Waxing Woman Politician, who appears ill, very ill in many of her public appearances, especially the 9/11/16 collapse, where her lifeless corpulent corpse was tossed into the large, black van-bulance and she was rushed to her daughters flat, equipped with an emergency room, where she was tended to by the nation's best physicians. Meanwhile her body double was allowed to parade outside the flat to wave and banter with any small child who happened by that afternoon. (second OOgleg warning, duly noted, thank you).
Trump upsets the Globalist apple cart, with the apples rolling away like the Obama motorcade on Inauguration Day. He withdraws the US from the Paris Climate Accord, the Iran Nuclear Deal, NAFTA, TPP, starts renegotiation's with CHINA, imposes tariffs on steel and aluminum, cuts regulations, opens up our great energy potential, gives our military a green light to annihilate ISIS and the Caliphate, meets with our allies in the middle east and the Saudis listened and acted, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, re-established our strong commitment to Israel after the Obama blight, appointed two originalists to the Supreme Court, and is fighting to end the problem of illegal immigration at the Southern border, appointed hundreds of judges with conservative ideologies, cut business taxes to levels that are competitive with other countries, all the while bucking the establishment elites who have entrenched interests in the status quo, and working with the interest of the working class in fly over country in mind, a group who have not had real representation in Washington for decades.
And the elites hate him! Blue states who overwhelmingly voted against Trump, got something in the tax plan. A limit on the federal tax forms on what can be deducted from incomes as it relates to state taxes paid of $10,000, OUCH! Bravo Mr. President, let them feel the sting of losing an election and betting on the wrong horse's ass.
Like Obama's "Elections have consequences" and his petulant tax on White people, 10% on tanning, which was his first act as president, and Mark Levin was wondering why this tax, why would Obama have this as his first act? Mark, he is racist. He listened to Rev Jeremiah Wright for over 20 years and was an acolyte of Wright's.
And now we have come to this, the insurance plan, the Russian Hoax, though it did not succeed in removing Trump from office, it did tie him up for over half his first 4 years, and it did deliver the house of representatives over to the corrupt democrats who will do their best to tie him up for the remaining few months of his administration. The plan was a success!
President Trump has pulled the declassification card and is ready to do battle with the corruption of that insurance plan and the policy holders and there will be pain for them. I do not feel the other "Eyes" have anything to worry about since they were duped by the Obama administration and his corrupt FBI, Justice Department, and complacent cronies in the CIA.
But for Hillary's unbelievably poor political skills, her shrill voice, her wooden personality, the over a billion dollar expenditure on her campaign, which yielded less substance than a stain on a blue dress and an honest director of the NSA we might never have learned about the espionage by Obama and his league of Treasonous cohorts.
Will Guantanamo have enough room for its new placements? Maybe, but the doors will surely have to be heightened to accommodate one of the first players in the conspiracy to go down. And it will have to be handicap friendly for our would be first woman president.
Will justice be done or will the elites make a deal to stop the declassification and make President Trump, president for life?
I think that would be a good trade. These goofs who placed our country in danger are not worth the money it would take to care for them in a place as nice as Guantanamo. We should save it for the terrorist, and not our crooked politicians and their pliant handmaidens and butlers. Just strip them of their wealth and let them live on the streets of San Francisco, it is a sanctuary city, after all. The secret service could make sure no one steals Hillary's shopping cart. I am not heartless.
Who ever thought spying on a political opponent was a good eye-dea in a nation of laws? Well the chief executive who sees to it the laws are faithfully executed turned out to be just a third world politician hell bent on taking America down but God and Trump had other plans for our great nation.
Thank God for Trump and Admiral Rogers. Good must triumph over evil.
I am JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Clapper, Comey, Brennan, with the backing of the great and powerful Obama administration are all the proof you need to help out. Even the cancer riddled brain of Senator John McCain is convinced of the espionage taking place against the frail and wilting presidential candidate no one likes in fly over country, the incredible, the one and only, Hillary Rodham Clinton, madam Secretary, Senator, and former Co-President to the awesome, Mr. Pants, William Jefferson Clinton, who as a pair, turn out to be perhaps the greediest money grubbers on the planet, if you exclude the 18th century French Royal Court.
This being said, you send your best spooks to coordinate the investigation, strike that, the matter.
Your people do not know the DNC and HRC have gathered salacious intel on Trump and tried to set his people up by plants from the CIA and the FBI, even sent a Russian Honey Pot into Trump Tower to try to tarnish Donald Trump, Jr (the OOGLEg) has warned of the error to save or publish this), but I shall continue.
As I put all this shenanigans together, I believe, Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the NSA, noticed the unusual number of "unmasking inquiries" coming from private contractors about American Citizens, and squealed to the FISA court. The unmasking was blocked by NSA and an investigation was started. Rogers went to President Elect Trump in early November of 2016 to warn Trump of this spying and Trump lets the cat out of the bag by declaring his phones have been tapped by the Obama Administration.
This was met with great guffaws from the DNC press and ridicule from the DNC late night talk show monkeys. Trump moved his transition team to his New Jersey golf course and the insurance policy alluded to by lovas Strzok and Page was activated, Comey briefs Trump about the phony dossier, leaks it to a willing press, and Trump fires Comey and Rosenstein appoints Mueller, and two years later, and $4 trillion dollars, 500 witnesses, 2300 subpoenas, and 22 quadrillion documents later, Mueller and his team of 19 angry democrats condense this into a 438 page treatise of surrender. There was no collusion and no obstruction.
Meanwhile, the Obama economy is roaring back to life showing a vitality more in step with President Trump, than with the Wilting Waxing Woman Politician, who appears ill, very ill in many of her public appearances, especially the 9/11/16 collapse, where her lifeless corpulent corpse was tossed into the large, black van-bulance and she was rushed to her daughters flat, equipped with an emergency room, where she was tended to by the nation's best physicians. Meanwhile her body double was allowed to parade outside the flat to wave and banter with any small child who happened by that afternoon. (second OOgleg warning, duly noted, thank you).
Trump upsets the Globalist apple cart, with the apples rolling away like the Obama motorcade on Inauguration Day. He withdraws the US from the Paris Climate Accord, the Iran Nuclear Deal, NAFTA, TPP, starts renegotiation's with CHINA, imposes tariffs on steel and aluminum, cuts regulations, opens up our great energy potential, gives our military a green light to annihilate ISIS and the Caliphate, meets with our allies in the middle east and the Saudis listened and acted, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, re-established our strong commitment to Israel after the Obama blight, appointed two originalists to the Supreme Court, and is fighting to end the problem of illegal immigration at the Southern border, appointed hundreds of judges with conservative ideologies, cut business taxes to levels that are competitive with other countries, all the while bucking the establishment elites who have entrenched interests in the status quo, and working with the interest of the working class in fly over country in mind, a group who have not had real representation in Washington for decades.
And the elites hate him! Blue states who overwhelmingly voted against Trump, got something in the tax plan. A limit on the federal tax forms on what can be deducted from incomes as it relates to state taxes paid of $10,000, OUCH! Bravo Mr. President, let them feel the sting of losing an election and betting on the wrong horse's ass.
Like Obama's "Elections have consequences" and his petulant tax on White people, 10% on tanning, which was his first act as president, and Mark Levin was wondering why this tax, why would Obama have this as his first act? Mark, he is racist. He listened to Rev Jeremiah Wright for over 20 years and was an acolyte of Wright's.
And now we have come to this, the insurance plan, the Russian Hoax, though it did not succeed in removing Trump from office, it did tie him up for over half his first 4 years, and it did deliver the house of representatives over to the corrupt democrats who will do their best to tie him up for the remaining few months of his administration. The plan was a success!
President Trump has pulled the declassification card and is ready to do battle with the corruption of that insurance plan and the policy holders and there will be pain for them. I do not feel the other "Eyes" have anything to worry about since they were duped by the Obama administration and his corrupt FBI, Justice Department, and complacent cronies in the CIA.
But for Hillary's unbelievably poor political skills, her shrill voice, her wooden personality, the over a billion dollar expenditure on her campaign, which yielded less substance than a stain on a blue dress and an honest director of the NSA we might never have learned about the espionage by Obama and his league of Treasonous cohorts.
Will Guantanamo have enough room for its new placements? Maybe, but the doors will surely have to be heightened to accommodate one of the first players in the conspiracy to go down. And it will have to be handicap friendly for our would be first woman president.
Will justice be done or will the elites make a deal to stop the declassification and make President Trump, president for life?
I think that would be a good trade. These goofs who placed our country in danger are not worth the money it would take to care for them in a place as nice as Guantanamo. We should save it for the terrorist, and not our crooked politicians and their pliant handmaidens and butlers. Just strip them of their wealth and let them live on the streets of San Francisco, it is a sanctuary city, after all. The secret service could make sure no one steals Hillary's shopping cart. I am not heartless.
Who ever thought spying on a political opponent was a good eye-dea in a nation of laws? Well the chief executive who sees to it the laws are faithfully executed turned out to be just a third world politician hell bent on taking America down but God and Trump had other plans for our great nation.
Thank God for Trump and Admiral Rogers. Good must triumph over evil.
I am JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, May 17, 2019
Google, Now President Trump Wants To Learn Of My Experience With Tech Bias, Do You Want Me To Out You? Censor This!
I am therefore I Blog. I founded the Urban Poverty Law Center in 2009 as a way to feed the creative spirit I inherited from my father.
I chose my site name from animus I had with the Southern Poverty Law Center and my take on its bogus proclamations and self-serving anti-conservative biases. The yahoos who headed up this organization gave the South a bad name. I dislike their product and what they stand for.
My musings, not always cogent, but sometimes insightful, and on occasion humorous have a decidedly conservative narrative.
After a decade of blogging on this GOOGLE site I have learned a few things about publisher bias.
During the 2012 election cycle I agreed foolishly to ads on the blog. I was swamped with Pro Hillary and Pro Obama ads. I dropped Ads from the blog after a few years.
If I was in a rather anti Obama or Clinton Rant, I would often get a warning that my work could not be saved from the God of Google, and this red lettered warning above my work would more often than not disrupt my train of thought. Subtle, hey?
I am shocked by now this has not flashed up in this screed I am writing already. After getting the red letter warning from Goebels, I would often add in the sentence I was finishing "leave me alone Google" thereby noting when and where in the missive I was warned.
Please note I just got the red letter warning I mentioned above. Leave me alone Goebles! The fish took the bait.
When the truth comes out, President Barack Hussein Obama will be the most corrupt president ever to take the oath of office. He was a complete failure. His secretary of state Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person to ever hold higher public office.
Together they funneled arms and money to our enemies through the Libyan embassy and allowed for the slaughter of our ambassador and three others in Benghazi, and covered it up!
The IRS scandal with Lois Lerner still needs an open investigation and not the Obama Holder cover-up we had during the Obama mistake.
The Hillary Clinton and her bogus foundation needs to be outed as the corrupt "Pay To Play Scheme"
it is.
If President Trump wants to lower taxes fairly and simply for every American worker, give every tax paying worker a tax holiday.
A 25% tax cut across the board would allow each tax paying worker to work 1 year out of 4 and pay no federal income taxes.
A 12.5% reduction would be one in 8 working years tax free. The year you do not pay would be drawn by lottery and once you start in the system it continues at 12.5% work 7 and pay 7 yrs, then one free year, next 7 yrs pay taxes. You get the drift.
The bogus Russia collusion investigation needs to be turned on its head and President Trump and his supporters need reparations which must include 2 more years tacked onto the end of this president's term in office to give back what was stolen from his administration. This and $10,000 for every Trump supporter who had to listen to the TDS media over the past 3 years drone on and on about Russia, Russia, Russia. And I want the media to be fined to pay for the reparations.
And by the way, Steven Colbert, President Trump is no body's C Holster, but you are the C Holster of the corrupt DNC!
Paris Climate Accord is only a great transfer of wealth from the have nots to the haves. Yes that's right, the average American tax payer is a have not and most of their tax money is pivoted away from the worker and to the elites on each coast.
The Iran Nuclear Deal is a bust. Trump is correct to get out of it.
NATO was a joke until Trump Called them on it.
Immigration is packing the voter rolls for the corrupt pols in the democrat party.
Our wars in the Middle East need to wind down.
President Trump is a brave man to take on the entrenched corruption in Washington, DC. He deserves our support and respect. He is a fighter and we cannot afford to lose him.
And can I say I have been censored by tech?
Yes, this past week my cartoon of Obama saying "I did not spy on Trump" was blanked out for a while on others who clicked on the blog, but still up on my computer screen at home.
Google you tricky bastards, I have friends with computers!
Why has the red screen warning not reappeared, cat got your censorship tongue?
I am going to send this missive along to the folks at unless I get a check for 1 million dollar, wait, one billion dollars, or $10 cash payable to the Alabama anti- abortion fund.
Google, you are one deluded corporate mind. Censorship is a slippery slope. What if the conservatives turn the tide and you are the subject of the censorship? What then?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
I chose my site name from animus I had with the Southern Poverty Law Center and my take on its bogus proclamations and self-serving anti-conservative biases. The yahoos who headed up this organization gave the South a bad name. I dislike their product and what they stand for.
My musings, not always cogent, but sometimes insightful, and on occasion humorous have a decidedly conservative narrative.
After a decade of blogging on this GOOGLE site I have learned a few things about publisher bias.
During the 2012 election cycle I agreed foolishly to ads on the blog. I was swamped with Pro Hillary and Pro Obama ads. I dropped Ads from the blog after a few years.
If I was in a rather anti Obama or Clinton Rant, I would often get a warning that my work could not be saved from the God of Google, and this red lettered warning above my work would more often than not disrupt my train of thought. Subtle, hey?
I am shocked by now this has not flashed up in this screed I am writing already. After getting the red letter warning from Goebels, I would often add in the sentence I was finishing "leave me alone Google" thereby noting when and where in the missive I was warned.
Please note I just got the red letter warning I mentioned above. Leave me alone Goebles! The fish took the bait.
When the truth comes out, President Barack Hussein Obama will be the most corrupt president ever to take the oath of office. He was a complete failure. His secretary of state Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person to ever hold higher public office.
Together they funneled arms and money to our enemies through the Libyan embassy and allowed for the slaughter of our ambassador and three others in Benghazi, and covered it up!
The IRS scandal with Lois Lerner still needs an open investigation and not the Obama Holder cover-up we had during the Obama mistake.
The Hillary Clinton and her bogus foundation needs to be outed as the corrupt "Pay To Play Scheme"
it is.
If President Trump wants to lower taxes fairly and simply for every American worker, give every tax paying worker a tax holiday.
A 25% tax cut across the board would allow each tax paying worker to work 1 year out of 4 and pay no federal income taxes.
A 12.5% reduction would be one in 8 working years tax free. The year you do not pay would be drawn by lottery and once you start in the system it continues at 12.5% work 7 and pay 7 yrs, then one free year, next 7 yrs pay taxes. You get the drift.
The bogus Russia collusion investigation needs to be turned on its head and President Trump and his supporters need reparations which must include 2 more years tacked onto the end of this president's term in office to give back what was stolen from his administration. This and $10,000 for every Trump supporter who had to listen to the TDS media over the past 3 years drone on and on about Russia, Russia, Russia. And I want the media to be fined to pay for the reparations.
And by the way, Steven Colbert, President Trump is no body's C Holster, but you are the C Holster of the corrupt DNC!
Paris Climate Accord is only a great transfer of wealth from the have nots to the haves. Yes that's right, the average American tax payer is a have not and most of their tax money is pivoted away from the worker and to the elites on each coast.
The Iran Nuclear Deal is a bust. Trump is correct to get out of it.
NATO was a joke until Trump Called them on it.
Immigration is packing the voter rolls for the corrupt pols in the democrat party.
Our wars in the Middle East need to wind down.
President Trump is a brave man to take on the entrenched corruption in Washington, DC. He deserves our support and respect. He is a fighter and we cannot afford to lose him.
And can I say I have been censored by tech?
Yes, this past week my cartoon of Obama saying "I did not spy on Trump" was blanked out for a while on others who clicked on the blog, but still up on my computer screen at home.
Google you tricky bastards, I have friends with computers!
Why has the red screen warning not reappeared, cat got your censorship tongue?
I am going to send this missive along to the folks at unless I get a check for 1 million dollar, wait, one billion dollars, or $10 cash payable to the Alabama anti- abortion fund.
Google, you are one deluded corporate mind. Censorship is a slippery slope. What if the conservatives turn the tide and you are the subject of the censorship? What then?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Spying On Political Opponnents Is So Third World, The New American Standard?
Where can you find a more unlikely spy?
Above, in the box if not censored by my freedom of speech loving partners at ooggle,(sic), is another Bobby Birdsong drawing of our distinguished 44 touting his plausible denial of spying on President Trump.
I have tried to understand the vitriol President stirs up in the popular press and among the liberal elites?
And I have hit upon it! President Trump is only a threat to beta males and feminist.
Trump is a bonded through and through Alpha male and he makes our press and elites uncomfortable because the testosterone coursing through his veins affects how he sees and deals with the world and those who would subjugate his American peoples.
The Beta globalists will have a hard time forcing any agenda President Trump opposes.
America first, and alpha males make the best leaders.
Beta O'Rourke, Beta Biden, Beta Sanders, Beta Harris, and Beta Corker (my term for CORy booKER), and Beta __________( you fill in the blank with the other 15 DNC sluggers will fail to unseat Alpha Trump in a fair election.
One thing's certain, President Obama was just as good a president as he was a spy! Hey 44, you are supposed to be secretive so the subject of the spying is unaware of the spying.
Looks like our spies, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe and the others need a spying refresher course.
Perhaps, Putin's or Xi's people could give our spooks some tips? I bet if Hillary Clinton asked them to, they would.
How about it?
JDM President UPLC
OOGLE censored the first cartoon from the previous date submission, this to see if it again gets pulled from publication.
The management at UPLC
Monday, May 13, 2019
Spying On Political Opponents Is So Third World, The New American Standard?
Above is another Bobby Birdsong drawing of our distinguished 44th with his plausible denial.
I have tried to understand the vitriol President Trump stirs up in the popular press and the liberal elites?
I have hit upon the reason, he is only threats to beta males and feminist.
Trump is a bonded thru and thru Alpha male and he makes our press and elites uncomfortable because the testosterone coursing through his veins affect how he sees and deals with the world and those who would subjugate Americans.
The globalist will have a hard time forcing any agenda President Trump is in opposition.
America first, Alpha males make the best leaders.
Beta O'Rourke, Beta Biden, Beta Sanders, Beta Corker, Beta Harris, and Beta ________ (fill in the blank) will fail to unseat Alpha Trump in a fair election.
One thing is certain, President Obama was as good a president as he was a spy. Hey, you are supposed to be secretive so the subject of the spying is unaware of the spying.
Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Strzok, Page, McCabe and the others need a spying refresher course.
Perhaps Putin's people or Xi's people could give our spooks some tips.
How about it?
JDM President UPLC
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Kate Smith Sings The Left Brissles, Righteous Indignation A La Faux Follows
Kate Smith, just another fat lady who sings?
Kate Smith opened her big mouth in 1931 and belted out a song, "That's Why Darkies Were Born" and is taking heat for this now 9 decades later.
Seems the snow flake patrol got her in their sights and forced the Yankee Ball club to admonish her and stop using her song, "God Bless America" at their games.
Next, the Philadelphia Flyers, a hockey team, stopped using this lady at their events and removed a statue of her likeness, which is ironically very black, from their hockey stadium.
I think the politically correct police need to answer the more important question of abortion, which overwhelmingly targets poor blacks, and used to cull out certain races and classes of Americans.
Kate Smith, the fat lady, may have sung "That's Why Darkies Were Born", but can the Left admit to us "That's Why Darkies Are Aborted?"
Now, who is the racist, bigot? Kate Smith or her detractors?
Kate has refused comment on this made up controversy.
If we apply the "Kate Smith Rules of Popular Disengagement" how much longer can we expect to see Senator Robert Byrd or his likeness in public?
Tomorrow would be too long in Byrd's case. He must be Kated now.
I am JDM President UPLC
Kate Smith opened her big mouth in 1931 and belted out a song, "That's Why Darkies Were Born" and is taking heat for this now 9 decades later.
Seems the snow flake patrol got her in their sights and forced the Yankee Ball club to admonish her and stop using her song, "God Bless America" at their games.
Next, the Philadelphia Flyers, a hockey team, stopped using this lady at their events and removed a statue of her likeness, which is ironically very black, from their hockey stadium.
I think the politically correct police need to answer the more important question of abortion, which overwhelmingly targets poor blacks, and used to cull out certain races and classes of Americans.
Kate Smith, the fat lady, may have sung "That's Why Darkies Were Born", but can the Left admit to us "That's Why Darkies Are Aborted?"
Now, who is the racist, bigot? Kate Smith or her detractors?
Kate has refused comment on this made up controversy.
If we apply the "Kate Smith Rules of Popular Disengagement" how much longer can we expect to see Senator Robert Byrd or his likeness in public?
Tomorrow would be too long in Byrd's case. He must be Kated now.
I am JDM President UPLC
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Is Kamala Harris Aging Poorly As A Democrat Candidate?
On a good day Kamala Harris is not especially attractive, but I notice her features are becoming coarser since declaring as a candidate for president of the United States.
Has her estrogen output suddenly stopped and the tiny amount of testosterone she produces caused this unseemly transformation?
A pal used to quip about aging: "As men age they begin to look like Sean Connery, the problem is so do women."
Kamala Harris is approaching Sean Connery at warp speed. Time for her to consult with Nancy Pelosi.
Senator Harris, please check with your plastic surgeon if you are going to continue to campaign and speak in public.
One last thought. Looking at the vast array of loser candidates who are running for the democrat nomination are they only there to hold the place of the loser against Trump. It certainly seems to be the case.
JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center
Has her estrogen output suddenly stopped and the tiny amount of testosterone she produces caused this unseemly transformation?
A pal used to quip about aging: "As men age they begin to look like Sean Connery, the problem is so do women."
Kamala Harris is approaching Sean Connery at warp speed. Time for her to consult with Nancy Pelosi.
Senator Harris, please check with your plastic surgeon if you are going to continue to campaign and speak in public.
One last thought. Looking at the vast array of loser candidates who are running for the democrat nomination are they only there to hold the place of the loser against Trump. It certainly seems to be the case.
JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Why Trump Will Sail To Victory In 2020
When every democrat candidate for president is compared to our current president for style, wit, humor, will, patriotism, and charm, everyone of them is dwarfed by President Donald J. Trump.
Combine the wit of Sanders, Biden, Booker, Harris, Clinton (yes she will run if health permits), Hickenlooper, Beitreg(sic), Flato O'Rourke, Warren, and the 12 other lesser candidates with hats in the ring, and it is Trump over all.
Sanders is an aging communist who couldn't lead a bojo fly to dog dung. Biden is a hapless halfwit compared to Trump. Booker, "Sparticus" fell on his sword during the Kavanaugh hearings and anyting he does after this is an accident. If he wins his senate seat in New Jersey next time around, it will be proof of voter fraud.
Kamala Harris comes off as America's wicked stepmother. She will do the bidding of the globalist who have bought and paid for her senate seat. Clinton, with health problems compounded by the ravages of aging poorly will not be viewed as a contender and Trump who is a couple of years her senior can run circles around her.
Hickenlooper, I do not even know why he is throwing his hat into the ring after he ruined Colorado.
Beitreg(sic) who is the mayor of a smallish city in Indiana, is the favored candidate of the few, but has not accomplished anything there that would catapult him into the position occupied by DJT.
Fako O'Rourke, who looks like the Kennedys, is a much hyped, hipster, honkie who has as much business running for president as my pet mud turtle. Even democrat voters are not that stupid.
And Princess Elizabeth Warren comes across as a complete phony. She swills beer just like us deplorables. She can out run Hillary Clinton in a foot race! Not saying alot there, as even Stephen Hawking could have bested Clinton before his demise.
My prediction: no matter who the democrats nominate, President Trump will sail to re-election because America can not get enough of this man and his wonderful wit, grit, and patriotism.
Hamstrung by a malignant press, a contemptible investigation, a congress full of doubters and obstructionists, and Obama/Clinton Justice, State, and FBI filled with corrupt department heads, Trump still managed to Make America Great Again.
He has closed the border, brought back manufacturing jobs, lowered unemployment to historic levels, chided NATO allies to pony up and pay a fair share of defending themselves, voided the ill-conceived Obama-Iran Nuclear Give Away agreement, pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, ended job killing NAFTA and replaced it with a better deal, is stopping the bleeding from our trade with China, and has started to wind down the follies of our battles in the Middle East. He as placed the first stake in the heart of Obama Care by making the IRS mandate illegal. The ISIS caliphate is ca put. Sanctions on Iran and North Korea are having positive affects. Trump is in one on one talks with Kim of North Korea and what have the democrats done?
Open borders, higher taxes, green new deals, gun control, and more regulations. Trump is the better deal. A good deal is a good deal for everybody.
Donald J. Trump is the real deal.
And it kills them one and all.
America will vote for America and not against her.
Keep America Great.
Vote Trump 2020!
JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center
Combine the wit of Sanders, Biden, Booker, Harris, Clinton (yes she will run if health permits), Hickenlooper, Beitreg(sic), Flato O'Rourke, Warren, and the 12 other lesser candidates with hats in the ring, and it is Trump over all.
Sanders is an aging communist who couldn't lead a bojo fly to dog dung. Biden is a hapless halfwit compared to Trump. Booker, "Sparticus" fell on his sword during the Kavanaugh hearings and anyting he does after this is an accident. If he wins his senate seat in New Jersey next time around, it will be proof of voter fraud.
Kamala Harris comes off as America's wicked stepmother. She will do the bidding of the globalist who have bought and paid for her senate seat. Clinton, with health problems compounded by the ravages of aging poorly will not be viewed as a contender and Trump who is a couple of years her senior can run circles around her.
Hickenlooper, I do not even know why he is throwing his hat into the ring after he ruined Colorado.
Beitreg(sic) who is the mayor of a smallish city in Indiana, is the favored candidate of the few, but has not accomplished anything there that would catapult him into the position occupied by DJT.
Fako O'Rourke, who looks like the Kennedys, is a much hyped, hipster, honkie who has as much business running for president as my pet mud turtle. Even democrat voters are not that stupid.
And Princess Elizabeth Warren comes across as a complete phony. She swills beer just like us deplorables. She can out run Hillary Clinton in a foot race! Not saying alot there, as even Stephen Hawking could have bested Clinton before his demise.
My prediction: no matter who the democrats nominate, President Trump will sail to re-election because America can not get enough of this man and his wonderful wit, grit, and patriotism.
Hamstrung by a malignant press, a contemptible investigation, a congress full of doubters and obstructionists, and Obama/Clinton Justice, State, and FBI filled with corrupt department heads, Trump still managed to Make America Great Again.
He has closed the border, brought back manufacturing jobs, lowered unemployment to historic levels, chided NATO allies to pony up and pay a fair share of defending themselves, voided the ill-conceived Obama-Iran Nuclear Give Away agreement, pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, ended job killing NAFTA and replaced it with a better deal, is stopping the bleeding from our trade with China, and has started to wind down the follies of our battles in the Middle East. He as placed the first stake in the heart of Obama Care by making the IRS mandate illegal. The ISIS caliphate is ca put. Sanctions on Iran and North Korea are having positive affects. Trump is in one on one talks with Kim of North Korea and what have the democrats done?
Open borders, higher taxes, green new deals, gun control, and more regulations. Trump is the better deal. A good deal is a good deal for everybody.
Donald J. Trump is the real deal.
And it kills them one and all.
America will vote for America and not against her.
Keep America Great.
Vote Trump 2020!
JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center
O'Rourke' Warren. Biden,
President Trump
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