Friday, May 17, 2019

Google, Now President Trump Wants To Learn Of My Experience With Tech Bias, Do You Want Me To Out You? Censor This!

I am therefore I Blog.  I founded the Urban Poverty Law Center in 2009 as a way to feed the creative spirit I inherited from my father.

I chose my site name from animus I had with the Southern Poverty Law Center and my take on its bogus proclamations and self-serving anti-conservative biases.  The yahoos who headed up this organization gave the South a bad name.   I dislike their product and what they stand for.

My musings, not always cogent, but sometimes insightful, and on occasion humorous have a decidedly conservative narrative.

After a decade of blogging on this GOOGLE site I have learned a few things about publisher bias.

During the 2012 election cycle I agreed foolishly to ads on the blog.  I was swamped with Pro Hillary and Pro Obama ads.  I dropped Ads from the blog after a few years.

If I was in a rather anti Obama or Clinton Rant, I would often get a warning that my work could not be saved from the God of Google, and this red lettered warning above my work would more often than not disrupt my train of thought.  Subtle, hey?

I am shocked by now this has not flashed up in this screed I am writing already.  After getting the red letter warning from Goebels, I would often add in the sentence I was finishing "leave me alone Google"  thereby noting when and where in the missive I was warned.

Please note I just got the red letter warning I mentioned above.  Leave me alone Goebles!  The fish took the bait.

When the truth comes out, President Barack Hussein Obama will be the most corrupt president ever to take the oath of office.  He was a complete failure.  His secretary of state Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person to ever hold higher public office.

Together they funneled arms and money to our enemies through the Libyan embassy and allowed for the slaughter of our ambassador and three others in Benghazi, and covered it up!

The IRS scandal with Lois Lerner still needs an open investigation and not the Obama Holder cover-up we had during the Obama mistake.

The Hillary Clinton and her bogus foundation needs to be outed as the corrupt "Pay To Play Scheme"
it is.

If President Trump wants to lower taxes fairly and simply for every American worker, give every tax paying worker a tax holiday.

A 25% tax cut across the board would allow each tax paying worker to work 1 year out of 4 and pay no federal income taxes.

A 12.5% reduction would be one in 8 working years tax free.  The year you do not pay would be drawn by lottery and once you start in the system it continues at 12.5% work 7 and pay 7 yrs, then one free year, next 7 yrs pay taxes.  You get the drift.

The bogus Russia collusion investigation needs to be turned on its head and President Trump and his supporters need reparations which must include 2 more years tacked onto the end of this president's term in office to give back what was stolen from his administration.  This and $10,000 for every Trump supporter who had to listen to the TDS media over the past 3 years drone on and on about Russia, Russia, Russia.  And I want the media to be fined to pay for the reparations.

And by the way, Steven Colbert,  President Trump is no body's C Holster, but you are the C Holster of the corrupt DNC!

Paris Climate Accord is only a great transfer of wealth from the have nots to the haves.  Yes that's right, the average American tax payer is a have not and most of their tax money is pivoted away from the worker and to the elites on each coast.

The Iran Nuclear Deal is a bust.  Trump is correct to get out of it.

NATO was a joke until Trump Called them on it.

Immigration is packing the voter rolls for the corrupt pols in the democrat party.

Our wars in the Middle East need to wind down.

President Trump is a brave man to take on the entrenched corruption in Washington,  DC.   He deserves our support and respect.  He is a fighter and we cannot afford to lose him.

And can I say I have been censored by tech?

Yes, this past week my cartoon of Obama saying "I did not spy on Trump" was blanked out for a while on others who clicked on the blog, but still up on my computer screen at home.

Google you tricky bastards,  I have friends with computers!

Why has the red screen warning not reappeared,  cat got your censorship tongue?

I am going to send this missive along to the folks at unless I get a check for 1 million dollar, wait, one billion dollars, or $10 cash payable to the Alabama anti- abortion fund.

Google, you are one deluded corporate mind.  Censorship is a slippery slope.  What if the conservatives turn the tide and you are the subject of the censorship?  What then?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President,  Urban Poverty Law Center

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