Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Squad Is Odd And Trump Is Right, The Border Swings Both Ways, This Ain't Hotel California

If socialism excites your base and you are an American politician, it's time to get a new base.   Pelosi and her gang of house democrats are in dire straights.  The love affair the Pravda of American journalism have for the Quiff Squad or the Unfreshwomen of Congress who represent districts in New York City, Minnesota, Michigan, and Up State New York have sucked all the oxygen out of Nancy Pelosi's house of representatives.

These harpies are UnAmerican and show allegiance, in no particular order to:  undocumented immigrants,  Al Quaeda, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood,  and are seeking to undermine American greatness.

President Trump has assessed these unhappy near-do-wells correctly.  They hate America, speak ill of Israel and one even opened her big bilingual mouth and killed a win-win deal Amazon had made with the city of New York costing thousands of high paying jobs for struggling New Yorkers.  This economics minor from Boston College, thought the billion dollar tax incentive the city was granting Amazon would be better spent on the infrastructure and the poor.

This gadfly bit the hand that feeds her rather hard with that Joe Biden Class gaff!  And she never acknowledged her mistake.  Maybe she still does not understand what a blunder it turned out to be.

And Ilhan Oman, the Somali princess, refers to 911 attacks on the World Trade Centers as "some people did something".

Why yes, Congresswoman Oman, some people did something to kill over 3000 innocent Americans. You have dishonored our country and should stand under a falling rock for the punishment of your sin  in keeping with your noble religion's traditions.  However we do not have stoning as a tradition in our western society.  Honor killing is not our thing.

We believe "Sticks and Stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us!  So we will talk trash with your Squad and President Trump has done that in spades already, but we will never stone or stick you for your delusional utterances.  We will beat you at the ballot box.  Count on it.

The bespeckled Squid member, looks more suited for a burqa than even the late Helen Thomas of the Washington press corps, has a nasty mouth, which more than once referred to the President as a MF'er.  She and a catfish share a striking resemblance and when she enters the room it begins to smell like low tide in no time.

The utterances that come out of Talib's mouth confirm she is a true bottom feeder.

Ok, I am done picking on the Gaggle of Greatness known as the democrat Squad of Communists.

I hope they last for they are entertaining like George Harrison intoned on "A Hard Days Night"
"they're grody, we make fun of them and throw things at them when they come on the tele."


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