Friday, August 23, 2019

President Trump Should Nominate A New Supreme Court Justice Now To Insure A Smooth Transition For The Next Opening

If Ruth Bader Ginsburg, elderly supreme court justice, has a cancer in her pancreas which had been radiated, it could be bad, very bad.

I suggest that President Trump get out in front by nominating his choice to fill her seat now.

It will take at least 4 months for the unfortunate nominee to run the gauntlet of irrational democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and keep a couple of the most irritating candidates for president off the campaign trail.

Harris and Booker will be nonstop critical of Trump and his premature nominee.  And with pre-approval the new supreme court nominee and now justice will hit the ground running with no delay in the smooth transition of the nation's highest court.

President Trump, nominate; Mitch, start the confirmation process, and watch the media seethe and twist in agony.

Better yet nominate three in case other justices leave, or assume room temperature.

The Management  UPLC

Ginsburg to the Supreme Court is like a flintlock musket to an AK-47.

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