Monday, September 2, 2019

Straight Pride Parades Can Coexist With The Other Sexuals

Straight Pride Parade?   Being Straight is easy.  It takes no courage to be Straight.  But it appears some people in the LGBTQ clubs are miffed that Straights would parade Straightness.  What's next public displays of boy on girl kissing?  Public dancing of man and woman couples?  Celebrations of the spawn of Straights?

So should we all step back and take a deep breath and be thankful we live in a country that celebrates everyone?  Where all groups can celebrate if they wish with a parade.

It is true LGBTQ parades are more colorful than a bunch of middle aged fat males carrying banners and shouting slogans like "Who's gonna cook my dinner and change my child's poopie diaper?"

I think the power of the parade may fade if Straights adopt this form of celebration formerly only in the playbook of the sexually aggrieved.    Will this cause consternation among the non-Straights?

Most Straights do not care about their neighbor's sexual orientation as long as it does not involve their minor children,  P should never be included in the list of paraders.

If pedophilia is ever mainstreamed we are lost.   Man-animal love, bestiality, is pushing the sexual envelope, but could be accepted by the masses, after all who doesn't love bacon?

Now that there has been a Straight Pride Parade can we add another letter to the sexual preference meme and include everyone as special?

Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual, Queer and one other classification should be included for completeness, Asexual.

So here's to saluting everyone!

SLGBTQA have a parade.  I will come if I am not working.  We are all children of God!

Management, UPLC

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