If these were normal times with Americans in a relationship with representatives who truly cared about middle America and its well being, we would not have had Obamacare foisted down our already full throats by Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Schummer and 58 other democrat senators who marched to their progressive drum beat. These pols have nothing to fear from the voters. They could care less if Americans make more or less money. You see the connection between tax revenues and government spending has been broken, snapped in two, by deficit spending and a Federal Reserve Banking system that will print all the money you talentless hacks request.
Time for Americans to demand more accountability! Schummer, your ephipahny, so eloquently stated last week about Obamacare v economic growth has come 6 years and trillions of dollars too late. You are a pathetic has been. Your keen wit and intellect has probably been sucked out by the brain algae which is said to infect a third of all Americans, most of whom affiliate with your democrat party. Thankfully this infection is progressive and soon you, Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and Hillary will be drooling nimcompoops and nothing note worthy will come out of your mouths that is not tainted by a cracker or a piece of beluga caviar. Your time is limited. If you make it past the next election I will be surprised, because those of us who have not been dulled by the aglae infection know your game and it is off big time.
To improve the American economy it must be inextricably tied to tax revenues immediately. Only then will your algae addled minds realise what is good for the American people is good for its representative government. No more Federal Reserve Bank loans to fill in the deficits. If you need more money, grow the economy like Reagan did and Bill Clinton bragged about. Lower marginal tax rates for corporations, let their overseas money come back into the country tax free and work hard for the American economy.
Time for you algae induced dullards to stop harping on being fair and be smart. A prosperous America is a prosperous world. Immigration needs to be set on the back burner and wait for better economic times. It would be great to hire every North, South and Central American who wants a job here, but unless you intend upon building a great wall of China like structure along our borders both Northern and Southern, I do not see that happening.
Did you ever stop and consider how the Chinese managed to build a wall capable of stopping the Mongols a thousland years ago with no machinery and we cannot muster the desire or the money to build one with all the resouces and equipment we have these days just to keep a swarm of immigrants out?
Mr. Schummer, Put up that wall! It will be the first step towards rebuilding America from the inside out, and will mark Washington's willingness to stop the Obama/Holder plan to destroy her by turning her inside out by erasing our borders and the privileges which come with citizenship.
A country with out priviliges for its citizens ceases to exist. A country without secure borders is not a country. A country with leaders who ingore the will of the people has no leaders. A people who despise the government will soon work against it in every small way possible. Italians have such distaste for their leadership, they all avoid taxation.
And Chuck, can I call you Chuck? This congress and the Obama administration is the most corrupt in our short history. My head swims listing the atrosities, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner and the Tea Party, Eric Holder and the banking scandal, the stimulous to nowhere, the bailout to banks, Gitmo, immigration amnesty, on and on the list goes and where it stops nobody knows.
And how many of these corrupt deals did your body investigate? None not a single one. Well that is about to end when Mitchy "Itchy" Mc Connell and the tea party takes over in January, and I hope you have a good answer for your Algae infected supporters there in New York as to how you could sit back and drool as Obamacare was forced on an unwilling American populace while the economy languished unattended by any adults.
Chuck Schummer, you are pathetic.
Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center
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