Sunday, November 17, 2019

Does Anyone Believe Only Slo Joe Biden And His Family Are Corrupted By The D.C. Experience----Duh!

If Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden were the only top US official and family members participating in illegal kick-backs and bribery schemes, the frantic push to remove President Trump would never have happened.

One small turd and his spawn in the great big punch bowl that is Washington D.C. today would not be noticed.  They would be dipped out and it would be business as usual where all in government service are angels and behave accordingly.

But if Slo Joe is the canary in the coal mine of deep dark insider secretive sweetheart deals between our political class and the billions they dish out to other country's expecting to retrieve some of that money for themselves, their families and their foundations, then Canary Joe's political death is a hallmark.

And the frantic calls for President Trumps impeachment is the proof.

There is something rotten in Denmark.

I believe Slo Joe and Hunter are small potatoes and the big potatoes are frantic to have Barr's investigation into governmental malfeasance end before those with bigger pans in the fire are outed.

Obama's have both landed lucrative book, Netflix and other deals.  Clinton's with the phony foundation and speaking deals have cherry picked billions out of the world's monetary supply.  But what in their miserable lives is better?

Bill Clinton appears he could slip from these surly bonds of earth any time now and would require no make-up to play an extra on "The Walking Dead".

Hillary Clinton, tortured by her personal demons, is feeling pressured to waddle into the democrat presidential primary to defeat President Trump a second time since apparently defeating him the first time was not good enough to become the president.   She sports a brand new wardrobe of name brand tent wear to hide her bionic assist legs.   She will seem to float effortlessly across the stage.

Ack!  Ack!

The sacrifice democrats like Adam Schiff and Nanaboo Pelosi are making to try to sully this president is Herculean.  There have to be some mighty big skeletons in these closets.  To stop the wheels of government for two years and make no progress in your attempt to impeach has to be a bit of a disappointment.

Time to rid our congress of the demons and elect some angels, if we can find some.  One way to get angels is to pay them more so money is not a problem.

Hell, if they would raise congressional salaries to about $800,000 a year I would consider running.

If congress has trouble raising the $428 million for salaries, perhaps they could get countries with business before the government to sponsor a congressman or woman.   All above board of course.

My take:  corruption with bribery and skulduggery is prevalent and runs deep and wide with this current bunch of so-called leaders.

A purge will be necessary.

The democrat play for Trump's impeachment is the fake out.  They are in deep state do-do!

Joe Biden Chancre, Sr.   President Urban Poverty Law Center

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