Thursday, September 26, 2019

Declas? The People Can't Handle The Declas!

Why can't the senate investigate the DNC-Democrat house and senate- Ukraine- Biden quid pro quo debacle?  Corruption!

The senate and house are completely corrupt with money from ill gotten gains.  Are foreign aid moneys routinely kicked back to our valued leaders?   Where did Obama get the billions to give Iran?
I wonder did Iranian money buy the Obama Martha's Vineyard mansion?

It is looking like Trump is the only honest pol in Washington.

It is starting to look like the original sin was not Eve eating the apple but stealing it!

Nancy Pelosi and her proclamation of impeachment inquiry is a great embarrassment.  Her timing was off.  She needs to have a mentis compis evaluation post haste.

For years the United States was looked upon as the stalwart in a lawless world.  Where justice was blind.  Where the law was applied equally to rich and poor.  Loud foul buzzer!

The criminal class has migrated to politics like flies to scat.  

It looks like it is going to take more than one honest president to drain the swamp.

Swamp, hell, it is looking more like a sewer.

The congress is no longer functioning and is frozen.   The senate is on life support.   The media has lost its ability to find and report the truth.

The American dream has become a nightmare where ex bartenders and 16 yr old actresses from Sweden lecture adults about unproven climate worries and rail against capitalism, and 70 yr old senators claim to have American Indian heritage to get hired on at an Ivy League school.

An America where presidents can weaponize the CIA, FBI, IRS, EPA, and BATF and the press will happily look the other way.  Spies can be planted in opposing political party's campaigns and bogus charges of foreign collusion can be investigated by a very partisan team to hamstring a duly elected president.

Gitmo is not large enough to accommodate those who deserve federal housing.

I do not know if America can survive the coming declas.

Like Jack Nicholson proclaims:  "The Truth!  You can't handle the Truth!"

Our leaders have broken the bond of trust that once served as the glue that held this country together.

The loss of trust will be very hard to re-establish.

This current bunch of pols must be replaced and they should resign immediately and new elections be called.  The amendment that took the election of the senate away from state legislators to the popular vote must be repealed because the founders had it right.  The senate is to bid on the state's behalf, the congress on the people, and the president is the umpire.  Now the government is for sale to the highest bidder.

This arrangement cannot last.  The people are woke.

President Trump's call for independent audits of current lawmakers and families should be instituted immediately by the former employees of Arthur Anderson.  Anyone who fails the audit must have fortunes forfeited for the green new deal.

I am afraid we do not know the depth and breadth of the corruption that has taken root in our elective officers.

I fear it is too late to salvage.   If the declas only points out a few bad apples, then great get them out of office and hire some new apples, but I fear the barrel is rotten and placing a few fresh apples in a putrid barrel is only a stop gap measure.

We are doomed.  

At least we have a President in Trump who is trying his best to do the right thing for America and the American people, all of the people.

God Bless President Trump and with President Trump God Truly Blessed America!

jdm puplc

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