Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poem For Big Tech Big Brother, And Big Sister, And Big Brother Who Thinks He Is A Sister And Vice Versa

Google playing with our noodle
Leftist hiding truth and strudel
Youtube leaving out the fiddle
Public watching Dems who piddle

Baltimore burns rat's delight
Cummings churns in broad daylight
Federal grants down the drain
Waste enough for a high speed train

Mayor Pugh what say you
Are your bills over due?
Leadership in the shadows
Heading for the public gallows?

So Google, Youtube show us truth
stop playing games and being uncouth
show Baltimore as a well run city
and we will give you no mo pity

Shine the light on truth today
and watch the rats run away
So Youtube, Google stop the lie
And give the truth another try

People see what you are doing
Just another public screwing
Algorithms skew the news
Touting liberal point of views

How is Russian Collusion different than
Google's Collusion with the China man?
Anti-American Anti- Trump
Google deserves a great big thump

Stop the foolishness stop the war
On half the country its gone too far
Google, Youtube listen to me
Fairness and truth will set you free

The final straw to set you off
Make America Great Again
And wait for it:
Keep America Great!  Amen.


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