Friday, December 27, 2019

An Open Letter To President Donald J. Trump


Dear President Trump,

First let it be known I deeply respect and admire you!  Your sacrifice for this nation and the common men and women knows no equal in modern history.  I may be taking it too far but it is on a scale with our savior, Christ, whose birthday we have just celebrated.  Thank you and God Bless you and your wonderful family.

Now for the meat of this nut:

1.  Get a voter ID in place before the next election so we do not have to sweat your re-election.

2.  Tax former government officials at 90% of incomes over that they made while in office for the first
      10 years out of government service so if pols like HRC and Obama score lucrative book deals or
      netflix deals the people and its treasury make great gains as well.

3.  End Taxes on people who work after retirement age, this is selfish I am 66.  But this would help
     a lot to end the unfair burden our Tax code places on the common man.

4.  If you want to reduce taxes on the working class by 20%, allow each worker to have a tax amnesty
     year for every 5 years worked.   Watch the people work harder during the year they are exempt
     from taxation.

5.  Change the physical character of money, new colors and designs and mandate all money must be
     turned in for exchange and some form of accounting for where the money was earned so drug
    money and bribes like those from Ukraine to the Bidens and others would become worthless and
     confiscated by the US treasury.

6.  Don Jr is a natural to follow you as president, can you change the law so you can make it through
     an executive order?   Seriously, he could win the nomination and the election if he is willing to
     make the sacrifice.

7.  Eric and Ivanka could follow and America could live through the Golden Age of Trump!

8.  Barron could follow as he would be of age if he has any political aspirations.

9.  You are the funniest President and your ability to outrage the left is wildly entertaining.

10.  Keep up the great work on behalf of our country!

Joe Biden Chancre, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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