What happens when the government hates the people as much as the people hate the government? Waco, Ruby Ridge, Tim McVey, Stimulus packages to bail out fat cat bankers and Wall Street trading whores, QE1,2,3?, air travel restricted to those who comply with nudity or fondling by the TSA, and politicians like Representative Maxine Waters, who invited the 46% of Americans who pay her salary via taxes, to take a trip to visit her colleague and master, old Satan himself.
From a representative republic to a unrepresentative Kleptocracy in just over 200 years, the fall of the American way of life is now complete. All that is left is for someone to turn out the lights, and Obama's new EPA regulations against cross state pollution has threatened to do just that. His EPA plans to shutter 1/5 of our nation's coal fired generating plants. Electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket! What a fool!
The Tea Party must pray for relief to the only One Who keeps Maxine Waters and Satan in check. Could the veering off of the latest tropical storm away from Rush Limbaugh in Florida and straight for our vacationing Baritone in Chief on Martha's Vineyard be God's sign that he has not forsaken his little lambs here in America?
Is the grand American experiment in freedom not ending with this most remarkable fluke of presidential politics?
A man only elected by a majority of voters as the anti-Bush, Clinton fatigued, wow a clean well-spoken black man(Joe Biden's take) candidate who could charm the panties off a young Doris Day, and then be just as comfortable wearing them to the pizza parlor on Martha's vineyard, leaving Miss Day to wonder what just happened.
Today, we are all Miss Day. Barack Hussein Obama has all our underwear and we are unsure how this happened without us realizing it. Oh yeah, he promises to give them back, but we must all take a good look at them when we get them back before we try to wear them. Obama promised to fundamentally change America. He did.
He has taken our very foundations, our freedoms, our money, our choices and stolen them like an underwear thief in the night and most of us do not even realize we have gone commando. We are too busy raising families and working two jobs to notice his attack.
Our freedom to choose whether or not to buy medical insurance is gone. He chose to force us to buy it. Our freedom to earn a dollar today and save it secure in the knowledge it will be worth the same in three months let alone in 10 years is gone thanks to his goons at the Federal Reserve Bank and their printing presses.
Our freedom to educate our children with God in the school room has been taken from us with horrifying results. Flash mobs beating and robbing fellow citizens with callous disregard for our shared heritage and the Ten Commandments.
Our vote has been taken by him and his thugs at ACORN and others through voter intimidation and outright fraud. The Tea Party realizes we are back to "taxation without representation"! It pissed us off then and it pisses us off now.
Our borders have been taken from us as have the rights and privileges being a US citizen bestows. Walk across the border, can't speak English, no problemo, can't get a job, no problemo, want to vote even though not a citizen, no problemo!
Well, Mr. Obama, the Tea Party thinks we have a big problemo! And we showed your team what a warm up looked like in 2010. We were just clearing our throats in 2010. You ain't seen nothing yet.
You might as well reserve the moving vans now to haul you and your self-indulgent entourage out of the people's White House, not your house, not the Federal Reserve's house, not the bandits of Wall Street's house, and not Maxine Waters'house. To show you there are no hard feelings, the tea party will even pick up the tab for your move with a generous retirement for the rest of your life. Where, in retirement you can wow your big powerful friends,the titans of treason and the captains of crony-capitalism, making $500,000 a speech, spouting platitudes filled with empty rhetoric about how you almost fundamentally changed America!
It is the Tea Party's White House. We pay for it and we controlled its occupant until you began to steal the power of the vote. Shame on you, you know what you've done. Thief! A low down underwear thief!
Your welcome is waning. Your leadership is reckless. Your timing is out of sync. Anyway watch out for that hurricane. God works in mysterious ways. Pray that others are praying for and not against you. Our God is an awesome God.
Maybe you should attend church this weekend? And perhaps you should take that old sulphur spewing gas bag, Maxine Waters, with you.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
"Jack, you hate going to Church." Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008
A note to the SS: Never mind! JDM
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