Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Time To Move 7 Million Hong Kongers To Mobile Alabama, Hang With Hong Kong

Dear Mr. Maybolt,

To the president of the prestigious Urban Poverty Law Center, I am writing for your help.
I represent 7 million Chinese who live in Hong Kong and are being brutalized for our belief in freedom and democracy by the communist Chinese.

I know a man of your importance has the ear of the great and wonderful President Donald J. Trump.
This is what I am begging from you.

Please tell President Trump he needs to mobilize all his humanitarian forces and move all 7 million of us to Mobile, Alabama and we can bring the kind of prosperity to this part of the America it never imagined.

Alternatively,  he could move a million or so to some of the more communistic blue states and turn them Red.  Ha, Ha, Ha, I make joke.  Hong Kong citizen make America Red!

I fear China will come down on my fellow Hong Kongers in a most serious and brutal way.

Please get my request to President Trump.  He is fine man.

I am eternally indebted to you,

Sum Ting Wong, Hong Kong

I have forwarded this message to the White House and hope it is passed along to the greatest President America ever produced.

JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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