Thursday, June 6, 2019

Hillary Clinton Has Already Been Tried And Convicted For Her Crimes

Conservatives are sick of the Clintons.  Eight years in the 90's with the Clinton co-presidency was enough.

Candidate Bill promised a tax cut for the middle class, then faux tears and the admission he worked hard but could not deliver a cut and instead delivered a tax increase!  Meanwhile his co-president was busy planning a health care take over in secrecy.  That flopped like an Asian carp in a boat on the Illinois River.

Then she gets 800 FBI files on all of Washington and nothing is done.  So what, if it is illegal?  Then she cannot find the Rose Law Firm Billing records, then Vince Foster kills himself, then she tarnishes any bimbo who speaks up about being groped, raped, or propositioned by bent Willie.

Paula Jones rises up out of The American Spectator article to give credence to Slick's sordid reputation and Monica Lewenski with her semen splashed blue dress puts the icing on the cake.

The questionable behavior would have stopped ordinary politicians cold.  But the amazing Clinton Duo are without shame and see their role as the world's greatest grifters as unstoppable.

Hillary's New York senate seat is procured with JFK jr's unseemly death in an airplane capable of flying on autopilot all the way to the designated airport.

Then Barack Obama, a slight man with a booming baritone voice, a knack for reading from teleprompters, appears out of nowhere placing her plans for the presidency back 8 years.  She spends 4 of these years as Secretary of State filling the Clinton Foundation coffers to the brim with pay to play schemes.  Uranium, (Uranus) One is prolly the greatest shake down that we know about.

She uses a private server for official government business allowing Russia and China to read her missives before its intended receiver.   Our Spies in China pay for her careless act with their lives.

When Congress learns of her home server and subpoena her email records, she destroys 33,000 with bit bleach and a hammer.

The FBI pour bleach over their investigation and she is not charged with obstruction of justice or mishandling top secret documents.  Really?

She conspires with the DNC to keep Bernie Sanders off the top of the democrat ticket in 2016.

Her health is failing.

She hopes Trump is her opponent since he is weakest in the republican field,  a joke.  Her wish is granted.

But Americans have been watching this woman misbehave for over three decades.  We have seen her skate on crimes that would place anyone else in prison.  Something about her warns us , like the red hour glass on the black widow spider or the rattles on a snake, she is not trustworthy or qualified to hold that office.

Hillary Clinton was sized up by middle America and found to be one donut shy of the presidency.

In the court of public opinion Hillary Clinton was tried, convicted, and sentenced to lose the presidency to Donald J. Trump.

She could not defeat the "Orange Man from Manhattan" with all of her fawning press, a billion dollar campaign, and a great and powerful ego.

Justice has been served by a public with better judgment than all of our judiciary combined.

Hillary Clinton loses and we win!

JDM, President UPLC

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