Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Spying On Political Opponnents Is So Third World, The New American Standard?

Where can you find a more unlikely spy?

Above, in the box if not censored by my freedom of speech loving partners at ooggle,(sic), is another Bobby Birdsong drawing of our distinguished 44 touting his plausible denial of spying on President Trump.

I have tried to understand the vitriol President stirs up in the popular press and among the liberal elites?

And I have hit upon it!  President Trump is only a threat to beta males and feminist.

Trump is a bonded through and through Alpha male and he makes our press and elites uncomfortable because the testosterone coursing through his veins affects how he sees and deals with the world and those who would subjugate his American peoples.

The Beta globalists will have a hard time forcing any agenda President Trump opposes.

America first, and alpha males make the best leaders.

Beta O'Rourke, Beta Biden, Beta Sanders, Beta Harris, and Beta Corker (my term for CORy booKER), and Beta __________( you fill in the blank with the other 15 DNC sluggers will fail to unseat Alpha Trump in a fair election.

One thing's certain,  President Obama was just as good a president as he was a spy!  Hey 44, you are supposed to be secretive so the subject of the spying is unaware of the spying.

Looks like our spies, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, McCabe and the others need a spying refresher course.

Perhaps, Putin's or Xi's people could give our spooks some tips?   I bet if Hillary Clinton asked them to, they would.

How about it?

JDM President UPLC

OOGLE censored the first cartoon from the previous date submission, this to see if it again gets pulled from publication.

The management at UPLC

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