Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Trump's Reign Over Washington Needs Impeachment For His Re-election

 Google's AI will spin and whirl and squeal with my first line in support of president Trump.

President Donald J. Trump is the only honest politician in Washington, DC.  Yes, I wrote it, and it is true.

Joe Biden and his spawn are corrupt.  The $50,000 per month payment to Hunter Biden is a lie.  It was $168,000 a month, funny 168,000 x 12 months is 2 million.  This is a million dollars to Hunter Biden a year and a million to the partner.

Say it ain't so, Joe!

Impeach this president for draining the corruption in Washington, DC at your own peril, democrats.  Impeachment will seal his re-election!

All the kick backs and skulduggery and subterfuge will come out in the end and it will be you who will be disgraced.

I suggest if you have  skeletons in your political closets as it pertains to graft and payoffs, announce your retirement from politics now and hire the best lawyers your ill-gotten funds can afford.

Red state Americans have had a belly full of your kind of politics.

Trump was voted in to take care of the corruption which has gone out of control over the past 30 years.

We cannot depend on the media to investigate honestly.  Corporate America is a joke.  But what would you expect from a bunch of profit whores.

By the way, if anyone has $168,000 to give my institute I would gladly retract this missive.

Until then,  I am with our President.

JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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