Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Was Hunter Biden Set Up With Luden Roberts So His Financial Records Would Be Made Public

Foul, dare I say foul!

I think it is fair to assume the spawn of Squid Pro Joe Biden has made a few poor choices in his life.  Crack pipes in rental cars, diddling Beau's wife, accepting positions and moneys from shady characters from the Ukraine while pops is controlling a billion dollars in loan guarantees, and a bil and a half from China!  But turning down free money has not been one.

And now we learn Hunter Biden frequented a Gentleman's Club in DC and has fathered a child with Luden Roberts, a very comely stripper who worked the club in DC.

The baby was born in August of 2018, and assuming a 9 month pregnancy, the contribution from Hunter came (no gross pun intended) sometime in November of 2017.

If the paternity suit ongoing in Arkansas is successful in opening up Hunter Biden's financial records for the past 5 years, his squib shot into Ms. Luden will be known as another shot that was heard around the world.

More specifically, the world of Vice President Joe Biden.

Now, I am assuming patriots on Trump's side knew about the Biden's Ukraine gravy train in early 2017 when Tooty Fruity-o Rudy first began to investigate the Obama-Clinton scandals in that country.

Was Hunter Biden the target of a honey pot scheme to nefariously get to his financials?

If so it is the greatest plan ever conceived ( pun bow, thank you).

But what was the story of going out to buy a sex toy for Hunter all about?  Too much information!

The impeachment of President Trump will do more harm to the previous administration and its FBI, CIA,  Justice and State Departments, the Senate and House where the cover in the Foreign Aid with kick backs via $7 billion laundered to a Franklin Templeton fund will be blown to smithereens.

So Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler are sticking the nose of the camel under the tent of corruption and they will not be pleased what the public learns about the sausage factory which is Washington DC.

The wonderful late comedian Richard Pryor's quote about Cocaine is salient for Hunter Biden:

"Cocaine is God's way of telling you, you make too much money!"

Thanks to a paternity suit in Arkansas we are going to find out how much was too much for Hunter Biden.

Good luck with that, Joe.

Joe Biden Chancre Sr, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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