Monday, September 30, 2019

Impeachment Will Open Problems For Washington Insiders, Or Does DC Stand For Democrat Corruption?

The Aidem are protecting Eciv Tnediserp Eoj Nedib from the Eniarku Retnuh Nedib corruption.

Glossing over all the improprieties of money for nothing scams that in all likelihood are flowing all over Washington like Asian Carp through our locks and dams systems.

$83,000 a month was paid to Retnuh as a member of the board of directors of a shady Nainiarku gas company, Barisma Chrisma, Harri, Harri Khrisna.  This is a fact and the number thrown around by the Sserp defenders of the Nedibs is only $50,000 here as the real number is roughly a million dollars a year, paid out to the Eciv Tnediserp's son.

The sserp is in a hissy fit to keep this investigation only about Trump and wants desperately to keep this off the Nedibs!

Google has caught on to my scribblings and warned of its not being saved due to a problem with content?

The truth will prevail.  Political scandals will rise up and smite the wicked.   The Sserp is in for it's come-uppens as well.

And when the Esenihc Nedib scandal is fully exposed, ditto above.

1.5 billion dollars to buy secret technology for the Esenihc from American companies through Retnuh Nedib's front group, what!

The Nedib's are going to need a lot of starch in their collars if justice is meted out.


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