Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Wise Up President Trump Switch Parties And Take A Bribe

Wise up President Trump, give up your archaic view of what is legal vs illegal in politics.

You and your family could really cash in if you will convert to Democrat and then your sons and daughters could be put on the Ukrainian and Chinese and whose knows how many other countries payroll for millions and perhaps even billions of dollars!

Then the media would have to stop the assault on you and your presidency and maybe we could get the bribes into the trillions and retire our debt to the deep state bankers?

President Trump what could we lose?  Just use the tried and true Clinton/Biden/Obama for accepting bribes to family members.

If you can't beat them join them.

Of course I am only kidding.  You keep being Trump and MAGA and KAG!

Sarcastic Jack, President UPLC

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