Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Mueller Report Selectively Edits John Dowd's Voice Mail Transcript To Exonerate Trump's Team

Mueller and his band of 17 horny democrats doctored John Dowd's voice mail to General Flynn's lawyer to make his request seem more like a case of obstruction of justice.  They left out a key phrase.

Dowd in his message to Flynn's Lawyer, asked for a heads up for any information that may implicate Trump for national security reasons but adds the qualifier, that he is not asking for the release of any confidential information.

This part of the request was suspiciously left out of the 408 page report.

Hum?  What else was omitted by Andy Weissmann (known for unscrupulous prosecutor's methods, see  Enron-Arthur Anderson case)?

If a report has even one questionable line, especially a legal document as important as a Special Counsel's report,  how can it be viewed without jaundice and prejudice.

The report is tainted.  It cannot be trusted.  Mueller and Weissmann must testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

If it is shown that they have lied in the report they must repay the American taxpayers and rewrite the report.

The title is wrong.  The selective edit of Mr. Dowd's voice mail was to cast suspicion on President Trump and his team.

Shame on you, Robert Mueller.

Shame on you, Andy Weissmann.

This cements your reputations.   Bagmen for Clinton's.

How about a public apology?

We will not hold our breath waiting for one.

JDM,  President Urban Poverty Law Center

PS  Sic some of the former Arthur Anderson accountants on the Clinton Foundation books and look for how much has been sent to these bad boys and the compliant media.

We may be surprised by their findings?

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