Sunday, July 7, 2019

Joe Biden Gaffs And The End Of His Political Life, Who Will Face President Trump

Joe Biden,  "poor guy can't help himself" quote Brit Hume. Joe Biden's gaff on Russian interference never on his and Obama's watch has placed him squarely into Hillary Clinton's bridge club of has-beens in elective presidential politics.

Too bad Biden flamed out so soon.  He would have been a great place holder to lose to Donald Trump in 2020.  Now the democrats will have to offer another sacrifice to fill the slot.

Will it be Bernie Socialist?  Probably not his nuts are stale and are rattling around in his head.

Will mayor Pete be the first openly gay president?  Nope, he has failed his mayoral duties in his small Indiana city state and is falling short of the media's great expectations.

Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren, will she be able to capture the nomination.  No, she is awkward in her movements and comes across as the old maid great aunt who tries to be cool,  but falls flat with the younger generation.

What about Cory Booker?  No,  he is a goober.  Spartacus lost without getting into the coliseum.

Kamala Harris is woman enough to capture the nomination.  Currently, she is the media's choice.  She is just as accomplished as Hillary, who as you recall, rode a powerful politician's back from first lady of Arkansas, to co-president of the United States, to New York senator, to Secretary of State, to twice failed candidate for President of the United States.  Hillary Clinton did not have it.  It being what it takes to win the presidency.

Kamala Harris got her start in California politics by riding Willie Brown's coattails.  She has more of it than Hillary Clinton, but is shrill and comes across to males as unlikable.  On her best day she is not presidential.   She is in over her head.   Green New Deal, medicare for all, open borders, gun control, higher taxes, she supports 5/5 losers.  If Kamala Harris gets the nomination she will be blown out by the Trump wave.

Well Google's AI is warning me my content is not approved so since I cannot recall any names of the also-rans for the democrat presidential nomination I will sign off as:

JDM PUPLC the most hated blogger by Google's AI

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