Monday, September 30, 2019

Clinton Foundation Contributions Dry UP, The Trump Foundation Needs Our Contribution

Have you made that all important contribution to the greatest charitable organization of all time yet?

You know of what I write.

Yes, the Clinton Foundation.   Seems the contributions to this great and venerable charity have plummeted since Trump ousted the Clintons from power.

In 2016 216 million dollars poured into this farce and the total for 2017 was a paltry 26 million.

Nothing to buy from nothing to sell.  A charitable foundation that can only muster 6 cents to charity on the dollar is not efficient, it is money laundering.   Say you want to donate 100 dollars to a charity with a 6% efficiency quotient, you would be 18% more effective if you gave $7 directly to the recipient of your largess and burned the other $93.

The scam of the CF is open to the public now and the buyers of political favor currently have nowhere to send their unneeded monies.

Let me propose to President Trump and his lovely family,  the time is ripe for the Trump Foundation and the Trump Global Initiative to counter the corrupt CF and its evil twin, the CGI.

This would be a wonderful thing and place Barron in charge as the Titular head to counter the Soros sponsored nonsense of Greta T. and the Globalist cabal.

Wow a 11 yr old Trump heading up a true charity.  Watch the money roll in!

Jdm, puplc

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