Wednesday, September 25, 2019

SloJo Is Going Down, Ukraine The Gravey Train Political Kickback Scheme: A Billion For U And Three Million For Retnuh

So SloJo Nedib and Cooked Yrallih like free money!  

Apparently more than political viability!  Americans can put up with a lot of faults in their political leaders, sex, (Bill C.) and crude locker room talk among men,  chicks for free may be ok, but money for nothing is crossing the line.

SloJo Nedib has just lost his Mojo to a few measly Billion dollars funneled to his son Retnuh.

I cannot see this fatally corrupt politicial figure finishing the democrat primary and may even soon be placed in a nursing home for failed democrat pols where he will occupy a wheelchair next to the other gloriously corrupt couple Llib and Yrallih Notnilc!

American politics is not a game to be played by the poor.  Isn't it interesting that the corruption could only be pointed out by an honest business man who has serious money without selling favors to the highest bidder.

President Trump is disinfectant in a seriously sick and infected political process.

Great times to be alive in the good ole USA!


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