Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Google, Facebook, and Twitter's Sphere Of Influence Will Shrink Under President Donald Trump

The main liberal press has jumped the shark with middle America and its influence over our political future, and theirs, is nil.

I first noticed the liberal bias in the great Clinton rebuke of 1994 when the democrats were booted from office by Newt's Contract With America and Dan Rather groaned after witnessing the thrashing the dems took by stating: "This is just horrible, not a single democrat has won an open seat in this election."

It took years and years but these geniuses of the press who used to guide the public towards and away from some candidates on the right find their sphere of influence diminished to the size of a mitochondrial cell membrane width.

Google, Facebook, and Twitter will all experience the same fate since the same people who now utterly discount the Old World free press will learn to ignore the GFT bias on their computer screens and smart phones.

GFT bias is still effective, but calling them out and shining the light on it will destroy it.

President Trump has the bully pulpit and is employing it to great affect.   He will buy Greenland without ever having to sit down with the Danish government to negotiate.  He has already won that battle.  The Danes will acquiesce.

Best President ever!  Donald J. Trump.

The management, UPLC

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