Sunday, November 3, 2019

Bullshit Has Carbon And The Carbon Tax Plan Is Bullshit, Or Why I Stopped Fearing CO2 And Began To Fear One World Government Pols

If you are somewhat hesitant to take scientific dogma on global warming from those who push transgender ism on children, and common core, and anyone can identify as female or male and no one can dispute the claim, then I suggest you read on.  If however you believe CO2 and Gretta Thunburg's rants about the evils of hydrocarbon fuels and the climate, stop reading now.  All hope for you is lost and you will probably throw your vote away next November on Hillary or Pocahontas.

I have never believed in the Carbon credit hoax.  Politicians were looking for new and inventive ways to tax the shit out of the masses and they needed an excuse to pull even more monies out of the great unwashed but felt the need to cloak the tax in the greater good.

Enter Global warming.  OMG, we have to do something to reduce carbon entering our atmosphere or we are all going to drown due to the melting ice caps, or perish in the 1.8 degree rise in temperature shouted the 97% of scientists who would sell their souls for a grant from the government.


Carbon is the basis for all plant and animal life on this planet.  CO2 is, along with H2O, the God molecules upon which all life is predicated.  Plants absorb CO2 and water(H2O) for you common core students, to make sugar C6H6O6, which we put in our coffee to make it sweet.

In the beginning 4 billion years ago the planet was too warm and unstable to sustain life.  We have good scientific records of what atmospheric CO2 levels were from about 600 million years ago to now and believe me our CO2 levels were much higher then than now.

Read a paper by Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, now resigned from that organization once  taken over by the kooks, which discusses CO2 levels in history.

According to Dr. Moore CO2 levels have fallen over the past from highs of 10,000 parts per million to 180 ppm just before the use of hydrocarbon burning reversed this trend.

Frighteningly, the CO2 level in which plants become extinct is 150 ppm.  Guess what?  No plants no animals and no people.  Right?

Then man began to harvest the carbon placed and stored in vast deposits of oil and coal and burning this released CO2 into the atmosphere and levels have risen to present day levels of around 400 ppm. Still a historically low level but a safer distance from levels where plant life would be threatened.

The other scientist whom I like to quote is Dr. William Happer, a Princeton physicist who works on CO2 lazers and is a wealth of information contrary to the alarmist global warming tools.

In one of his lectures on CO2 Dr. Happer informs the audience in a 200 seat auditorium the level of CO2 in the auditorium is 1800 ppm and asks if anyone is feeling sick or dizzy.  You see we exhale CO2 at levels of 40,000 ppm.  How are we even alive?

We are bags of toxic gas producing piggies according to our betters who know best and that CO2 must be reduced no matter the cost in piggy sufferings.

But wait, CO2 is not toxic to humans and plants love it.

Ok, I will not convince many true believers like Leonardo Dicaprio who talks the talk but does not walks the walk in his private jet or his honey trap laden 350 foot private yacht.

But if you want more than my word for the scam of CO2 and global warming,  go to Dr. Patrick Moore's web site "" and read his report.

Search for Dr. William Happer on YouTube and watch one of his lectures, he's a delightfully funny and entertaining lecturer with all the trappings of the stereotypical professor.  In his lecture he debunks the myth of CO2 and global warming.   CO2 is not the problem.  It is the solution to the real problem.

Why would we as animals worry about CO2 and a few degrees of potential warming?   Get a life and put your faith in God and not a one world government that wants to depopulate the earth for the elitists.

Where did all the CO2 go back in antiquity?  Sea shells coral and limestone, lots and lots of lime stone.  If we burn the limestone the CO2 can be released.  See Dr. Moore's paper in ""

Get informed, tell your children they are being lied to in school.

Joe Biden Chancre SR.  Urban Poverty Law Center

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