Thursday, July 4, 2019

Democrats Love Abortions And Hate Guns, Which Kills More Americans? The Southern Border Is America's Vagina!

Death in America by guns is hotly debated by the 20 democrats running to beat President Trump.
Well, that is a lie.

There is no debate on the gun issue among the democrats.  They feel the 39,773 gun related deaths in America for 2018 is too great a burden on a population of 340,000,000.  Elizabeth (Big Wampum) Warren even advocates gun confiscation.  Something a fool would promote as this would increase the number of gun related deaths in our country.

Gun control is the democrat albatross.  Al Gore, Jr  lost to G. W. Bush in 2000 because of the democrat's weak party plank on gun control.

Abortion control is the Republican albatross.  Never-the-less, nearly 10 times the number of Americans lose their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by the abortionist's evil hand than by the bullet.  Planned Parenthood admits to preforming 332,757 abortions in America last year.

If our Southern border were renamed America's vagina and Mexico the world's multiparious uterus at term, delivering hundreds of thousands of unwanted financial babies into our country every month, would the democrats agree to aborting these illegal entrants who have far more rights than our own  unborn babies?

To me unwanted illegals should not have more rights than unwanted babies.

The wall is border contraception.   It is the only way to stop the unwanted immigrants from dragging us down.  Birth control is a good idea, but so is border control.

Silly democrats have aborted 70 million poor and mostly minority American citizens and find their support among working middle class voters is lagging.

So, on the bright side, without Roe V Wade, Hillary Clinton would have been president today,  Al Gore, Jr would have clobbered G. W. Bush,  Reagan and Trump would never have occupied the White House, and the Supreme Court would have been 9-0 liberal today instead of 5-4 conservative leaning with possible 7-2 given the age and health of Ginsberg and Bryer.

On second thought, keep the abortion mills open and running.  Damn life, full speed ahead.  The democrats got abortion right but it eliminates their voting block and skews elections towards republicans.  Immigration freely across our southern border is the D attempt to get the voters they stopped in the womb.

Good luck with that.

I am,

MDJ  Urban Poverty Law Center Janitor

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