Monday, March 5, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Offer To Sandra Flucke

Rush Limbaugh has publicly renounced his pronouncement of Sandra Kay Flucke as a "slut".

Her testimony before the senate about the high cost of contraceptives and the travails of a 20 or 30? something Gerogetown University Law student was heart wrenching. A thousand dollars a year to have casual sex with anyone sounds reasonable to me. Does that $1,000 keep me from getting aids, hepatitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HSV-1, HSP, chondyloma acuminata, syphilus, chanchroid, and pregnant?

Birth control is available at Wal-Mart for $9 a month or the incredible price of 30 cents a pill. Let us say she has to have three mixed drinks a night to loosen up enough to use the honey trap on some interested fellow. At an average of $7 a drink in the DC area maybe more, her beddown costs have increased to $21 a night and if you include a meal up to $60 more plus tips and our princess, Sandra Kay Flucke, is up to about a hundred dollars a night.

If she does this three times a week, we are up to $1000/yr for birth control and add to this the food and drinks, $300/week or $15,600 a year! I want to know who is bankrolling these so called students? Are these the same students who took over the American Embassy in Iran in the 1970's?

Am I smelling an ACORN here?

I will bet that Sandra Kay Flucke's electric bill is far in excess of her birth control bills. If she pays $200/month, she is paying about 2.5 times her BC costs to heat and cool her apartment.

I am still helping a nephew in college and I buy his books. He is not in law school, and I paid $860 for college text books for one semester! Who is buying Sandra Kay Flucke's books or is she taking them in trade, if you catch my drift!

Please visit our sponsors, and boycott the sponsors of Rush Limbaugh who are boycotting him.

Our sponsor today is the Urban Poverty Law Center. We have offered Sandra Kay Flucke
a position as our attorney in DC. We will offer a salary with full benefits including contraception and abortion on demand. Our policy has an eight abortion/year limit and a 47 abortion limit in a reproductive lifetime. I hope this covers her adequately.

I hope no one tells Limbaugh that a "Fluke" is a parasite. What would you expect from a parasite?

Sandra Kay Flucke is not a Fluke, she is a pawn and a useful idiot. She is probably someone's intern in congress. More will come out about her in the future.

I wish Andrew Breibart was here to look into this. He will be missed.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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