Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Is Kamala Harris Aging Poorly As A Democrat Candidate?

On a good day Kamala Harris is not especially attractive,  but I notice her features are becoming coarser since declaring as a candidate for president of the United States.

Has her estrogen output suddenly stopped and the tiny amount of testosterone she produces caused this unseemly transformation?

A pal used to quip about aging:  "As men age they begin to look like Sean Connery, the problem is so do women."

Kamala Harris is approaching Sean Connery at warp speed.  Time for her to consult with Nancy Pelosi.

Senator Harris, please check with your plastic surgeon if you are going to continue to campaign and  speak in public.

One last thought.   Looking at the vast array of loser candidates who are running for the democrat nomination are they only there to hold the place of the loser against Trump.  It certainly seems to be the case.

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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