Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Will Resign Over Her Ukraine Money Rake Schemes

The corruption of pols is deep.  Now word is out that Nancy Pelosi and her son Hunter, no sorry, I meant to say Paul Pelosi were into the Ukraine money grab as well along with Squid Pro Joe Biden and his slimy spawn, Hunter Gatherer Biden.

There were book deals with kick backs of tax payer monies going out to Obama, Biden, McCabe, and Comey.  The stench from Washington, DC is overwhelming.  Somebody's got some splaining to do!

The lastest Trump Tweet with the One America News Network exclusive on the Ukraine Pelosi Connection has Nancy's Pelosi's panties down around her ankles and her tits sagging lower than Joe Biden's polling numbers.

And now we learn the Ukrainian US ambassador, Madame Vonvanovich interfered in an investigation they had looking into how 5.8 billion dollars were funneled into organizations that are fronts for George Soros and his globalist ghouls.

Pelosi must immediately resign and make a public apology to the nation for what she has put us through.  With good behavior she may get out of jail before the grim reaper comes for her sorry soul.

Ever wonder why there is never enough money for the social safety nets and our inner cities are crumbling around our neediest citizens?


Look no further than the entrenched pols in Washington, DC and their deep state partners in crime.

Time to gather up all the accountants who were fired from Arthur Anderson and sic them on these criminals we elected who have stolen our tax monies.

The 1990's with the post office and house banking scandals were small potatoes compared with today's crimes.  I believe it involves all three branches of the government including the judiciary.

Clean up time.

It is time to take the trash out.

Joe Biden Chancre, sr President Urban Poverty Law Center

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