Monday, July 29, 2019

Maureen Dowd Can Call For Trump's Impeachment, But Where Are The High Crimes And Mister Meaners?

Maureen Dowd, the aging famously frumpy opinion journamatrix for the NYT, has penned a piece which declares our president, a lumbering impeachable!   She from so humble beginnings to such heights, nigh impossible in a single lifetime!  But Ms. Dowd has done it.  Now on to her President Trump rantings.

Curiously she gives no specifics as to the Trump high crimes and mister meaners, but just ejaculates onto her paper he should be impeached but the senate will not vote it in its current make up.  Pity.

Well MoDo, perhaps I can help you with your list of grievances against the Great and Powerful Trump?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to be richer than you?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have a wife who is more beautiful than you?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have an American public, over 50% who get this special man and his wonderful sense of humor and adore him?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to have a president who says what we all think and does not cow to political correctness?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to put America first and protect our borders and insure our elections are not swayed by illegals voting for democrats?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to open up our energy sector to end the sway the OPEC cartel has had over America for over 4 decades?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to clean up the corruption that has become Washington D. C.?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to try to bring the Korean peninsula together and bring NorKo into the fold of humanity?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to force NATO members to pay a fair share of their defense?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to be on friendly terms with Putin where cooperation against ISIS and other common threats would benefit both?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to call Baltimore out on its poor hygiene and blame its democrat leaders, maybe Elijah Cummings and his wife can use their tax free scam to buy a few more garbage trucks for the clean up?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to defend one's self from bogus charges of Russian collusion?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to point out members of congress who hate America?

Is it a high crime and mister meaner to defeat the worst person ever to run for president and who lost twice?

America has found its savior,  the patriot, Donald J. Trump and the only crime and mister meaner is that he did not run for office in 2012 against that fellow whose name I cannot recall.

So Maureen, honey, go get yourself some more chocolates, and buy some new cute pumps and have  a few more parties with all your friends who do not understand President Trump and his appeal to ordinary Americans, and hunker down for it is going to be another hard four years for you.

Keep America Great!


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