Sunday, May 26, 2019

How Four Out Of The Five Eyes May Be Able To Deny Culpability In Trump Spying Caper

Imagine your great ally comes to your intelligence agency with a story of treason and malfeasance of epic proportions involving a common enemy and an upstart political neophyte.  You have never before doubted your ally and feel inclined to offer any assistance necessary to help counter the mischief perpetrated on your great democratic western country and its political process.  All stops are pulled, of course you agree to do what ever is necessary.  This treason must be thwarted.

Clapper, Comey, Brennan, with the backing of the great and powerful Obama administration are all the proof you need to help out.  Even the cancer riddled brain of Senator John McCain is convinced of the espionage taking place against the frail and wilting presidential candidate no one likes in fly over country, the incredible, the one and only, Hillary Rodham Clinton, madam Secretary, Senator, and former Co-President to the awesome, Mr. Pants, William Jefferson Clinton, who as a pair, turn out to be perhaps the greediest money grubbers on the planet, if you exclude the 18th century French Royal Court.

This being said, you send your best spooks to coordinate the investigation, strike that, the matter.
Your people do not know the DNC and HRC have gathered salacious intel on Trump and tried to set his people up by plants from the CIA and the FBI, even sent a Russian Honey Pot into Trump Tower to try to tarnish Donald Trump, Jr  (the OOGLEg) has warned of the error to save or publish this), but I shall continue.

As  I put all this shenanigans together,  I believe, Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the NSA, noticed the unusual number of "unmasking inquiries" coming from  private contractors about American Citizens, and squealed to the FISA court.  The unmasking was blocked by NSA and an investigation was started.  Rogers went to President Elect Trump in early November  of 2016 to warn Trump of this spying and Trump lets the cat out of the bag by declaring his phones have been tapped by the Obama Administration.

This was met with great guffaws from the DNC press and ridicule from the DNC late night talk show monkeys.  Trump moved his transition team to his New Jersey golf course and the insurance policy alluded to by lovas Strzok and Page was activated, Comey briefs Trump about the phony dossier, leaks it to a willing press, and Trump fires Comey and Rosenstein appoints Mueller, and two years later, and $4  trillion dollars, 500 witnesses, 2300 subpoenas, and 22 quadrillion documents later, Mueller and his team of 19 angry democrats condense this into a 438 page treatise of surrender.  There was no collusion and no obstruction.

Meanwhile, the Obama economy is roaring back to life showing a vitality more in step with President Trump, than with the Wilting Waxing Woman Politician, who appears ill, very ill in many of her public appearances, especially the 9/11/16 collapse,  where her lifeless corpulent corpse was tossed into the large, black van-bulance and she was rushed to her daughters flat, equipped with an emergency room, where she was tended to by the nation's best physicians.  Meanwhile her body double was allowed to parade outside the flat to wave and banter with any small child who happened by that afternoon. (second OOgleg warning, duly noted, thank you).

Trump upsets the Globalist apple cart, with the apples rolling away like the Obama motorcade on Inauguration Day.  He withdraws the US from the Paris Climate Accord,  the Iran Nuclear Deal,  NAFTA,  TPP,  starts renegotiation's with CHINA, imposes tariffs on steel and aluminum, cuts regulations, opens up our great energy potential,  gives our military a green light to annihilate ISIS and the Caliphate, meets with our allies in the middle east and the Saudis listened and acted, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem,  re-established our strong commitment to Israel after the Obama blight, appointed two originalists to the Supreme Court, and is fighting to end the problem of illegal immigration at the Southern border,  appointed hundreds of judges with conservative ideologies, cut business taxes to levels that are competitive with other countries,  all the while bucking the establishment elites who have entrenched interests in the status quo, and working with the interest of the working class in fly over country in mind, a group who have not had real representation in Washington for decades.

And the elites hate him!  Blue states who overwhelmingly voted against Trump, got something in the tax plan.  A limit on the federal tax forms on what can be deducted from incomes as it relates to state taxes paid of $10,000,  OUCH!   Bravo Mr. President, let them feel the sting of losing an election and betting on the wrong horse's ass.

Like Obama's "Elections have consequences" and his petulant tax on White people, 10% on tanning, which was his first act as president, and Mark Levin was wondering why this tax, why would Obama have this as his first act?   Mark, he is racist.  He listened to Rev Jeremiah Wright for over 20 years and was an acolyte of Wright's.

And now we have come to this,  the insurance plan, the Russian Hoax, though it did not succeed in removing Trump from office, it did tie him up for over half his first 4 years, and it did deliver the house of representatives over to the corrupt democrats who will do their best to tie him up for the remaining few months of his administration.  The plan was a success!

President Trump has pulled the declassification card and is ready to do battle with the corruption of that insurance plan and the policy holders and there will be pain for them.  I do not feel the other "Eyes" have anything to worry about since they were duped by the Obama administration and his corrupt FBI, Justice Department, and complacent cronies in the CIA.

But for Hillary's unbelievably poor political skills, her shrill voice, her wooden personality, the over a billion dollar expenditure on her campaign, which yielded less substance than a stain on a blue dress and an honest director of the NSA we might never have learned about the espionage by Obama and his league of Treasonous cohorts.

Will Guantanamo have enough room for its new placements?  Maybe, but the doors will surely have to be heightened to accommodate one of the first players in the conspiracy to go down.  And it will have to be handicap friendly for our would be first woman president.

Will justice be done or will the elites make a deal to stop the declassification and make President Trump, president for life?

I think that would be a good trade.  These goofs who placed our country in danger are not worth the money it would take to care for them in a place as nice as Guantanamo.  We should save it for the terrorist, and not our crooked politicians and their pliant handmaidens and butlers.  Just strip them of their wealth and let them live on the streets of San Francisco, it is a sanctuary city, after all.  The secret service could make sure no one steals Hillary's shopping cart.  I am not heartless.

Who ever thought spying on a political opponent was a good eye-dea in a nation of laws?  Well the chief executive who sees to it the laws are faithfully executed turned out to be just a third world politician hell bent on taking America down but God and Trump had other plans for our great nation.

Thank God for Trump and Admiral Rogers.  Good must triumph over evil.

I am JDM,  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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