Sunday, October 20, 2019

Kamala Harris From The Golden State Of California, And Tulsi Gabbard Is From Hawaii

Senator Kamala Harris is all hat and no cattle.  Tulsi Gabbard cleaned her clock in the last debate.  Representative Gabbard is making in roads into the democrat primary such that the old hag of the DNC, Hillary Rodham Clinton, twice failed candidate for the presidency, has attacked her as though Tulsi was one of her husband's peccadillo's. 

Now Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent.  I cannot doubt Ms. Clinton for she has the security clearance and is privy to information those of us in fly-over country are never to see.

All I can say is if the Russians picked Tulsi and Trump, they have a record of picking winners.  And that they failed to chose Hillary should demonstrate Russia's knack for avoiding corrupt losers.

Since I have been watching Senator Harris she seems to have morphed and her face is seemingly pinched with eyes set to close for my viewing pleasure, and a neck better suited to a pachyderm.  I do not mean to be critical of her looks, but I am.  She does not look presidential.  No orange glow?

The Whistleblower with connections to Joe Biden and the CIA and now Adam Schiff's congressional staff has failed to materialize in the Ukraine-Trump brewhaha.  Just another slight of hand by Schiff in his attempt to thwart President Trump and his plans to Make and Keep America Great.

And now we learn David DuKKKe was paid $10,000 by the Clinton Foundation to endorse Tulsi Gabbard, more evidence she is hated by the DNC establishment.

Tulsi Gabbard is the dark horse and will have the first or second place on the democrat ticket.  That the entrenched powers in the party are ganging up against her is a testament to her popularity among the talent-less democrat troupe in which she is the shining star in a dark sea of mediocrity.

Joe Biden, openly corrupt and openly stupid,  Eliz Warren, why tell the truth when a lie sounds better, Capt Buttegeig, Mayor of nowhere, nobody can spell his name, Bern Sanders, older than dirt with slightly more moisture,  Beto O'Rourke,  what every parent's nightmare is in 40 yr old child, Kamala Harris, snarky, sneaky, cut-throat, unattractive voice, self-aggrandizing,  Tulsi Gabbard, articulate, attractive, Russian agent, winner!

Well, I will sign off now as I have to go fishing with my son Joe Biden Chancre II now.

Joe Biden Chancre,  President, Urban Poverty Law Center


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