Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Three Days Of The Conyers, Biden His Time, Hunter For Red October, Rob Reiner Is A Meathead, Trump Presidency Til 2058

Congressman Elijah Cummings died about three days after he was pointed out as being almost as corrupt as Bill and Hillary Clinton.  I didn't even know he was sick.  Wow!

Joe Biden's personal physician, Quack On Crack,  has examined the former vice president and finds him to be fit for the office of the presidency.

In a statement released to the press:

" Vice President Biden is in full possession of his faculties and is fully fit to preform the day to day duties and responsibilities of the presidency.  However, he may not be able to recall what he has done day to day."

Signed,   Quincy Rodham Quack, MD

When Hunter Biden's casual cockholster Luden Roberts received both barrels from a coked up Biden in the backroom of the Gentleman's Quarterly Crack House, two Novembers ago he should have been more concerned with Ms. Roberts last menstrual cycle.  Now thanks to a moments indiscretion from a foolish cock master, Baby Biden Roberts is here and needs money to be raised in Biden-land.

A wandering Dick is a wondrous thing.  Like Rick James used to say:  "Cocaine will make you do some funny things!"

Rob Reiner,  is a Meat head.  "I know you are, but what am I?"

That's simple Mr. Reiner, a meat head, a meat head, stuck with a middle schoolers mind-set addled by years of THC.

Do us a favor middle school meat head.  Hang up your Twitter feed and have some munchies.  Your hatred of  President Donald Trump is a sign of mental illness.

We deplorables all lived through Obama, you will make it through 5 more years of  President Donald J. Trump, followed by 8 years of President Donald J. Trump, jr, followed by 8 more years of President Ivanka Trump.

Then when you are 93 yrs old you can vote for Hillary Clinton since Baron Trump would only be 32 and unable to run for the presidency for another 3 years, but I forgot about President Eric Trump and his 8 years.  This would place Baron in line at age 41, whew it ain't looking good for your Hollywood tribe of Trump-hating deplorable hating neurotics.

Well Robbie, old boy, you might have to wait until you are 109 yrs old in order to vote for Hillary who also will be 109 years old.  Toke up, it is going to be a long, long frustrating 38 years for you.

Life is a series of ups and downs, and the next 4 decades are sure to be downers for you if your happiness is dependent on a Trump out of the White House.

Americans are woke and are tired of the corruption your side represents with Biden, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Conyers, Pelosi, Kerry, and add your favorite democrat and they are corrupt too!

That is all.

Joe Biden Chancre, SR  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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