I have part interest in a small farm with about 45 acres of pasture which we lease out to a local cattleman. He uses our land to feed about 30 heifers and three bulls and we call it the honeymoon suite as he hopes the bunch will mate and the heifers will become pregnant. He always brings an older cow to advise the younger ones how to act around a bull. About three months ago the older cow found a break in the fence and left the compound and spent the better part of August and September grazing on soybeans. One night she was up by the road and I walked her, me behind, her in front with no moon and an underpowered LED flashlight for about a mile to the pasture. I got near the gate and she flanked me to the right and was gone again.
My neighbors came three times to report seeing her on the road, a dangerous situation for both man and animal, but the cow was too clever to be coaxed with feed or herding back onto the compound. One rainy day in November the cattleman came and took all the other cows and bulls away and left the outlier for a later capture date hoping she would stay off the highways. I would see her from time to time in my pasture next to the bean field or some times she would come up to the house and eat the grass there. She stayed hidden behind a hill about a half mile south of the house and came up only in the safety of darkness.
I called the cattleman and said I was planning to hire a couple of cowboys to wrangle the wayward cow before she got hurt or hurt someone on the road. The local stockyard gave me Randall's name and phone number and I contacted him. He has a pal who rides and ropes just such problems and they are very reasonably priced. They came out yesterday and I will try to describe the capture.
Randall, a pleasant fellow, with a round face, missing both upper incisors, with a ruddy complexion, capped by a full head of salt and peppered hair, probably about 45 years old, and his friend, whose name I did not catch, but I judged him to be near forty, arrived at my house at about 8:30 yesterday morning in a Dodge diesel pick-up truck pulling a four horse trailer with two brown Quarter horses, both bridled, saddled and ready to go.
We exchanged small talk and I pointed out where I believed the cow spent her days. They mounted their steads and rode off in that direction. They crested the hill and were out of my sight for about 5 minutes and then movement, a half mile away, the white faced black cow is seen running along the hill through the broom sage. She is headed towards the road which is about a half mile further north of her location.
When she breaks off the hillside and into the bean field her footing becomes less stable from the rains we had the night before last and she turns east and is headed back to the pasture which is about 3/4 mile away. Horsemen appear shortly after her appearance and the race is on. Randall is closing in on the cow's left flank, I see him pull his rope, swinging it overhead, he makes a throw, a miss. Meanwhile, Randall's partner comes up on the cow's right flank, and the cow, having run for about half a mile by now, is tiring. She suddenly slows to walk and the cowboy and horse pass her and she turns north again heading for the house and my position.
I do not recall which rider got the first rope on her but in no time there are two ropes on the cow and she is caught. A short struggle ensues, but the cow soon sees the futility in resistance and she gives up the struggle. They are able to walk her up to a horse trailer I had borrowed from my sister and we got her into the trailer, but she was not happy. Unfortunately one of the ropes had snagged her ear tag and there was a nasty rip in her ear. Otherwise, she came through the excitement pretty much unscathed.
After she was locked up safely into my trailer, I paid Randall his fee and he and his pal loaded up their horses and drove away. The entire event lasted about 30 minutes and it was more entertaining than the best episode of the Kardashian's, but from what I have seen, that TV series has bigger horses' asses than the ones I saw on those Quarter horses.
I called my cattleman pal and informed him of the successful capture. I drove her the 25 miles to her winter feed lot at the cattleman's father's farm and we backed up to a coral and opened the gate of the trailer and she walked off as calmly as you please. Her freedom was over for now.
I thank God everyday there are cows like that and cowboys like Randall and his pal. I am even feeling a bit more charitable towards the Kardashians if that is how you spell their name?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if for every problem we encounter there was a problem solver as great, and yet, as simple as Randall and his horse?
There is. We just have to look for it and be bold enough to act when we know we need a "Randall" to get this mess resolved.
Our Congress has far, far to many Kardashians and way to few Randalls. Perhaps 2014 will find fewer of the former and more of the latter in congress.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Monday, December 16, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Urban Poverty Law Center: Obamacare Is A Poison Pill Americans Must Not Swallow!
I have refrained from commenting in this forum on politics for a few weeks and feel I am healthier than ever. The rollout of Obamacare with its dismal results and intended consequences, to date maybe 360,000 American units have acquired insurance through the giant federally mandated insurance exchanges via the $662,000,000 website put together in typical government no bid contract slip-shod manner by a friend of the president's wife, from her collegial days at Princeton, verses the 155,000,000 working American families who stand to lose their coverage under this reign of terror is a big fail!
Republicans may be branded as warriors against women by the Democrat, but this act, Obamacare, is an act of war against the working American family. We need some rules of engagement just as restrictive for our pols as the ones our service men and women must endure in Afghanistan.
I sometimes pine that I was born a decade too late and of the wrong race and background to run in their circles for in this case privilege certainly has its privilege!
My final declaration: This cannot pass for representative governance. Now that Mr. Nelson Mandela is gone, the newly oppressed productive class in America will find a leader who will lead them out of this new bondage we find ourselves in. A bondage which provides very little benefit for its slaves. Borders protection, a joke. Applying the rule of law to all equally, another joke. Protection of the money supply through the full faith and credit of the United States. Honest and fair elections, ha, ha! I could go on but you know this and other atrocities we are subjected to each day.
Where is my congressman? Nowhere to be seen until he or she needs my vote to be playing footsie with the kleptocrats in DC every other November! Where are my senators? Those two cornfed, political hacks, vetted by the establishment, loyal to the establishment who only come around every 6th year for another renewal of a six year contract.
I would suggest that if a Union official made Obamacare part of the package for the rank and file he or she would find out really quickly how hot his life might become at the meeting.
I suggest we do everything in our power to have this law which keeps on morphing, and delayed by the naked emperor's decree after decree, all unconstitutionally, repealed in its entirety by electing pols who promise just this.
Action date is November, 2014. Our votes can right this wrong. Next we can tackle the money problem. This current bunch has a spending problem.
Read Mark Twain's short story: "The Great Beef Contracts" this will show nothing has changed in government for over a hundred and fifty years.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Phd, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Republicans may be branded as warriors against women by the Democrat, but this act, Obamacare, is an act of war against the working American family. We need some rules of engagement just as restrictive for our pols as the ones our service men and women must endure in Afghanistan.
I sometimes pine that I was born a decade too late and of the wrong race and background to run in their circles for in this case privilege certainly has its privilege!
My final declaration: This cannot pass for representative governance. Now that Mr. Nelson Mandela is gone, the newly oppressed productive class in America will find a leader who will lead them out of this new bondage we find ourselves in. A bondage which provides very little benefit for its slaves. Borders protection, a joke. Applying the rule of law to all equally, another joke. Protection of the money supply through the full faith and credit of the United States. Honest and fair elections, ha, ha! I could go on but you know this and other atrocities we are subjected to each day.
Where is my congressman? Nowhere to be seen until he or she needs my vote to be playing footsie with the kleptocrats in DC every other November! Where are my senators? Those two cornfed, political hacks, vetted by the establishment, loyal to the establishment who only come around every 6th year for another renewal of a six year contract.
I would suggest that if a Union official made Obamacare part of the package for the rank and file he or she would find out really quickly how hot his life might become at the meeting.
I suggest we do everything in our power to have this law which keeps on morphing, and delayed by the naked emperor's decree after decree, all unconstitutionally, repealed in its entirety by electing pols who promise just this.
Action date is November, 2014. Our votes can right this wrong. Next we can tackle the money problem. This current bunch has a spending problem.
Read Mark Twain's short story: "The Great Beef Contracts" this will show nothing has changed in government for over a hundred and fifty years.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Phd, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, November 29, 2013
Memories of Mammaries And Other Areas Form A Sick Mind: Norwegian Wood
Twain muses in his autobiography how each life is the result of and influenced by an endless series of coincidences which coalesce into the present reality of that individual. These events all began with Adam and Eve and continue unimpeded through the ages.
His life hinged on his mother's childish fury at her physician in training suitor not being available to take her to a dance because of his studies. It was then she decided to accept her second choice suitor, Mr. Clemens. Mark Twain noticed his parents never showed any affection for each other publicly, and at the end of his mother's life she tried desperately to see her physician suitor, she at age 88 and he at 90.
I salute Mark Twain's mother for her second choice in mates for she bore the greatest national literary treasure the United States is likely ever to produce. His first teacher rightly predicted that Mr. Twain was destined to walk among kings and presidents.
His daughter, Suzy, wrote of him in her autobiography, cut short by her death at age 25 of meningitis, that he was often confounded by the simplest of things. For example, he could not understand why the electric burglar alarm sounded when he opened the window from inside the house. One day he was reading a book in the library and was laughing out loud. When Suzy asked him what he was reading he replied, "I do not know." She looked at the title and it was one of his books. He explained in his autobiography that he forgot what he had written soon after it was completed.
I have had my ancestry checked on my father's side only and found the "Maybolts" were not on the "Mayflower" for the founding of the colony at Plymouth, but they were on board the "Fortune" which landed just after the first Thanksgiving there in Plymouth. William, my great x 12 grandfather, arrived there with his wife Martha, and children Will jr and Martha and his wife gave birth to little John the day they arrived there in November of 1621. Then William Jr begat, Thomas, who begat Stephen, then Thomas, then Isaac, then Benjamin, then John, who begat John, Jr, then William Mercer Maybolt, who fought for the Confederacy and begat Carlos William who begat Jesse Hill, who begat Jesse jr who begat me.
I am grateful, I believe, for this unbroken chain of lust and sex which has begot me. For my part, seeing what took place to get me here, I have done my best to keep it going. I have added seven children to the current generation, a son, a daughter, a son, a son, a son, a son and a son. In these days of thoughtful reproduction and limited resources I have oft been chided for my seemingly irresponsible spread of the seed to the egg, but I allay all doubters when I explain I was only having children until I had one I liked. But this is a lie. I am fond of them all. My ancestors chose well the mothers of my grandfathers, and my ability to marry up has strengthened the Maybolt line. I do not believe there is a loser in my litter of little Maybolts.
I have fished since I was three years old, and when I was five my family lived near Gainesville, Florida in the house once occupied by the woman writer who wrote "The Yearling".We were only there for a summer, but my father would drop me off with a cane pole and a box of worms and I would fish all afternoon at the boat ramp at Cross Creek. I caught a good many fish, baited my own hook and took the fish off by myself, and was never kidnapped or molested, snake bitten or drowned or struck by a meteorite.
I recall the fear I had of the multitude of large dragonflies when first we arrived at Margaret's somebody's home there in Florida. I also recall the swampy woods around the house were littered with large empty turtle shells, apparently a local delicacy to the country inhabitants. Chuck Lingren, a friend of my father's, shot a chicken snake to pieces in a tree outside the house with a German lugar his father had brought home from the war. Our baby sitter, a local teenaged girl, peed in the toilet while I secretly watched her through a crack in the door with keen interest in her plumbing, and though it was quite dark, I got the idea that it was a wondrously mysterious place I might want to explore in the years to come. Prescient or precocious?
At age 8, my father loaded up the family and moved us to Oslo, Norway for a year where he studied Nordic literature. My older brother and I complained bitterly that our pals, the Bell brothers, got to go to the Great Smokey Mountains and we had to go to Norway!
There we were enrolled in the Norwegian elementary school. It was 1961 and soon enough after the second World War that the Norwegian people were openly grateful to "the Americans" for defeating the Nazis. This was to our great benefit. We quickly learned the language and made great friends. Our status was raised higher on the second day of school when my older brother, who one might accurately describe as a "tough", beat the hell out of the only other American boy who attended the elementary school, a kid named, Daniel, who was known for his reputation as a conceited ass and a bully.
The principle, a kindly older man in his 50's, called my brother and me into his office after Daniel's ass whooping, and said in so many words it was against school policy for fights to take place on school grounds, and for us not to engage in this activity any further and then he thanked my brother for doing what he had wanted to do himself to little Daniel but protocols forbade it. Daniel was an ass, but we never heard from him again as the beating clipped his wings, and his status fell with the arrival of the new Americans! We were a setback and disappointment to Daniel's reign of terror at Jar Elementary School.
I made friends with Olaf, Arndt, Morten, Estevan, Paul and the prettiest girl in the second grade, whom I lusted after, was a red haired little vixen named, Annaberret. I spell these names as they sounded to my 8 year old ears and can promise no accuracy. Vibecky was our voluptuous 14 year old baby sitter who I would entertain with my inappropriate queries in Norwegian. "Skal vi pula?" Which is a very naughty thing, but it is what we all talked about at the elementary school, at least the boys, with whom I associated. I can still remember her delightful reels of laughter at the illicit propositions coming from my tiny 8 yr old body. I was a man trapped in a child's body for a few years more.
And she would let me make my proposition while astride her, her seated on the couch, and my hands reaching for the bumps under her woolen Norwegian sweater, but she would push them away. I am glad she never consented to my proposition for it was only meant to entertain the both of us and it did to great effect.
We lived in a duplex in a suburb of Oslo. Upstairs was occupied by a Nazi collaborator by the name of Merck. He seemed an old man to my 8 years but perhaps in his 50's. He was bald and fat and complained bitterly to my parents about the noise the four children made. He often caused us problems like the day he called the police when we played with toy guns outside with our friends. He often exposed his genitals to my 7 yr old sister from his bathroom window. When my parents were out at night my siblings and I would march around the house and scream "Fee Fon, Merck!" which I believed was a Norwegian cussing along the lines of "Goddamn or go to hell" ViBecky only smiled and aproved of our parade.
Merck hated us. Oh and Merck was called "Bash" by the locals since he was a Nazi during the war, and his name means "Dark". His name fit him.
I am tired of these memories but will come back to them at a future date.
Is it heaven? Or Hell?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
His life hinged on his mother's childish fury at her physician in training suitor not being available to take her to a dance because of his studies. It was then she decided to accept her second choice suitor, Mr. Clemens. Mark Twain noticed his parents never showed any affection for each other publicly, and at the end of his mother's life she tried desperately to see her physician suitor, she at age 88 and he at 90.
I salute Mark Twain's mother for her second choice in mates for she bore the greatest national literary treasure the United States is likely ever to produce. His first teacher rightly predicted that Mr. Twain was destined to walk among kings and presidents.
His daughter, Suzy, wrote of him in her autobiography, cut short by her death at age 25 of meningitis, that he was often confounded by the simplest of things. For example, he could not understand why the electric burglar alarm sounded when he opened the window from inside the house. One day he was reading a book in the library and was laughing out loud. When Suzy asked him what he was reading he replied, "I do not know." She looked at the title and it was one of his books. He explained in his autobiography that he forgot what he had written soon after it was completed.
I have had my ancestry checked on my father's side only and found the "Maybolts" were not on the "Mayflower" for the founding of the colony at Plymouth, but they were on board the "Fortune" which landed just after the first Thanksgiving there in Plymouth. William, my great x 12 grandfather, arrived there with his wife Martha, and children Will jr and Martha and his wife gave birth to little John the day they arrived there in November of 1621. Then William Jr begat, Thomas, who begat Stephen, then Thomas, then Isaac, then Benjamin, then John, who begat John, Jr, then William Mercer Maybolt, who fought for the Confederacy and begat Carlos William who begat Jesse Hill, who begat Jesse jr who begat me.
I am grateful, I believe, for this unbroken chain of lust and sex which has begot me. For my part, seeing what took place to get me here, I have done my best to keep it going. I have added seven children to the current generation, a son, a daughter, a son, a son, a son, a son and a son. In these days of thoughtful reproduction and limited resources I have oft been chided for my seemingly irresponsible spread of the seed to the egg, but I allay all doubters when I explain I was only having children until I had one I liked. But this is a lie. I am fond of them all. My ancestors chose well the mothers of my grandfathers, and my ability to marry up has strengthened the Maybolt line. I do not believe there is a loser in my litter of little Maybolts.
I have fished since I was three years old, and when I was five my family lived near Gainesville, Florida in the house once occupied by the woman writer who wrote "The Yearling".We were only there for a summer, but my father would drop me off with a cane pole and a box of worms and I would fish all afternoon at the boat ramp at Cross Creek. I caught a good many fish, baited my own hook and took the fish off by myself, and was never kidnapped or molested, snake bitten or drowned or struck by a meteorite.
I recall the fear I had of the multitude of large dragonflies when first we arrived at Margaret's somebody's home there in Florida. I also recall the swampy woods around the house were littered with large empty turtle shells, apparently a local delicacy to the country inhabitants. Chuck Lingren, a friend of my father's, shot a chicken snake to pieces in a tree outside the house with a German lugar his father had brought home from the war. Our baby sitter, a local teenaged girl, peed in the toilet while I secretly watched her through a crack in the door with keen interest in her plumbing, and though it was quite dark, I got the idea that it was a wondrously mysterious place I might want to explore in the years to come. Prescient or precocious?
At age 8, my father loaded up the family and moved us to Oslo, Norway for a year where he studied Nordic literature. My older brother and I complained bitterly that our pals, the Bell brothers, got to go to the Great Smokey Mountains and we had to go to Norway!
There we were enrolled in the Norwegian elementary school. It was 1961 and soon enough after the second World War that the Norwegian people were openly grateful to "the Americans" for defeating the Nazis. This was to our great benefit. We quickly learned the language and made great friends. Our status was raised higher on the second day of school when my older brother, who one might accurately describe as a "tough", beat the hell out of the only other American boy who attended the elementary school, a kid named, Daniel, who was known for his reputation as a conceited ass and a bully.
The principle, a kindly older man in his 50's, called my brother and me into his office after Daniel's ass whooping, and said in so many words it was against school policy for fights to take place on school grounds, and for us not to engage in this activity any further and then he thanked my brother for doing what he had wanted to do himself to little Daniel but protocols forbade it. Daniel was an ass, but we never heard from him again as the beating clipped his wings, and his status fell with the arrival of the new Americans! We were a setback and disappointment to Daniel's reign of terror at Jar Elementary School.
I made friends with Olaf, Arndt, Morten, Estevan, Paul and the prettiest girl in the second grade, whom I lusted after, was a red haired little vixen named, Annaberret. I spell these names as they sounded to my 8 year old ears and can promise no accuracy. Vibecky was our voluptuous 14 year old baby sitter who I would entertain with my inappropriate queries in Norwegian. "Skal vi pula?" Which is a very naughty thing, but it is what we all talked about at the elementary school, at least the boys, with whom I associated. I can still remember her delightful reels of laughter at the illicit propositions coming from my tiny 8 yr old body. I was a man trapped in a child's body for a few years more.
And she would let me make my proposition while astride her, her seated on the couch, and my hands reaching for the bumps under her woolen Norwegian sweater, but she would push them away. I am glad she never consented to my proposition for it was only meant to entertain the both of us and it did to great effect.
We lived in a duplex in a suburb of Oslo. Upstairs was occupied by a Nazi collaborator by the name of Merck. He seemed an old man to my 8 years but perhaps in his 50's. He was bald and fat and complained bitterly to my parents about the noise the four children made. He often caused us problems like the day he called the police when we played with toy guns outside with our friends. He often exposed his genitals to my 7 yr old sister from his bathroom window. When my parents were out at night my siblings and I would march around the house and scream "Fee Fon, Merck!" which I believed was a Norwegian cussing along the lines of "Goddamn or go to hell" ViBecky only smiled and aproved of our parade.
Merck hated us. Oh and Merck was called "Bash" by the locals since he was a Nazi during the war, and his name means "Dark". His name fit him.
I am tired of these memories but will come back to them at a future date.
Is it heaven? Or Hell?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Mark Twain: What Else Can Be Written In His Praises?
Samuel Clemens has been dead for 102 years and baring unexpected alterations to nature and history he can look forward to a good many more years in that peaceable state. He was born in Tennessee, but he died in bed.
I have examined the second volume of his autobiography and find it to be highly informative and entertaining. Twain's insights into the nature of man and his special wit and humor are scattered deliciously through the work.
I can find only one mistake or example where I could take Mr. Twain's opinion and argue as a contrarian.
Mark Twain muses God must have created man because of His great disappointment in the monkey. But I contend that Twain has confused the issues. After watching man and the shenanigans he had perpetrated over the last century since Twain's death, there can be no doubt which is more disappointing to our Lord. I would not even be surprised if the next Pope was a monkey, given the mess we find ourselves in today.
Mark Twain was a kind and moral man. He gave money when he had it to others in need without hesitation. He is one of America's greatest thinkers and his daughter thought he was more interested in philosophy than humor, but he made his fame and fortune with the latter.
Twain speaks of writer's block and the art of writing in this volume. His contention is a story must write itself. It must flow from the mind to the hand to the paper effortlessly. It can not be consciously willed or forced from the dark recesses of the writer's subconscious. It comes out voluntarily.
Many times he put manuscripts aside for a couple of years, completely ignoring these contemptuous works whose stoppage was no fault of his own, pull them out of the corner, read the last chapter, and sit down with pen in hand and see if the story was ready to finish itself. He describes what ever leaves with writer's block comes back and fills the wells of literature in the writer's psyche.
I have found his description of writing spot on. I have written a good number of these useless essays and find the best of them all seem to surprise me and I have no clue where the really good ones came from.
He was a strong proponent of copyrights since it affected him personally and he spoke eloquently on their behalf in the well of congress.
Twain is quick to point out his ideas are not original and he just points them out in his works to the new crowd of the living who marvel at his wit and wisdom to his great profit.
I can sum up Mark Twain's second edition to his autobiography in one word: but I will not.
In praising Mr. Twain, the man, I would be afraid he might take it the wrong way.
His first teacher said of him when he was barely 5 years old, he was destined to walk among kings and presidents, and he still does.
It has been over a century since Mr. Twain's death and he still has no equal and there is very little competition from what I can tell.
Minds like Twain's are truly gifts from God.
Perhaps God has given up on man and is only putting these caliber of minds into the monkey.
Time will tell.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I have examined the second volume of his autobiography and find it to be highly informative and entertaining. Twain's insights into the nature of man and his special wit and humor are scattered deliciously through the work.
I can find only one mistake or example where I could take Mr. Twain's opinion and argue as a contrarian.
Mark Twain muses God must have created man because of His great disappointment in the monkey. But I contend that Twain has confused the issues. After watching man and the shenanigans he had perpetrated over the last century since Twain's death, there can be no doubt which is more disappointing to our Lord. I would not even be surprised if the next Pope was a monkey, given the mess we find ourselves in today.
Mark Twain was a kind and moral man. He gave money when he had it to others in need without hesitation. He is one of America's greatest thinkers and his daughter thought he was more interested in philosophy than humor, but he made his fame and fortune with the latter.
Twain speaks of writer's block and the art of writing in this volume. His contention is a story must write itself. It must flow from the mind to the hand to the paper effortlessly. It can not be consciously willed or forced from the dark recesses of the writer's subconscious. It comes out voluntarily.
Many times he put manuscripts aside for a couple of years, completely ignoring these contemptuous works whose stoppage was no fault of his own, pull them out of the corner, read the last chapter, and sit down with pen in hand and see if the story was ready to finish itself. He describes what ever leaves with writer's block comes back and fills the wells of literature in the writer's psyche.
I have found his description of writing spot on. I have written a good number of these useless essays and find the best of them all seem to surprise me and I have no clue where the really good ones came from.
He was a strong proponent of copyrights since it affected him personally and he spoke eloquently on their behalf in the well of congress.
Twain is quick to point out his ideas are not original and he just points them out in his works to the new crowd of the living who marvel at his wit and wisdom to his great profit.
I can sum up Mark Twain's second edition to his autobiography in one word: but I will not.
In praising Mr. Twain, the man, I would be afraid he might take it the wrong way.
His first teacher said of him when he was barely 5 years old, he was destined to walk among kings and presidents, and he still does.
It has been over a century since Mr. Twain's death and he still has no equal and there is very little competition from what I can tell.
Minds like Twain's are truly gifts from God.
Perhaps God has given up on man and is only putting these caliber of minds into the monkey.
Time will tell.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
God and the Monkey,
Jack Maybolt,
Mark Twain
Monday, October 28, 2013
Mark Twain's Autobiography, Vol II In Jack Maybolt's Library: Twain Speaks Out From The Grave!
I am in my element. Reading my literary Mark's autobiography, volume II. Twain early on waxes on how everything that is ever written is only re-written as there is not a single new human thought or phrase ever penned.
And so it is I too must repeat what has been writ a thousand, nay, a million times through out the ages, nay time immemorial.
For it is far, far better to have loved and lost than to never have been the target of an IRISH Audit!
There Mark Twain, look for that one in the reams and reams of published works!
I have been dutifully watching those who would watch us.
I will return when I have finished reading Twain's last masterpiece, spoken from the grave with nary a care in this great big old world and my "ignorance covers the whole world in a blanket with very few holes in it."
Look for me in mid November or do not look for me at all.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
And so it is I too must repeat what has been writ a thousand, nay, a million times through out the ages, nay time immemorial.
For it is far, far better to have loved and lost than to never have been the target of an IRISH Audit!
There Mark Twain, look for that one in the reams and reams of published works!
I have been dutifully watching those who would watch us.
I will return when I have finished reading Twain's last masterpiece, spoken from the grave with nary a care in this great big old world and my "ignorance covers the whole world in a blanket with very few holes in it."
Look for me in mid November or do not look for me at all.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Monday, October 21, 2013
What An Unlimited Debt Ceiling Means: Free Beer Tomorrow! Why The Election's In 2014 Is Critical.
This latest deal to slither out of congress and the senate giving our trusted servants in government unbridled access to borrowed monies is financial suicide. Not the quick cyanide death preferred by 9 out of 10 defeated Nazi leaders at the end of WWII, but the slow painful suicide one might experience after lying too close to a fire ant mound.
Now the word is out, government debt ballooned by a third of a trillion dollars the first day after the debt ceiling was lifted! Whew, that was close! The bankers at the Fed were hanging out on a limb for several months in their conspiracy with the treasury department to keep the monies flowing behind the scenes and out of the daylight of the public eye. No large task given the corruption and willingness of our national press patsies to go along with their government masters.
Save for a few Teabaggers and a handful of public servants in the house and senate there is nobody ringing the alarm. I got my phone and my internet access and my retirement account looks pretty good on paper so who's worried? Certainly not me.
Besides, I have more moons behind me than in front of me and have done pretty much what I wanted for entertainment and work since coming of age at three.
I have swum in the lakes of life's opportunities. Adventures first around the house, the creeks of Nashville, the shores of Lake Michigan, the mountains of Norway, excelled on sports teams in the south, hunted the old growth woods of Tennessee, collected reptiles in its swamps, rode bikes all over my small town, picked up arrow heads in Wyoming, Colorado and Tennessee, wooed and married some fine women and sired enough children to field a baseball team if the parents, as it was, were pitcher and catcher, I studied both chemistry and medicine, I read and admire Mark Twain. And I have owned some really fine dogs!
I am grateful to my parents who had the good sense to let me roam free and not worry in 1960's small town America. In 1966 they bought their children tickets to see the Beatles in Memphis and at 13 my life hit a pinnacle after which I brag since that concert "my life has been nothing but a series of setbacks and disappointments" but I am lying.
The only one who has ever disappointed me in my life was me. I did not always make the right choice in the fog of war if you will. But I did what I did and have been able to make the best of it so far. And I will stop this line of thought before my demons escape putting me to bed for a week.
The debate over the debt needs a shift of public opinion. Clearly the federal government assumes the parental role over the people and dismiss the notion of serving the people completely. The surly Obama use of barricades to public lands and monuments speaks to his administrations total disregard of the governments proper relationship of the government and its masters, the people.
That they are feeling threatened and have been arming all factions of the government including swat teams for the Department of Education is alarming, but they sense something has changed in America. The sheep are willing to be sheared if the farmer provides the proper conditions to grow the hay in the meadows and aids and abets the stream from which to drink.
The meadows in America are drying up and many of the sheep have lost their way. Our shepherds are selling sheep to the wolves.
Corporate wolves have taken control of the shepherds to the detriment of our national flock. At 20% unemployment and millions of Americans ruined under the current system of crony capitalism, the media should lead with bleak employment numbers each and everyday, but there is no people's media, only the corporate piggies who are in bed with our masters in Washington, all corporate puppets, and the crickets chirping in the cool of darkness is the only sound we hear out here in fly over country.
John Kennedy in his 1961 inaugural address got his line almost right with: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"
Today we need someone to point out: "Ask not what your country can do to you, but what you can do to your country!"
It is now obvious our political class can borrow from future generations of Americans without check. It can inflate our currency. It can write laws to favor its friends. It can ignore the laws which made America a great place to do business. It can thumb its nose at our constitution. It can pretend to be masters of the people, but not without the people's permission.
I believe Americans are waking up and if I am wrong and the Teabaggers do not bag many of these progressive pols in the next two election cycles, then patriots all over the country must come together to form a more perfect union and dissolve this relationship which is clearly not working out in the best interest of the people.
Governments are fungible. The land is permanent. When this government, which was founded under our constitution, no longer complies with the constitution it is no longer legitimate. The best bet for continued good government is that set forth in the constitution.
Our founders set limits on government because there needs to be limits. There are very few angels in government.
The advertisement in early 20th century bars featuring "Free Beer Tomorrow" rings as hollow as today's government promise to serve its people well.
The corruption must be halted. If not this national debt combined with our current crop of corrupt Washington Pols will rob the next 5 generations of Americans of the opportunity to make something of their lives. We are all being sold out for 30 pieces of silver.
A national suicide!
Wake up, America.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Now the word is out, government debt ballooned by a third of a trillion dollars the first day after the debt ceiling was lifted! Whew, that was close! The bankers at the Fed were hanging out on a limb for several months in their conspiracy with the treasury department to keep the monies flowing behind the scenes and out of the daylight of the public eye. No large task given the corruption and willingness of our national press patsies to go along with their government masters.
Save for a few Teabaggers and a handful of public servants in the house and senate there is nobody ringing the alarm. I got my phone and my internet access and my retirement account looks pretty good on paper so who's worried? Certainly not me.
Besides, I have more moons behind me than in front of me and have done pretty much what I wanted for entertainment and work since coming of age at three.
I have swum in the lakes of life's opportunities. Adventures first around the house, the creeks of Nashville, the shores of Lake Michigan, the mountains of Norway, excelled on sports teams in the south, hunted the old growth woods of Tennessee, collected reptiles in its swamps, rode bikes all over my small town, picked up arrow heads in Wyoming, Colorado and Tennessee, wooed and married some fine women and sired enough children to field a baseball team if the parents, as it was, were pitcher and catcher, I studied both chemistry and medicine, I read and admire Mark Twain. And I have owned some really fine dogs!
I am grateful to my parents who had the good sense to let me roam free and not worry in 1960's small town America. In 1966 they bought their children tickets to see the Beatles in Memphis and at 13 my life hit a pinnacle after which I brag since that concert "my life has been nothing but a series of setbacks and disappointments" but I am lying.
The only one who has ever disappointed me in my life was me. I did not always make the right choice in the fog of war if you will. But I did what I did and have been able to make the best of it so far. And I will stop this line of thought before my demons escape putting me to bed for a week.
The debate over the debt needs a shift of public opinion. Clearly the federal government assumes the parental role over the people and dismiss the notion of serving the people completely. The surly Obama use of barricades to public lands and monuments speaks to his administrations total disregard of the governments proper relationship of the government and its masters, the people.
That they are feeling threatened and have been arming all factions of the government including swat teams for the Department of Education is alarming, but they sense something has changed in America. The sheep are willing to be sheared if the farmer provides the proper conditions to grow the hay in the meadows and aids and abets the stream from which to drink.
The meadows in America are drying up and many of the sheep have lost their way. Our shepherds are selling sheep to the wolves.
Corporate wolves have taken control of the shepherds to the detriment of our national flock. At 20% unemployment and millions of Americans ruined under the current system of crony capitalism, the media should lead with bleak employment numbers each and everyday, but there is no people's media, only the corporate piggies who are in bed with our masters in Washington, all corporate puppets, and the crickets chirping in the cool of darkness is the only sound we hear out here in fly over country.
John Kennedy in his 1961 inaugural address got his line almost right with: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"
Today we need someone to point out: "Ask not what your country can do to you, but what you can do to your country!"
It is now obvious our political class can borrow from future generations of Americans without check. It can inflate our currency. It can write laws to favor its friends. It can ignore the laws which made America a great place to do business. It can thumb its nose at our constitution. It can pretend to be masters of the people, but not without the people's permission.
I believe Americans are waking up and if I am wrong and the Teabaggers do not bag many of these progressive pols in the next two election cycles, then patriots all over the country must come together to form a more perfect union and dissolve this relationship which is clearly not working out in the best interest of the people.
Governments are fungible. The land is permanent. When this government, which was founded under our constitution, no longer complies with the constitution it is no longer legitimate. The best bet for continued good government is that set forth in the constitution.
Our founders set limits on government because there needs to be limits. There are very few angels in government.
The advertisement in early 20th century bars featuring "Free Beer Tomorrow" rings as hollow as today's government promise to serve its people well.
The corruption must be halted. If not this national debt combined with our current crop of corrupt Washington Pols will rob the next 5 generations of Americans of the opportunity to make something of their lives. We are all being sold out for 30 pieces of silver.
A national suicide!
Wake up, America.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Ted Cruz: Taking Republican Politics To "Risky Business." Call For The Privatization Of All Nonessential Government Functions
Candy "the bulk" Crowley interviewed Texas Senator Ted Cruz on CNN's Sunday morning news show "State of the Nation" and did not score any political points against this true patriot. Using all the might of her 150 kilogram corpus humungus and her 1 kilogram brain, and fed querries from the finest commie minds CNN has to offer in its editorial staff, she appeared exhausted after appearing in the ring with Senator Cruz and a sigh of relief was heard to bellow from those callous partisan vocal cords of hers when the interview finally ended after Senator Cruz pointed out Harry Reid's nonsensical rejoinder to the perty gal who asked about what harm would be done in funding cancer riddled children and their treatment at the NIH.
Score one for Ted Cruz!
He is probably the brightest intellect in Washington and thank the Lord above he is on our side!
Say what you will about President Obama and his intellect, but it cannot hold a candle to the wattage Senator Cruz is packing inside his calvarim. Senator Cruz can publicly speak without a teleprompter. President Obama cannot speak to a grade school class without one. Cruz does not need a script, the President cannot go off script without making a fool of himself.
Cruz started the republicans on their course of a whopping 17% government shut down of all the nonessentials that this government in its great big heart provides as service to its masters, the American people.
The President of this Spite House closes national monuments to veterans and stops disability payments to veterans, but the National Mall is opened for a rally to the Union goonies and their Illegal Alien charges who only need grants for US citizenship so they too could be blocked from our national parks and malls like the rest of us commoners, but then they could become Union members and democrat voters and help complete the nationalist socialist vote of more of America's treasure to government coffers and out of the private sector. The rape of America will be complete.
I might suggest that Ted Cruz put a vote to the American People on whether or not we close these monuments and parks permanently to the government and sell them to the people to manage them.
It seems we should off load some of the burden our poor politicians and our over worked bureaucrats are feeling.
They have way to much on their plates managing to keep opposition political operatives from having tax free platforms from which to voice their opinions and spying on all Americans, including this piece as it is written, and taking over 1/7 of the nations GDP with the new healthcare law.
If we privatize our national monuments and parks and take these tasks off these public servants who are running our nation these bureaucrats will be free to manage the essential operations of government like border patrol and CO2 emissions from wood burning stoves, and school lunches.
I say privitize all nonessential government functions. I know a lot of Americans that would like to own Yellowstone and have a chance to operate it as it should be for the delight and enjoyment of our American people and not as a bargaining chip to close willy-barackie by the Spite House anytime the political parties have a disagreement.
Pawns unite! It is our chess board.
Ted Cruz is the man who can make it happen. Tangling with him will be the real "Risky Business!"
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Score one for Ted Cruz!
He is probably the brightest intellect in Washington and thank the Lord above he is on our side!
Say what you will about President Obama and his intellect, but it cannot hold a candle to the wattage Senator Cruz is packing inside his calvarim. Senator Cruz can publicly speak without a teleprompter. President Obama cannot speak to a grade school class without one. Cruz does not need a script, the President cannot go off script without making a fool of himself.
Cruz started the republicans on their course of a whopping 17% government shut down of all the nonessentials that this government in its great big heart provides as service to its masters, the American people.
The President of this Spite House closes national monuments to veterans and stops disability payments to veterans, but the National Mall is opened for a rally to the Union goonies and their Illegal Alien charges who only need grants for US citizenship so they too could be blocked from our national parks and malls like the rest of us commoners, but then they could become Union members and democrat voters and help complete the nationalist socialist vote of more of America's treasure to government coffers and out of the private sector. The rape of America will be complete.
I might suggest that Ted Cruz put a vote to the American People on whether or not we close these monuments and parks permanently to the government and sell them to the people to manage them.
It seems we should off load some of the burden our poor politicians and our over worked bureaucrats are feeling.
They have way to much on their plates managing to keep opposition political operatives from having tax free platforms from which to voice their opinions and spying on all Americans, including this piece as it is written, and taking over 1/7 of the nations GDP with the new healthcare law.
If we privatize our national monuments and parks and take these tasks off these public servants who are running our nation these bureaucrats will be free to manage the essential operations of government like border patrol and CO2 emissions from wood burning stoves, and school lunches.
I say privitize all nonessential government functions. I know a lot of Americans that would like to own Yellowstone and have a chance to operate it as it should be for the delight and enjoyment of our American people and not as a bargaining chip to close willy-barackie by the Spite House anytime the political parties have a disagreement.
Pawns unite! It is our chess board.
Ted Cruz is the man who can make it happen. Tangling with him will be the real "Risky Business!"
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Urban Poverty Law Center Defines Governments True Function, Brilliant, But What Did You Expect?
My nephew, Kolby Cobb Boatswain, III, is taking civics in middle school and came over to ask me what purpose the government played in our lives. It was an assignment from his teacher, Mrs. C Lamphrey Lighthurst, who can trace her heritage all the way back to the famous Martin Luther King March on Selma, Alabama. She claims her mother slept with one of Reverend King's aides that night in the jail, claiming it was the most exciting 15 seconds of her mother's life and she came away with little C Lamphrey and a wonderful memory.
Mrs. C Lamphrey Lighthurst has bug eyes and is an irritable woman but I will not slander her mother to guess which follower of Dr. King fired the shot in her mother's direction that hot summer night in the Selma City Jail, but his initials are JJ.
Back to Kolby's querry.
I will quote as near as possible what I told young Kolby:
"Kolby, as I see it, the government hires the barely employable to take care of the completely unemployable by taking from the eminently employable."
"Can you be more specific?" Said Kolby.
"Yes, the TSA, Transportation Security Association, and Homeland Security are recent additions to our fine
"Thank you Uncle Maybolt."
"You are welcome."
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Mrs. C Lamphrey Lighthurst has bug eyes and is an irritable woman but I will not slander her mother to guess which follower of Dr. King fired the shot in her mother's direction that hot summer night in the Selma City Jail, but his initials are JJ.
Back to Kolby's querry.
I will quote as near as possible what I told young Kolby:
"Kolby, as I see it, the government hires the barely employable to take care of the completely unemployable by taking from the eminently employable."
"Can you be more specific?" Said Kolby.
"Yes, the TSA, Transportation Security Association, and Homeland Security are recent additions to our fine
"Thank you Uncle Maybolt."
"You are welcome."
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Newly Flexible Re-Elected President Obama And Iranian President Hasan Rouhani
Given President Barak Obama's new found flexibility after his rout of Mitt Romney in last years presidental election cycle which was bastardized by Candy Crowley and her Benghazi lie, and Lois Lerner and her mischief at the IRS and its Tax Free policies for all but Tea Party groups, and the thousands of voting iregularities at all the large cities in the swing states, and how easily our twice elected president was rolled by Russian Leader
Vlad, the Obama-Knocker, Putin in the squabble over Syrian Gas in Assad's struggle with Al Qaeda, now we learn Iranian President Hasan Rouhani wants to meet President Obama for talks in the first ever Middle East and West Muslim Summit Talks.
Who better to represent America but our Muslim in Chief who blurted out to Georgie Stepsonallofus, that "McCain has not been critical of my Muslim religion." To which Geo said, "You mean Christian religion."
With our current leader we will be lucky if he doesn't do a "fast and furious"-like walking of nuclear weapons across the border into Iran.
We will know something is up if the dimunitive North Korean leader Kim's Yon Son is next to request an audience.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Vlad, the Obama-Knocker, Putin in the squabble over Syrian Gas in Assad's struggle with Al Qaeda, now we learn Iranian President Hasan Rouhani wants to meet President Obama for talks in the first ever Middle East and West Muslim Summit Talks.
Who better to represent America but our Muslim in Chief who blurted out to Georgie Stepsonallofus, that "McCain has not been critical of my Muslim religion." To which Geo said, "You mean Christian religion."
With our current leader we will be lucky if he doesn't do a "fast and furious"-like walking of nuclear weapons across the border into Iran.
We will know something is up if the dimunitive North Korean leader Kim's Yon Son is next to request an audience.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Ben Franklin, Where Are Thee? Urban Poverty Law Center Cries Out!
"Printers are educated in the belief that when men differ in opinion both sides ought equally to have the advantage of being heard by the public; and that when truth and error have fair play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter: Hence they cheerfully serve all contending writers that pay them well, without regarding on which side they are of the question in dispute." Ben Franklin
I am reading a biography of Ben Franklin by H.W. Brands and here in this one statement writ by Mr. Franlkin about 250 yrs ago sums up the problem we have in modern day politics in America.
Both sides of the opinion are not addressed fully by todays equivalency to the Printers of Franklin's times, the Media.
Liberal progressive bias stains all that it touches with its haughty condescending attitudes towards the tax payer and patriot.
Lois Lerner of the IRS and her full frontal assault on the Tea Party is as a direct affront to freedom of speech as one can get and it was perpetrated at a time in our political discourse to encourage the most mischief.
Her actions possibly changed the will of the people who were not free to hear both sides of the opinion. How can truth and error battle on equal footing if only error is presented in the public arena?
The republic, if we can keep it, is being fundamentally transformed by a malignant media bias. The new minority is the Tea Party. The new Klan is the democrat party and its big government alies in the unions and its cobbled together coalition of the super rich elites of Hollywood and the new media types like that Facebook bubble head and his Google eye in the sky thief who spy on everybody ad lib.
I suggest these chaps take a page out of Ben Franklin's book and leave the social engineering to the people who vote.
Freedom when lost is lost for all.
The "Printers" of today need to take a close look at their actions. The consequences to this republic are devistating.
Todays Printers chastise the Tea Party members of the House of Representatives for holding out for truth against the huge error of the completely misnamed Affordable Health Care Act, the only part of the name which bears any truth is "ACT", because it is all an act, an act of thieft from the young, healthy, and the productive to the sick and idle.
I include the bureaucrats of the government in this idle group.
I contend it is not what Lois Lerner has done for this country but more to the point of what has she wrought against its most productive citizenry and patriots who only wish for equal treatment under the law.
With the current administration and its puppets in the media they have neither the representation they deserve or the service their taxes pay for, and waiting for this media to preform its watchdog function over governmental abuse is in vain.
Really Lois, really? Is taxation with fair representation too much to ask for in today's world?
Lois, you are as foolish as you look in your testimony in front of the congress and the American people. If you had any pride you would fall on your sword, or travel to Alaska next spring and float out to sea on the next spring thaw on a large enough chunk of ice to give you time to make peace with your God and beg forgiveness from the country and the people you have wronged.
Benedict Arnold, make room for Lois Lerner, for with her assault against Americans and in particular the Tea Party, she has earned her position along side you with America's notorious traitors!
Lois Lerner you have lost face. In Franklin's time you would be tarred and feathered. But these are not those times and you are safe in your den of theives, your realm of rascals, your union of government workers. I believe you should be taunted everywhere you go with public ridicule.
Come clean with the American people, Lois. Claiming the 5th admendment while actively denying others their 1st amendment rights is delightfully filled with ironies.
Truly, today some pigs are more equal than others! Time for you to appear before the congressional committee and squeal, Lois, squeal like only you can. You know what needs to be learned to correct the mistakes currently being made by the fools who would be kings and view all but themselves as simpletons.
And as they say, the band played on!
Is it time to start a war to distract the people in America from the real threats to freedom? Lois, what a piece of work you've turned out!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Vlad Putin: Stop, It's A Trap! Snowden Is A Plant! Stay Out Of Syria!
I read the news today, oh boy! About a lucky man who made the grade. John Lennon.
I am not here to be critical of Obama, but to praise him. The president has been playing a chess game with the middle east which includes Russia, Iran, and Syria and Al Qaeda. Our board pieces are looking good for our enemies to fall on their own swords and to be lifted on their own sarin gassed up petards.
A thumbnail sketch follows: Iran, Russia and Syria are locked in a battle with rebels who are allied with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. America's best interest is to knock off as many Al Q's as possible and we have determined we no longer have the will or the money to keep up our direct fighting against the enemy who blends with the non-combatants. We cannot beat them on their soil.
Enter plan "B" for Barack Obama. We forge a tenuious alliance with Al Q and supply them with our state of the art weapons and nudge Russia and Iran to enter the fray with our threats to strike Syria in limited fashions only. The boiling point is reached and Russia and Iran come in full force and kick the bejesus out of our former faux allies in Syria and there are a lot of Al Q's dead on the battle field and we have our enemies do the heavy lifting.
Brilliant President Obama, but I know it was Vice President Joe Biden's mastermind who came up with this plan. It has all the hallmarks. Biden, dumb like a fox.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I am not here to be critical of Obama, but to praise him. The president has been playing a chess game with the middle east which includes Russia, Iran, and Syria and Al Qaeda. Our board pieces are looking good for our enemies to fall on their own swords and to be lifted on their own sarin gassed up petards.
A thumbnail sketch follows: Iran, Russia and Syria are locked in a battle with rebels who are allied with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. America's best interest is to knock off as many Al Q's as possible and we have determined we no longer have the will or the money to keep up our direct fighting against the enemy who blends with the non-combatants. We cannot beat them on their soil.
Enter plan "B" for Barack Obama. We forge a tenuious alliance with Al Q and supply them with our state of the art weapons and nudge Russia and Iran to enter the fray with our threats to strike Syria in limited fashions only. The boiling point is reached and Russia and Iran come in full force and kick the bejesus out of our former faux allies in Syria and there are a lot of Al Q's dead on the battle field and we have our enemies do the heavy lifting.
Brilliant President Obama, but I know it was Vice President Joe Biden's mastermind who came up with this plan. It has all the hallmarks. Biden, dumb like a fox.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Barack Obama,
Edward Snowden,
Joe Biden,
Vlad Putin
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
President Barack Hussein Obama: Brilliant Middle East Policy Ploy!
Folks, to be honest, I did not get Obama nor his presidency, that is, until now.
I have had a lot of unflattering things to say about this most polished baratone reader of the magic teleprompter, but now I can see what he is doing with his most recent tact in the Middle East.
I refer to his brilliant strategic alliance with Al Qada against Syrian President Assad.
How did I miss the cleverness of this move by President Obama against Assad and with the terrorist who are lining up in Syria to fight the good fight?
You see, when has an ally of the US won anything but a draw or outright defeat in the past 50 years?
Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan have all suffered in its alliance with the United States.
With the alliance forged with Al Q, Barack Hussein Obama has assured their defeat and ours as well.
It is a strange play in "mutual assured destruction" that was practiced and played out during the cold war with the USSR.
Kudo's to Obama and Kerry and your new foreign policy gambit. Form an alliance with the enemy, assure a defeat!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I have had a lot of unflattering things to say about this most polished baratone reader of the magic teleprompter, but now I can see what he is doing with his most recent tact in the Middle East.
I refer to his brilliant strategic alliance with Al Qada against Syrian President Assad.
How did I miss the cleverness of this move by President Obama against Assad and with the terrorist who are lining up in Syria to fight the good fight?
You see, when has an ally of the US won anything but a draw or outright defeat in the past 50 years?
Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan have all suffered in its alliance with the United States.
With the alliance forged with Al Q, Barack Hussein Obama has assured their defeat and ours as well.
It is a strange play in "mutual assured destruction" that was practiced and played out during the cold war with the USSR.
Kudo's to Obama and Kerry and your new foreign policy gambit. Form an alliance with the enemy, assure a defeat!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Hey, Honest Bob: I got a $1576 Brake Job On A Volvo At Steamboat Brakes and Alignment In Colorado And Towed To Another Mechanic
As many of my followers know I will write about other things that interest me from time to time. This is such an occasion.
My nephew, Rupert Maybolt, my brother's step son whom he adopted, was at a wedding in Colorado when he noted a loud squeal coming from his 1979 Volvo 242. He called his mother who told Rupert to take it to a shop and get the brakes repaired.
Rupert called "Steamboat Brakes and Alignment" and Bob said he could fix em and get em back on the road. When Rupert got the call about the brake job from Bob, he was told the total price was $1576 and all that needed to be done was to bleed the brakes and to come get it.
Well my nephew was stunned, why the high price for disc brakes all around, he quickly looked up all the parts on the internet and the parts for brake pads, rotors, calipers, and other incidentals was $350 shipped. He asked me to call and talk to Bob, which I did.
I listened to Bob say he charges what he charges because "I live in a resort Mt community and my overhead is much greater than yours in Tennessee." I was not sure if by overhead he means his shop rent or his lifestyle, but I suspect it was the later.
I asked what sense did it make to put a $1600 brake job on a $1000 car and Bob's reply was "I have done more to a rusted out Ford F-150 for a crazy local in Steamboat.
I was not soft on Bob, and he took offense and demanded cash only for the job and then said he was unable to bleed the brakes as it had a broken actuator with a crack in it and it leaks! Said we could get the car and tow it away and it was in storage at $30 a day until it was picked up.
Now I do not claim to be a mechanic, but it seems Bob has missed his calling too. Rupert drives in a Volvo with brakes that stop it to Bob at "Steamboat Brakes and Alignment" and Bob does $1576 of his magic, missing the actuator problem until he has called for his cash, and refuses to fix the car, gets mad at insults from Uncle Jack, demands cash, will not take a check since stop payments orders have been used against him over and over in the past. His admission!
Bob, do you think you did Rupert and his Volvo and his mother right?
In Tennessee this is called unsavory business practices and is reserved for scoundrels and higher level politicians.
It would not suprise me to learn Bob was once a politician before his jump into mechanical enterprises.
If you are ever in Steamboat and want your car repaired find another Bob, this one is a real piece of work or perhaps a 1979 volvo with disc brakes all around is his limit. We all have our Waterloo's.
Jackson Delano Maybolt
My nephew, Rupert Maybolt, my brother's step son whom he adopted, was at a wedding in Colorado when he noted a loud squeal coming from his 1979 Volvo 242. He called his mother who told Rupert to take it to a shop and get the brakes repaired.
Rupert called "Steamboat Brakes and Alignment" and Bob said he could fix em and get em back on the road. When Rupert got the call about the brake job from Bob, he was told the total price was $1576 and all that needed to be done was to bleed the brakes and to come get it.
Well my nephew was stunned, why the high price for disc brakes all around, he quickly looked up all the parts on the internet and the parts for brake pads, rotors, calipers, and other incidentals was $350 shipped. He asked me to call and talk to Bob, which I did.
I listened to Bob say he charges what he charges because "I live in a resort Mt community and my overhead is much greater than yours in Tennessee." I was not sure if by overhead he means his shop rent or his lifestyle, but I suspect it was the later.
I asked what sense did it make to put a $1600 brake job on a $1000 car and Bob's reply was "I have done more to a rusted out Ford F-150 for a crazy local in Steamboat.
I was not soft on Bob, and he took offense and demanded cash only for the job and then said he was unable to bleed the brakes as it had a broken actuator with a crack in it and it leaks! Said we could get the car and tow it away and it was in storage at $30 a day until it was picked up.
Now I do not claim to be a mechanic, but it seems Bob has missed his calling too. Rupert drives in a Volvo with brakes that stop it to Bob at "Steamboat Brakes and Alignment" and Bob does $1576 of his magic, missing the actuator problem until he has called for his cash, and refuses to fix the car, gets mad at insults from Uncle Jack, demands cash, will not take a check since stop payments orders have been used against him over and over in the past. His admission!
Bob, do you think you did Rupert and his Volvo and his mother right?
In Tennessee this is called unsavory business practices and is reserved for scoundrels and higher level politicians.
It would not suprise me to learn Bob was once a politician before his jump into mechanical enterprises.
If you are ever in Steamboat and want your car repaired find another Bob, this one is a real piece of work or perhaps a 1979 volvo with disc brakes all around is his limit. We all have our Waterloo's.
Jackson Delano Maybolt
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Meet The Rodeo Clown Who Captured The Heart Of A Nation: Bobby Skittles
Meet Bobby Skittles. Better known as the Missouri Masked Obama clown. Bobby made the mistake of keeping in his clown act a mask of each president dating back to president Clinton, donning each and firing up the crowd at the rodeo with the same question, "How would you like to see President Clinton,Bush,Obama rolled over by an angry bull?"
Crowd roars and cheers. Then Bobby Skittles runs from the bull, mask on, to the great delight of the crowd. Bobby Skittles did not know his presidential mask would be ripped from his face that cool August evening is Sluggo, Missouri by politicians who fear Bobby's caraciture of President Obama, strikes far to close to the truth for these lily white politicos!
The real story behind the story is that these "Crazy-Assed Cracker" politicos in Missouri including the governor, the Lt governor, and Senator Claire McCaskill are closeted racists trying to keep any reference to the president from containing terms such as clown, monkey, neanderthal, no wait they were white, well you catch what I mean here.
We will not be truly free of racism in this country until we can look at any politico, black, white, brown, or yellow, and shout insults at a rodeo which include terms such as clown and Obama in the same sentence. Until then we will remain separate and unequal.
Ridicule is a powerful force in public life. To give Obama a pass on ridicule and criticism because he is black is carrying affirmative action too far.
The rules have to be the same for everybody. White, black, pink, yellow, red and brown all politicians should be ready for those who disagree with their ideology to, from time to time, hurl an insult or two. That is what we do.
President Obama, Bobby Skittles, did not mock you because you are black, he mocks you because you are the President.
Congratulations on your accomplishment. Very few can achieve what you have especially given your meager intellect which has been successfully hidden from public view by clever speech writers and your telepromptors.
I do not mock you because you are black, I mock you because you are wrong. Wrong for America, wrong for the world, and wrong to allow your protectors to crucify a lowly rodeo clown who in his act used your likeness to entertain.
Your are bigger than that, or are you?
If you do not act to spare this lowly Cowboy Clown soon you will go down in history as the worst president since Hitler. Or perhaps a better example might be Stalin given your communist leanings.
Perhaps that is the way God intended it.
He made you and He gave you free will. Too bad.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Crowd roars and cheers. Then Bobby Skittles runs from the bull, mask on, to the great delight of the crowd. Bobby Skittles did not know his presidential mask would be ripped from his face that cool August evening is Sluggo, Missouri by politicians who fear Bobby's caraciture of President Obama, strikes far to close to the truth for these lily white politicos!
The real story behind the story is that these "Crazy-Assed Cracker" politicos in Missouri including the governor, the Lt governor, and Senator Claire McCaskill are closeted racists trying to keep any reference to the president from containing terms such as clown, monkey, neanderthal, no wait they were white, well you catch what I mean here.
We will not be truly free of racism in this country until we can look at any politico, black, white, brown, or yellow, and shout insults at a rodeo which include terms such as clown and Obama in the same sentence. Until then we will remain separate and unequal.
Ridicule is a powerful force in public life. To give Obama a pass on ridicule and criticism because he is black is carrying affirmative action too far.
The rules have to be the same for everybody. White, black, pink, yellow, red and brown all politicians should be ready for those who disagree with their ideology to, from time to time, hurl an insult or two. That is what we do.
President Obama, Bobby Skittles, did not mock you because you are black, he mocks you because you are the President.
Congratulations on your accomplishment. Very few can achieve what you have especially given your meager intellect which has been successfully hidden from public view by clever speech writers and your telepromptors.
I do not mock you because you are black, I mock you because you are wrong. Wrong for America, wrong for the world, and wrong to allow your protectors to crucify a lowly rodeo clown who in his act used your likeness to entertain.
Your are bigger than that, or are you?
If you do not act to spare this lowly Cowboy Clown soon you will go down in history as the worst president since Hitler. Or perhaps a better example might be Stalin given your communist leanings.
Perhaps that is the way God intended it.
He made you and He gave you free will. Too bad.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, June 29, 2013
The Real Tragedy Of Global Warming: Rise In CO2 Lower Intellect
Test scores across the nation have fallen each decade so that now we are facing the first generation of stupid with no hope of improving our situation. What has become of human intellect?
With rising carbon dioxide levels we have witnessed a simultaneous drop in intellect. To prove my point I will cite a few well known recent examples.
President Obama and the congress pass a massive health care bill to save money and insure everyone and it does neither.
We fight limited wars in oil rich areas of the world and steal not a single drop of oil.
We strike down laws of nature in hopes these deviant acts become normalized . Acts which are a public health risk and no public health official had the courage to quarantine HIV carriers when it was first recognized as a disease spread primarily by sodomy. Now the homosexual lobby wants to give blood again.
Where is the common ground when a water park can be shut down for sanitizing if one human turd is discovered floating amongst the frolicking swimmers and nothing is deemed risky by public health officials when one man inserts a pen is into another's an us?
No thanks. But that's discrimination! Damn right it is. And I also don't drive against traffic at night on the interstate. Or walk alone in poor neighborhoods or try to pet the lions at the zoo.
Discrimination is a good thing, A little of it is necessary for survival.
Governments are instituted among men for the people's benefit. When governments flip and exist for the sole benefit of the governors it's usefulness to the people is wanting.
Bad government like a bad marriage is no government.
A Natural law marriage can only be between a man and a woman. The law is in place to encourage humans to reproduce.
We abort 50,000,000 US citizens since passage of R v W and government seeks to replace these natural aborted citizens with poorly educated immigrants from Mexico.
Let me see replace an abortee who would be indoctrinated into our culture by local society with its mores and tradions and schooling with an immigrant with no commonality with our culture. Well, that makes perfect sense if you are sucking more carbon dioxide than you are blowing off.
Are all our Senators and Congressmen stupid? Which begs the question? What?
Yes, Virginia, raising a child is costly, but pales in comparison to the problems of the clash of cultures which we will surely see more of in the future with Europe's experiment in Islamification, and our own flirtation with it to a lesser extent.
In summation, common sense is out the window, when an elderly Southern food show host is raked over the bar-b-que coals and publicly tortured over a word spoken 3 decades ago, and children are sent home from school and expelled for playful mimicry of guns by hand signs or a pastry, and all hope of its recovery is lost.
All loss of reason must be laid at the feet of global warming and the rise of CO2!
Clearly our minds are dulled by the elevated levels of carbon dioxide and mankind is befuddled by a CO2 narcosis!
Civilization will fail as surely as night follows the day, .....or does day follow night.
Now where did I put my car keys?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
With rising carbon dioxide levels we have witnessed a simultaneous drop in intellect. To prove my point I will cite a few well known recent examples.
President Obama and the congress pass a massive health care bill to save money and insure everyone and it does neither.
We fight limited wars in oil rich areas of the world and steal not a single drop of oil.
We strike down laws of nature in hopes these deviant acts become normalized . Acts which are a public health risk and no public health official had the courage to quarantine HIV carriers when it was first recognized as a disease spread primarily by sodomy. Now the homosexual lobby wants to give blood again.
Where is the common ground when a water park can be shut down for sanitizing if one human turd is discovered floating amongst the frolicking swimmers and nothing is deemed risky by public health officials when one man inserts a pen is into another's an us?
No thanks. But that's discrimination! Damn right it is. And I also don't drive against traffic at night on the interstate. Or walk alone in poor neighborhoods or try to pet the lions at the zoo.
Discrimination is a good thing, A little of it is necessary for survival.
Governments are instituted among men for the people's benefit. When governments flip and exist for the sole benefit of the governors it's usefulness to the people is wanting.
Bad government like a bad marriage is no government.
A Natural law marriage can only be between a man and a woman. The law is in place to encourage humans to reproduce.
We abort 50,000,000 US citizens since passage of R v W and government seeks to replace these natural aborted citizens with poorly educated immigrants from Mexico.
Let me see replace an abortee who would be indoctrinated into our culture by local society with its mores and tradions and schooling with an immigrant with no commonality with our culture. Well, that makes perfect sense if you are sucking more carbon dioxide than you are blowing off.
Are all our Senators and Congressmen stupid? Which begs the question? What?
Yes, Virginia, raising a child is costly, but pales in comparison to the problems of the clash of cultures which we will surely see more of in the future with Europe's experiment in Islamification, and our own flirtation with it to a lesser extent.
In summation, common sense is out the window, when an elderly Southern food show host is raked over the bar-b-que coals and publicly tortured over a word spoken 3 decades ago, and children are sent home from school and expelled for playful mimicry of guns by hand signs or a pastry, and all hope of its recovery is lost.
All loss of reason must be laid at the feet of global warming and the rise of CO2!
Clearly our minds are dulled by the elevated levels of carbon dioxide and mankind is befuddled by a CO2 narcosis!
Civilization will fail as surely as night follows the day, .....or does day follow night.
Now where did I put my car keys?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
bad government,
CO2 narcosis,
global warming,
lower IQ
Monday, June 24, 2013
Edwardo Snowden, Patriot Or Scoundrel? The Jury Is Still Out
A National Security Administration spook with a high level security clearance defects to Hong Kong with four lap top computers filled with secrets which could be damaging to our governments ability to spy on foreign governments and its own citizens. The amendment which guarantees US citizens the right to privacy has been pulverized by the spies at the NSA. My cell phone is my personal property and my conversations with my friends and my family and business associates are private, or should be.
If the public airwaves for my cell communications are in the public domain, and if NSA has recordings of my communications, then what right does the government have to keep secret its communications which utilize these same public airwaves?
Does the 5th admendment to the constitution secure my private property rights as it relates to phone and internet communications? I wonder. Is NSA and its cell phone and computer survellience program an infringement on these rights? Who knows?
Does the NSA have the communications recorded during the Benghazi tragedy among the State Department, the White House, and the Department of Defense? I will seek this information via a freedom of information request. Should be pretty interesting reading if it is not all redacted and I suspect it will read something like this:
SOS Clinton: "Mr President, our consulate in Libya has been BLACK OUT next 17 lines..."
POTUS: "Let me get with BLACK OUT next 5 lines....OK"
SOD Panetta: "We can't just fly in and BLACK OUT next 23 lines......Good night."
SOS Clinton: "I got a party to attend tonight with Huma and I still have to do my hair and my nails
these crises are never at a convenient time. BLACK OUT next 48 lines...."do you think
I'm sexy"....BLACKED OUT next 13 lines.
Now this is where Mr. Snowden comes in. I believe he has the entire transcripts and can release it if he desires, so you see, what we have here is a Mexican Standoff of sorts. Mr. Snowden is holding all the NSA cards and has the goods on the Smellie Ones in Washington, DC. He has the power to air the dirty laundry for any number of scandals which have surrounded this administration.
Never have so few done so much so quickly and so incompetently as have the Obama cabal with its washed up 1970's weathermen advisory board and of course "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
And where is the congress? NSA has your conversations recorded and ready to use against any critics. Oversight, yeah, will say that was an oversight. This NSA monster is eating congress. FBI files are nothing to the copies of the phone sex and foul language the NSA has stored up on our political class.
Congress needs to grow a pair and put a stop to this. We must admit that none of us is perfect except for ourselves and then move to fix this problem. NSA needs more oversight and strict guidelines for its operations both domestic and abroad.
Edwardo Snowden is not the problem, he is the product of the problem and may be catalyst to the solution. For now I believe his intentions are good, but as they say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
If the public airwaves for my cell communications are in the public domain, and if NSA has recordings of my communications, then what right does the government have to keep secret its communications which utilize these same public airwaves?
Does the 5th admendment to the constitution secure my private property rights as it relates to phone and internet communications? I wonder. Is NSA and its cell phone and computer survellience program an infringement on these rights? Who knows?
Does the NSA have the communications recorded during the Benghazi tragedy among the State Department, the White House, and the Department of Defense? I will seek this information via a freedom of information request. Should be pretty interesting reading if it is not all redacted and I suspect it will read something like this:
SOS Clinton: "Mr President, our consulate in Libya has been BLACK OUT next 17 lines..."
POTUS: "Let me get with BLACK OUT next 5 lines....OK"
SOD Panetta: "We can't just fly in and BLACK OUT next 23 lines......Good night."
SOS Clinton: "I got a party to attend tonight with Huma and I still have to do my hair and my nails
these crises are never at a convenient time. BLACK OUT next 48 lines...."do you think
I'm sexy"....BLACKED OUT next 13 lines.
Now this is where Mr. Snowden comes in. I believe he has the entire transcripts and can release it if he desires, so you see, what we have here is a Mexican Standoff of sorts. Mr. Snowden is holding all the NSA cards and has the goods on the Smellie Ones in Washington, DC. He has the power to air the dirty laundry for any number of scandals which have surrounded this administration.
Never have so few done so much so quickly and so incompetently as have the Obama cabal with its washed up 1970's weathermen advisory board and of course "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
And where is the congress? NSA has your conversations recorded and ready to use against any critics. Oversight, yeah, will say that was an oversight. This NSA monster is eating congress. FBI files are nothing to the copies of the phone sex and foul language the NSA has stored up on our political class.
Congress needs to grow a pair and put a stop to this. We must admit that none of us is perfect except for ourselves and then move to fix this problem. NSA needs more oversight and strict guidelines for its operations both domestic and abroad.
Edwardo Snowden is not the problem, he is the product of the problem and may be catalyst to the solution. For now I believe his intentions are good, but as they say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center Shut Down Over Concerns, Or What A Difference A Goat Makes?
Dear Reader.
I am pinning this, sadly my last posting as the President of the Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center.
I have been terminated by my masters. I am under bond not to reveal these masters who have decided to shut my creative outlet down. I know some of my followers will know instantly who and what has done this to me.
I do not want anybody to jump to aNy concluSions About what hapPened yesteRday when the fbI Served Me notice I could no longer use the internet for my "unAmerican writings."
Rest assured I will not take this lying down. The boys from FEMA say I will have to work in their forced labor camp in Ohio. When I asked about my rights under the constitution these agents replied,
"that's so 18th century!"
They went on to tell me I forfeited my rights when I had sexual relations with that goat. And they had pictures but I swear those were photo-shoped. I am innocent. REALLY!
"I did not have sexual relations with that goat, Ms Lewinsky!" In case she reads this.
I pinned this rapidly from my i-phone before they take that away.
For those of you who read these pages and were amused, I thank you. For those of you who read these pages and were offended, I thank you. For those of you who read these pages and were neither amused nor offended, get counseling.
As it turns out Freedom isn't free.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Political Prisoner, Past President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
PS: I have just seen Edward Snowden, the alleged leaker for the NSA surveillance program speaking to a Guardian reporter. This man has sacrificed everything for the truth and a chance for freedom. His description of the government as filled with "architects of oppression" is chilling.
As my last act I extend him amnesty and will give him the key to the city of Cedar Grove. jdm
I remember "Catch 22" where Yoserian is in a bomber and over the radio is asked to "help him!"
It is only at the end of the movie that we learn that the person Yoserian is to help is "Snowden!"
Yoserian rolls Snowden over and his guts, all mangled, spill out and he dies.
I think that is a coincidence. jdm
I am pinning this, sadly my last posting as the President of the Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center.
I have been terminated by my masters. I am under bond not to reveal these masters who have decided to shut my creative outlet down. I know some of my followers will know instantly who and what has done this to me.
I do not want anybody to jump to aNy concluSions About what hapPened yesteRday when the fbI Served Me notice I could no longer use the internet for my "unAmerican writings."
Rest assured I will not take this lying down. The boys from FEMA say I will have to work in their forced labor camp in Ohio. When I asked about my rights under the constitution these agents replied,
"that's so 18th century!"
They went on to tell me I forfeited my rights when I had sexual relations with that goat. And they had pictures but I swear those were photo-shoped. I am innocent. REALLY!
"I did not have sexual relations with that goat, Ms Lewinsky!" In case she reads this.
I pinned this rapidly from my i-phone before they take that away.
For those of you who read these pages and were amused, I thank you. For those of you who read these pages and were offended, I thank you. For those of you who read these pages and were neither amused nor offended, get counseling.
As it turns out Freedom isn't free.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Political Prisoner, Past President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
PS: I have just seen Edward Snowden, the alleged leaker for the NSA surveillance program speaking to a Guardian reporter. This man has sacrificed everything for the truth and a chance for freedom. His description of the government as filled with "architects of oppression" is chilling.
As my last act I extend him amnesty and will give him the key to the city of Cedar Grove. jdm
I remember "Catch 22" where Yoserian is in a bomber and over the radio is asked to "help him!"
It is only at the end of the movie that we learn that the person Yoserian is to help is "Snowden!"
Yoserian rolls Snowden over and his guts, all mangled, spill out and he dies.
I think that is a coincidence. jdm
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Obama Administration Has A Problem: A Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center Exclusive Report
If you keep up with politics like I do you already know our President, Barack Hussein Obama, has a huge problem. I know what you are thinking, but it is not about spying on journalists, or illegally denying conservatives the civil right to assemble and protest against a government which they believe is out of control, and not even about the four lives sacrificed in Benghazi so that "Dear Leader" could hold on to power and rule in his banana republic fashion a little longer.
No, it is an unemployment problem that is out of control. He is working feverishly to correct this by expanding the government and hire a bajillion new unskilled workers to mine phone calls from Verizon customers which number in the gazillions each year. What they are looking for is anybody's guess.
I suppose they might be looking for key words such as "tea party", or "patriot" or "Bill of Rights" so they can target these miscreants for a closer look by the IRS, the FBI, and the EPA, and OSHA if the need calls for it.
Here is how it works.
Let's say I call my pal, Doug from Colorado and in our conversation I use any of the forbidden words. The NSA Snoop in Utah, Mohamed Alhaseed, new hire, for $17 an hour plus benefits, records my ill chosen words and sends a report up to his supervisor, "Snoop Doggy Jones", another new hire, for $27an hour plus benefits who is located in Detroit.
Snoop Doggy looks the transcript over and cross references the calls from Tennessee to Colorado, both potentially troubling hot spots, aka "Red States" and passes the information to Washington, DC where Malinda Rodriquez, a second generation illegal immigrant, making $38 per hour plus benefits reviews both reports from Mohamed and Snoop Doggy, and decides this needs a closer look.
She sends her report and the other two to her supervisor in the White House, Valarie Jarrett, who makes $117 per hour plus full benefits, and she calls Eric Holder, the US attorney General, who makes $157 per hour plus benefits, who then calls President Obama, who makes $400,000 a year plus benefits, who passes these reports to both the FBI and Janet Napoletano, the director of the Department of Homeland Security, who both make $170 per hour.
The FBI investigates me and Doug and decide to send the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms over for a little look. Janet, decides she needs more information and asks the IRS to pull up our tax records and to also to pay a little visit.
They learn in the on site visit we have cattle and this gets the EPA involved. Meanwhile Doug and I hire lawyers who charge $250 per hour and try to defend ourselves against innocent remarks over our Verizon phone lines.
And the biggest kicker of all is that we paid for all of it with our tax monies.
God save the republic or destroy it which ever is in our best interest!
I will leave that in God's capable Hands.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
No, it is an unemployment problem that is out of control. He is working feverishly to correct this by expanding the government and hire a bajillion new unskilled workers to mine phone calls from Verizon customers which number in the gazillions each year. What they are looking for is anybody's guess.
I suppose they might be looking for key words such as "tea party", or "patriot" or "Bill of Rights" so they can target these miscreants for a closer look by the IRS, the FBI, and the EPA, and OSHA if the need calls for it.
Here is how it works.
Let's say I call my pal, Doug from Colorado and in our conversation I use any of the forbidden words. The NSA Snoop in Utah, Mohamed Alhaseed, new hire, for $17 an hour plus benefits, records my ill chosen words and sends a report up to his supervisor, "Snoop Doggy Jones", another new hire, for $27an hour plus benefits who is located in Detroit.
Snoop Doggy looks the transcript over and cross references the calls from Tennessee to Colorado, both potentially troubling hot spots, aka "Red States" and passes the information to Washington, DC where Malinda Rodriquez, a second generation illegal immigrant, making $38 per hour plus benefits reviews both reports from Mohamed and Snoop Doggy, and decides this needs a closer look.
She sends her report and the other two to her supervisor in the White House, Valarie Jarrett, who makes $117 per hour plus full benefits, and she calls Eric Holder, the US attorney General, who makes $157 per hour plus benefits, who then calls President Obama, who makes $400,000 a year plus benefits, who passes these reports to both the FBI and Janet Napoletano, the director of the Department of Homeland Security, who both make $170 per hour.
The FBI investigates me and Doug and decide to send the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms over for a little look. Janet, decides she needs more information and asks the IRS to pull up our tax records and to also to pay a little visit.
They learn in the on site visit we have cattle and this gets the EPA involved. Meanwhile Doug and I hire lawyers who charge $250 per hour and try to defend ourselves against innocent remarks over our Verizon phone lines.
And the biggest kicker of all is that we paid for all of it with our tax monies.
God save the republic or destroy it which ever is in our best interest!
I will leave that in God's capable Hands.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, May 30, 2013
What Eric Holder Said At His Off-The -Record News Conference: Progressive UPLC Exclusive
I, being the mover and shaker in Cedar Grove, Tennessee, was selected to sit in for the Huffington Post and the New York Times at Attorney General Eric Holder's off the record meeting with news organizations. I feel really honored to have been included in this group which included Mother Jones, and a couple of other Commie Publications. They agreed not to spill the beans, but I am talking.
First, Mr. Holder thanked each of us personally for attending and in doing so we joined an elite group of federal employees who with the appropriate clearance from State and the DOD would be entrusted with the information which they believed would take the presure off this administration and the DOJ for tapping into phone and emails of private citizens to stop the leaker.
The leaker has not been identified but they feel certain it is some one high up in the administration with an axe to grind. The leak involved sensitive information out of Yemen about plots to overthrow the Saudi Government and to take over the world's strategic petroleum reserves and charge twice market prices for all products which come from oil and its components.
Once they have taken over the oil, they planned to pull all the kitty litter off the markets and start a world wide war on cats and cat owners. Once cats have been eliminated from the west, they will push for and get gun control like we have never seen.
The next plot leak involved information from the 1947 crash of the "weather balloon" at Roswell New Mexico, and that DNA from the crash site was hybridized into an unwitting school girl who has a name quite similar to our sitting president's mother. The hint is that President Barak Hussein Obama is an alien and that he has small suction cups on his finger tips and dines exclusively on freshly slaughtered house cats.
The president's health is dependent upon an ample supply of house cats and he has to eat upwards of a hundred per day or he will begin to lose weight and his health would fail.
This is the truth. Attorney General Eric Holder, would he lie to us, the press, or congress?
Better stock up on kitty litter Americans!
When they came for the cats, I remained silent since I did not have a cat. You know the rest.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
First, Mr. Holder thanked each of us personally for attending and in doing so we joined an elite group of federal employees who with the appropriate clearance from State and the DOD would be entrusted with the information which they believed would take the presure off this administration and the DOJ for tapping into phone and emails of private citizens to stop the leaker.
The leaker has not been identified but they feel certain it is some one high up in the administration with an axe to grind. The leak involved sensitive information out of Yemen about plots to overthrow the Saudi Government and to take over the world's strategic petroleum reserves and charge twice market prices for all products which come from oil and its components.
Once they have taken over the oil, they planned to pull all the kitty litter off the markets and start a world wide war on cats and cat owners. Once cats have been eliminated from the west, they will push for and get gun control like we have never seen.
The next plot leak involved information from the 1947 crash of the "weather balloon" at Roswell New Mexico, and that DNA from the crash site was hybridized into an unwitting school girl who has a name quite similar to our sitting president's mother. The hint is that President Barak Hussein Obama is an alien and that he has small suction cups on his finger tips and dines exclusively on freshly slaughtered house cats.
The president's health is dependent upon an ample supply of house cats and he has to eat upwards of a hundred per day or he will begin to lose weight and his health would fail.
This is the truth. Attorney General Eric Holder, would he lie to us, the press, or congress?
Better stock up on kitty litter Americans!
When they came for the cats, I remained silent since I did not have a cat. You know the rest.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Who Is This Woman? Lois G. Lerner
Lois G. Lerner is the woman who will be most responsible for the overturning of our latest national nightmare.
Who is this foxy employee of the Treasury Department? Is her husband's law firm really that close to the President?
Why was she transferred from tax exemption to overseer of the AHA?
What special skills does she possess that make her perfect for the health care oversight position?
Is Lois G. Lerner currently a member or has she ever been a member of the Nazi, excuse me, the democrat party?
Who received any political contributions from Ms. Lerner and her husband for the 2010 and 2012 political years?
Why does this woman, Lois G. Lerner, still have a job after supervising the worst case of political intimidation and violating wholesale numbers of hard working and tax paying American's civil rights?
How does Lois G Lerner feel about the civil rights of other groups, including minorities, gays and lesbians, and sexual transgendered?
Can she be trusted to apply the laws fairly to all groups regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, political persuasion, and pre-existing medical conditions?
Our nation has long ago rebuked bigotry of all kinds.
Ms. Lois G. Lerner, you are a bigot and you work for a bigot.
Bigots must resign or they should face impeachment.
You see we are all created equal.
Who made you, Lois G. Lerner, the judge, the jury, and the executioner?
May God really have mercy on us if you are the best we can come up with?
Jackson D. Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
Correction 5.22.2013: This woman, Lois G. Lerner, is not the new IRS head of the AHA. The new head of the AHA is Sarah Somebody. Lois Lerner is Hillary Clinton with a dark wig! Has anyone seen G. Soros in the same room with Hillary or Lois? Frightening!
Is is all beginning to make sense to me. JDM
Who is this foxy employee of the Treasury Department? Is her husband's law firm really that close to the President?
Why was she transferred from tax exemption to overseer of the AHA?
What special skills does she possess that make her perfect for the health care oversight position?
Is Lois G. Lerner currently a member or has she ever been a member of the Nazi, excuse me, the democrat party?
Who received any political contributions from Ms. Lerner and her husband for the 2010 and 2012 political years?
Why does this woman, Lois G. Lerner, still have a job after supervising the worst case of political intimidation and violating wholesale numbers of hard working and tax paying American's civil rights?
How does Lois G Lerner feel about the civil rights of other groups, including minorities, gays and lesbians, and sexual transgendered?
Can she be trusted to apply the laws fairly to all groups regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, political persuasion, and pre-existing medical conditions?
Our nation has long ago rebuked bigotry of all kinds.
Ms. Lois G. Lerner, you are a bigot and you work for a bigot.
Bigots must resign or they should face impeachment.
You see we are all created equal.
Who made you, Lois G. Lerner, the judge, the jury, and the executioner?
May God really have mercy on us if you are the best we can come up with?
Jackson D. Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
Correction 5.22.2013: This woman, Lois G. Lerner, is not the new IRS head of the AHA. The new head of the AHA is Sarah Somebody. Lois Lerner is Hillary Clinton with a dark wig! Has anyone seen G. Soros in the same room with Hillary or Lois? Frightening!
Is is all beginning to make sense to me. JDM
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center: Time For Representative Darrell Issa To Resign
As they say among tequila drinkers, "The Worm Has Turned."
I viewed with disgust and disbelief, Rep. Darrell Issa's, the powerful chairman of the ineffectual House Oversight Committee, mistreatment of the United States Attorney General, Mr. Eric Holder, a black man.
The tone of Chairman Issa's line of questioning of Mr. Holder reminded me of 1950's Alabama, and made me fear for Mr. Holder's neck.
Issa, a white man with strong ties to the California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has held many racially motivated hearings since taking the chairmanship when the congress flipped from D to R in 2010.
Mr. Holder's own justice department has phone taps of the distinguished Chairman Issa using the "N word" describing the actions of the Obama administration.
The quote follows: Issa: "Yes, we are going to get to the bottom of this gun running scheme into Mexico but thus far all we have gotten is a bunch of niggardly responses from this (Obama) administration."
I feel Chairman Issa has shown he is incapable of holding fair hearings over a black man and as such must immediately recuse himself and turn the hearings over to that black congressman from New York City who writes the tax law but can't seem to follow them, you know the one with the rental properties in Puerto Rico? Conyers? No Rangel, he is the one.
Spying on and blowing up American citizens is one thing, but wire taps on the press? Beyond the pale!
Possibly affecting the outcome of national elections by interfering with citizen's rights of assembly and to participate on equal financial footing with the liberals just because you are moderate or conservative and suspect government of tom foolery and shenanigans by throwing the full force of the IRS against opponents seems a bit petty and beneath America.
Next, are you going to tell me our government lied about Benghazi and Obama won the election with voter fraud? Impossible.
I am beginning to suspect he doesn't even have a valid birth certificate. At least not from this country.
The following is in code. If you do not have a code breaker you can get one by sending one dollar to my Cedar Grove headquarters. Do not miss this exciting message. Your dollar is tax deductible as soon as I hear back about my 502-C 3 organization from the IRS. They are really busy at the document shredders right now and promise to get back to me as soon as possible.
Finally, as the mayor of Cedar Grove, I declare amnesty for the German family who left the motherland to home school their beautiful blond children and fled to America only to be denied political asylum by the Nazis at the Justice Department. If San Francisco can be a safe haven for all kinds of illegal immigrants, little old Cedar Grove, Tennessee can open its hearts to a few illegal immigrants who only fled Germany to practice freedom of religion. Pity they weren't Muslim and we would not be having this conversation.
The Romeike's and their eight children are certainly welcome here in Cedar Grove. We could use the political diversity around here. We will not discriminate against Christians or whites no matter their skin tone.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
I viewed with disgust and disbelief, Rep. Darrell Issa's, the powerful chairman of the ineffectual House Oversight Committee, mistreatment of the United States Attorney General, Mr. Eric Holder, a black man.
The tone of Chairman Issa's line of questioning of Mr. Holder reminded me of 1950's Alabama, and made me fear for Mr. Holder's neck.
Issa, a white man with strong ties to the California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, has held many racially motivated hearings since taking the chairmanship when the congress flipped from D to R in 2010.
Mr. Holder's own justice department has phone taps of the distinguished Chairman Issa using the "N word" describing the actions of the Obama administration.
The quote follows: Issa: "Yes, we are going to get to the bottom of this gun running scheme into Mexico but thus far all we have gotten is a bunch of niggardly responses from this (Obama) administration."
I feel Chairman Issa has shown he is incapable of holding fair hearings over a black man and as such must immediately recuse himself and turn the hearings over to that black congressman from New York City who writes the tax law but can't seem to follow them, you know the one with the rental properties in Puerto Rico? Conyers? No Rangel, he is the one.
Spying on and blowing up American citizens is one thing, but wire taps on the press? Beyond the pale!
Possibly affecting the outcome of national elections by interfering with citizen's rights of assembly and to participate on equal financial footing with the liberals just because you are moderate or conservative and suspect government of tom foolery and shenanigans by throwing the full force of the IRS against opponents seems a bit petty and beneath America.
Next, are you going to tell me our government lied about Benghazi and Obama won the election with voter fraud? Impossible.
I am beginning to suspect he doesn't even have a valid birth certificate. At least not from this country.
The following is in code. If you do not have a code breaker you can get one by sending one dollar to my Cedar Grove headquarters. Do not miss this exciting message. Your dollar is tax deductible as soon as I hear back about my 502-C 3 organization from the IRS. They are really busy at the document shredders right now and promise to get back to me as soon as possible.
Finally, as the mayor of Cedar Grove, I declare amnesty for the German family who left the motherland to home school their beautiful blond children and fled to America only to be denied political asylum by the Nazis at the Justice Department. If San Francisco can be a safe haven for all kinds of illegal immigrants, little old Cedar Grove, Tennessee can open its hearts to a few illegal immigrants who only fled Germany to practice freedom of religion. Pity they weren't Muslim and we would not be having this conversation.
The Romeike's and their eight children are certainly welcome here in Cedar Grove. We could use the political diversity around here. We will not discriminate against Christians or whites no matter their skin tone.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Urban Poverty Law Center Is Responsible For IRS Abuses Of Patriot Groups
As President of the Urban Poverty Law Center my sphere of influence casts a wide shadow.
I was the first to suggest to my local IRS officer that there were bigger fish to fry since in two years of advertising for google on this blog, my take was only a little over $113, and my readers were subjected to endless pop-ups of that unsettling add with Obama and his stinky rainbow logo.
I was investigated for refusing to have adds pop up supportive of PBO in a blog which spends much of its ink or bytes critical of his policies and his intellect and very wary of his handlers.
I did not think they would take my advice to such extremes.
I apologize to the patriots for my suggestion that BHO aka PBO use the IRS to its fullest potential-
a strong arm enforcement tool of the administration.
Nixon's only mistake was not pushing back against a press which turns out to be very corruptible.
Money Talks and Patriots Walk!
The obituaries for America can be released.
More later.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The Urban Poverty Law Center will hitherto be known as The Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center for the obvious reason.
I was the first to suggest to my local IRS officer that there were bigger fish to fry since in two years of advertising for google on this blog, my take was only a little over $113, and my readers were subjected to endless pop-ups of that unsettling add with Obama and his stinky rainbow logo.
I was investigated for refusing to have adds pop up supportive of PBO in a blog which spends much of its ink or bytes critical of his policies and his intellect and very wary of his handlers.
I did not think they would take my advice to such extremes.
I apologize to the patriots for my suggestion that BHO aka PBO use the IRS to its fullest potential-
a strong arm enforcement tool of the administration.
Nixon's only mistake was not pushing back against a press which turns out to be very corruptible.
Money Talks and Patriots Walk!
The obituaries for America can be released.
More later.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The Urban Poverty Law Center will hitherto be known as The Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center for the obvious reason.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Benghazi: A Study Of And The Lapse Of Good Leadership And The End Of A Presidency
The Benghazi lapse of good leadership, BLOG-L, to cleverly coin a term for future reference, is a milestone or rather a millstone around the neck of a floundering presidency. We have witnessed an astoundingly inept obfuscation of even the most basic facts in the events at the American Consulate that September 11, 2012 night.
Now we learn the BLOG-L press release went through 12 different versions when only one, the truth, was required. Why the fear to call the attack which left four fellow Americans dead an act of terror by Muslim extremists?
Why the pinning of the attack on a spontaneous Muslim block party gone awry over some unknown you-tube video produced by some Coptic christian hack in LA which no one saw?
A block party which included numerous AK's, RPG's, Molotov cocktails, and dozens of mortar rounds just in case the party was attacked by wild dogs?
No Hillary, those versions of what really happened all fell well short of what is expected of American leadership.
Americans under attack, whether at home or abroad, deserve all the interventions for rescue which are possible no matter how slight the chance of success. Orders for the military to stand down in Benghazi were vexing unless your plans were to allow Ambassador J. Chris Stevens to be murdered?
How does the attack fit into the 2012 presidential election? Did Obama's meme of the death of Al Q ring somewhat hollow after the Benghazi attack and the loss of four Americans. Was BLOG-L caused by the fog of war, the war being with Mitt Romney and not with our Muslim enemy? Or is BLOG-L
the best we can expect from our leadership as it stands and are they really that incredibly inept?
If you are ever uncertain what the correct action would be in any future event, call the parents of the Americans involved.
Ty Wood's father could have correctly called the right action in a heart beat.
Send in the marines!
Hillary, imagine how your actions might have been different if your husband Bill had been Ambassador Stevens' guest that warm September 11 evening when the block party broke out at the consulate.
OK, maybe that is not a fair comparison, take Chelsea and place her in harms way and then make your best call given those circumstances. This is all that any parent and American who has children serving our country can ask.
Treat them all as family because they are our family, they are members of our tribe and of this great United States of America.
Hillary Clinton, you and Barack Obama, and Leon Panetta and who ever else was involved in making the decision to not stand up and fight for every precious American life in Benghazi have fallen short of a minimum standard of care.
Your mishandling of the affair in Benghazi is political malpractice of the highest tier. Your hi jinx with the misleading press conferences and failure to attribute the attacks as terrorist linked and your BLOG-L is criminal at best and jailing a goof for a you-tube video smacks of despotism of the worst kind.
I strongly suggest you tinder your resignation from public life retroactive to September 12, 2012.
You see Madame Secretary, that is the last day we could believe you.
In your campaign against our most inept president since Bill Clinton, you posited the question: "Who is going to answer that 3am phone call?"
The real gnawing question for the American people is not only who will answer, but what will the leadership do in response when that call comes in.
Al Q in Benghazi-1 The Obama/Hillary/Panetta Team-0
Try to get it right next time. Use more of your cleverness to lead and you will not need to use it to cover-up your mistakes.
You will find it is much easier to look the relatives of the dead Americans in the eye and say your are sorry and we did everything possible to try to save them, than to try to lie after you have done nothing.
BLOG-L is the end of the Obama Administration since it will mark when the fawning press will see the corruption and ineptitude that permeates this God-awful administration.
Everybody can make mistakes, but this is a MISTAKE!
Hope for America and 2014 is around the corner and more senate and house cleansing will be the order of the day. I predict a lot of the entrenched corrupticians be they D or R will make their exits before this whole thing comes raining down like Al Gore's middle chakra on a 20 dollar per hr hotel masseuse.
The lessons of Benghazi are legion. Is anybody but me paying attention?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
Now we learn the BLOG-L press release went through 12 different versions when only one, the truth, was required. Why the fear to call the attack which left four fellow Americans dead an act of terror by Muslim extremists?
Why the pinning of the attack on a spontaneous Muslim block party gone awry over some unknown you-tube video produced by some Coptic christian hack in LA which no one saw?
A block party which included numerous AK's, RPG's, Molotov cocktails, and dozens of mortar rounds just in case the party was attacked by wild dogs?
No Hillary, those versions of what really happened all fell well short of what is expected of American leadership.
Americans under attack, whether at home or abroad, deserve all the interventions for rescue which are possible no matter how slight the chance of success. Orders for the military to stand down in Benghazi were vexing unless your plans were to allow Ambassador J. Chris Stevens to be murdered?
How does the attack fit into the 2012 presidential election? Did Obama's meme of the death of Al Q ring somewhat hollow after the Benghazi attack and the loss of four Americans. Was BLOG-L caused by the fog of war, the war being with Mitt Romney and not with our Muslim enemy? Or is BLOG-L
the best we can expect from our leadership as it stands and are they really that incredibly inept?
If you are ever uncertain what the correct action would be in any future event, call the parents of the Americans involved.
Ty Wood's father could have correctly called the right action in a heart beat.
Send in the marines!
Hillary, imagine how your actions might have been different if your husband Bill had been Ambassador Stevens' guest that warm September 11 evening when the block party broke out at the consulate.
OK, maybe that is not a fair comparison, take Chelsea and place her in harms way and then make your best call given those circumstances. This is all that any parent and American who has children serving our country can ask.
Treat them all as family because they are our family, they are members of our tribe and of this great United States of America.
Hillary Clinton, you and Barack Obama, and Leon Panetta and who ever else was involved in making the decision to not stand up and fight for every precious American life in Benghazi have fallen short of a minimum standard of care.
Your mishandling of the affair in Benghazi is political malpractice of the highest tier. Your hi jinx with the misleading press conferences and failure to attribute the attacks as terrorist linked and your BLOG-L is criminal at best and jailing a goof for a you-tube video smacks of despotism of the worst kind.
I strongly suggest you tinder your resignation from public life retroactive to September 12, 2012.
You see Madame Secretary, that is the last day we could believe you.
In your campaign against our most inept president since Bill Clinton, you posited the question: "Who is going to answer that 3am phone call?"
The real gnawing question for the American people is not only who will answer, but what will the leadership do in response when that call comes in.
Al Q in Benghazi-1 The Obama/Hillary/Panetta Team-0
Try to get it right next time. Use more of your cleverness to lead and you will not need to use it to cover-up your mistakes.
You will find it is much easier to look the relatives of the dead Americans in the eye and say your are sorry and we did everything possible to try to save them, than to try to lie after you have done nothing.
BLOG-L is the end of the Obama Administration since it will mark when the fawning press will see the corruption and ineptitude that permeates this God-awful administration.
Everybody can make mistakes, but this is a MISTAKE!
Hope for America and 2014 is around the corner and more senate and house cleansing will be the order of the day. I predict a lot of the entrenched corrupticians be they D or R will make their exits before this whole thing comes raining down like Al Gore's middle chakra on a 20 dollar per hr hotel masseuse.
The lessons of Benghazi are legion. Is anybody but me paying attention?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
William Ayers: Urban Poverty Law Center's Useful Idiot of His Generation Award Winner!
Is it time for William Ayers to come out of retirement? Have his grievances been adequately addressed? Did the bombs he planned after smoking a bale and a half of Mexican Gold create the perfect world he envisioned in his THC clogged synapses back in the 70's?
Billie, "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" do you? Your destruction of American Imperialism is complete. Your actions only chased the real oligarchs deep underground, leaving the American people exposed and vulnerable with a government which ignores the cries of its everyday citizens and pays butchers like Dr. Kermit Gosnell to terminate unwanted babies through horrible partial birth abortions.
The US government is first and foremost only interested in self-preservation. A hundred thousand Department of Homeland Security jackboots on the ground whose main function is to preserve our trusted and highly vaulted government. Jackboots who only lick from the government trough. Jackboots who know their well being is intricately linked to the success of this regime.
Yesterday they were unemployable high school dropouts. Now they dress in black, wear armored underwear and are decked out with the best weapons and the greatest technology available to mankind.
Janet (The Napper) Napolitono, the secretary of DHS has ordered them 1.6 billion hollow-point bullets to fire off in their spare time which has amounted to 99.9% since formation.
Targets now are said to include women and children, white Christians who home school, and not the bearded middle easterner or the rare fair skinned Chechnyan.
Ours is an embarrassingly rich nation if we can house, supply, and support an army of 100,000 who were called upon only three times in the past decade. Mob control at Katrina, and hurricane Sandy, and to chase down a couple of Chechnyan schoolboys who had the poor judgement to take a page from Mr. Ayers book and blow up a couple of cooking pots filled with gunpowder, nails, and ball bearings at one of America's least violent sporting events, a marathon.
Now we learn the older schoolboy, still on his mother's medicaid insurance, a young lad of 26, TT, was also on government welfare so the government probably bought all the materials to make the device and worse, the Saudis and the Russians warned DHS that TT was a terrorist in 2011 and again in 2012.
The US government's reaction to this sensitive information will be buried along with all the other epic failures since congress long ago shirked its oversight responsibility, preferring instead to plot self- enriching schemes with insider trading scams. But what ever ineffectual bureau was charged with watching him, he was not prevented from carrying out this attack. Maybe we need half a million jackboots to protect our government?
Over paying people to be idle is not a good idea be they immigrants or jackboots in the DHS.
Well, Chechnyan schoolboys will be Chechnyan schoolboys and how were they to know they were supposed to blow up Tea Party folks and not the beautiful blue bloods of Boston. Bill you must get the word out. No explosives in Blue States!
The younger of the youths charged with the bombing in Boston, DT, was also a pothead, like Bill Ayers and looks remarkably like a young version of Robert Zimmerman, not the one who is charged with killing Trayvon, but the one who changed his name to Bob Dylan.
Can a connection with getting bombed on marijuana and planting bombs be made? "It is stoney when your riding in your car. I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned." I need half a billion stimulus package dollars and I will buy a bale and a half of marijuana and get back to you with the results of my study, if I can remember, that is.
The human tragedy which unfolded in Boston a few weeks ago can be squarely laid at the feet of William Ayers. His weak willed attempt to be a revolutionary has given us the world we live in today.
It is not a better and a safer place. Corporate imperialism and greed has supplanted national imperialism to the detriment of all mankind. A few bankers conspire to rob all the world of its riches and as long as they pay off the politicians, anything goes.
The problem is the world is a complicated place and people are unpredictable. Those who believe themselves to be clever are often not.
The Internet and information is dangerous to these secretive cabals. The moral believers in this country must make an effort to elect the right kinds of people to office. These leaders must be courageous and identify problem bureaucrats and bureaucracies and be willing to fire them like Reagan with the air-traffic controllers.
I hereby declare Professor William Ayers as The Most Useful Idiot of My Generation. This award is given by the Urban Poverty Law Center to the person whose actions, we believe, have influenced the world through unintended consequences to weaken the rights and freedoms of the individual and threaten a moral society.
Congratulations, Professor Ayers! You have destroyed freedom for generations to come. Your name will be placed along side Judas, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Stalin, Booth, Oswald, that Armenian who started WWI and for this we salute you.
The blood and treasure spilled in Boston is yours as will be the next event your drug addled minds concocted all those years ago and set into action.
The baton has been passed! The lessons of the history you crafted have not been lost on your students.
TT and DT are only the first of who knows thousands of William Ayers copycats.
Time will tell. Now where did I put that Doobie?
Oh, I almost forgot, happy May Day comrade!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Billie, "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" do you? Your destruction of American Imperialism is complete. Your actions only chased the real oligarchs deep underground, leaving the American people exposed and vulnerable with a government which ignores the cries of its everyday citizens and pays butchers like Dr. Kermit Gosnell to terminate unwanted babies through horrible partial birth abortions.
The US government is first and foremost only interested in self-preservation. A hundred thousand Department of Homeland Security jackboots on the ground whose main function is to preserve our trusted and highly vaulted government. Jackboots who only lick from the government trough. Jackboots who know their well being is intricately linked to the success of this regime.
Yesterday they were unemployable high school dropouts. Now they dress in black, wear armored underwear and are decked out with the best weapons and the greatest technology available to mankind.
Janet (The Napper) Napolitono, the secretary of DHS has ordered them 1.6 billion hollow-point bullets to fire off in their spare time which has amounted to 99.9% since formation.
Targets now are said to include women and children, white Christians who home school, and not the bearded middle easterner or the rare fair skinned Chechnyan.
Ours is an embarrassingly rich nation if we can house, supply, and support an army of 100,000 who were called upon only three times in the past decade. Mob control at Katrina, and hurricane Sandy, and to chase down a couple of Chechnyan schoolboys who had the poor judgement to take a page from Mr. Ayers book and blow up a couple of cooking pots filled with gunpowder, nails, and ball bearings at one of America's least violent sporting events, a marathon.
Now we learn the older schoolboy, still on his mother's medicaid insurance, a young lad of 26, TT, was also on government welfare so the government probably bought all the materials to make the device and worse, the Saudis and the Russians warned DHS that TT was a terrorist in 2011 and again in 2012.
The US government's reaction to this sensitive information will be buried along with all the other epic failures since congress long ago shirked its oversight responsibility, preferring instead to plot self- enriching schemes with insider trading scams. But what ever ineffectual bureau was charged with watching him, he was not prevented from carrying out this attack. Maybe we need half a million jackboots to protect our government?
Over paying people to be idle is not a good idea be they immigrants or jackboots in the DHS.
Well, Chechnyan schoolboys will be Chechnyan schoolboys and how were they to know they were supposed to blow up Tea Party folks and not the beautiful blue bloods of Boston. Bill you must get the word out. No explosives in Blue States!
The younger of the youths charged with the bombing in Boston, DT, was also a pothead, like Bill Ayers and looks remarkably like a young version of Robert Zimmerman, not the one who is charged with killing Trayvon, but the one who changed his name to Bob Dylan.
Can a connection with getting bombed on marijuana and planting bombs be made? "It is stoney when your riding in your car. I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned." I need half a billion stimulus package dollars and I will buy a bale and a half of marijuana and get back to you with the results of my study, if I can remember, that is.
The human tragedy which unfolded in Boston a few weeks ago can be squarely laid at the feet of William Ayers. His weak willed attempt to be a revolutionary has given us the world we live in today.
It is not a better and a safer place. Corporate imperialism and greed has supplanted national imperialism to the detriment of all mankind. A few bankers conspire to rob all the world of its riches and as long as they pay off the politicians, anything goes.
The problem is the world is a complicated place and people are unpredictable. Those who believe themselves to be clever are often not.
The Internet and information is dangerous to these secretive cabals. The moral believers in this country must make an effort to elect the right kinds of people to office. These leaders must be courageous and identify problem bureaucrats and bureaucracies and be willing to fire them like Reagan with the air-traffic controllers.
I hereby declare Professor William Ayers as The Most Useful Idiot of My Generation. This award is given by the Urban Poverty Law Center to the person whose actions, we believe, have influenced the world through unintended consequences to weaken the rights and freedoms of the individual and threaten a moral society.
Congratulations, Professor Ayers! You have destroyed freedom for generations to come. Your name will be placed along side Judas, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Stalin, Booth, Oswald, that Armenian who started WWI and for this we salute you.
The blood and treasure spilled in Boston is yours as will be the next event your drug addled minds concocted all those years ago and set into action.
The baton has been passed! The lessons of the history you crafted have not been lost on your students.
TT and DT are only the first of who knows thousands of William Ayers copycats.
Time will tell. Now where did I put that Doobie?
Oh, I almost forgot, happy May Day comrade!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, April 20, 2013
President Obama: The World Wonders. Where Were You?
Yes Mister President, Al Qaeda is off balance. Osama bin Laden is dead, and you killed him. They no longer can hurt innocent Americans. Their backs are broken and they have no wheelchairs!
Ha! Tell that to the people of Boston. Try to convince them your world view is correct. Two or more Muslim immigrants become radicalized enough to plant a couple of IED's at the Boston Marathon and blow the crap out of 171 +/- of our citizens killing three, including an 8 yr old boy there to watch his father compete, and one Chinese national here to further his education. Despicable!
W may have wrecked the economy, but it only took you a little more than 4 years to wreck our security. How many bombs blew up Americans under W's watch after 911?
Now we have Major Hassan's attack at Fort Hood, and the failed attempt at Time Square, and these two Chechen dweebs who waltz by security at the Boston Marathon which included bomb sniffing dogs, and set down a couple of IED's and waltz away.
I am fearful your presidency could be linked to more of these bombings and yours may be referred as the Presidency of Barack O'bomber. Your reluctance to say terrorism and Muslim in the same sentence or even at all is queer.
I use the term "queer" to mean peculiar, odd, and not in the pejorative sense, not that there is anything pejorative to consider when two consenting adults commit acts of sodomy in privacy.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a noise? It is the same with sodomy. The sodomites need to make love and not noise.
Now, with Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing it seems you have American Soccer Moms frightened enough to try to advance some meaningful gun and bomb control legislation. But wait.
This is America. Personal protection is left to the individual and not delegated to law enforcement. Most of us, who are native Americans, and by this I mean no disrespect to the American Indian, but now we have had multiple generations of Americans born on this soil, under this constitution and its bill of rights, so we are native Americans, only want to call law enforcement to help with the clean up after we have protected ourselves and our families with our own guns as granted to us as natives by the second amendment. The bill of rights is our birthright, like fishing and hunting for our Native Americans.
Hey Marcus Rubio, your immigration bill could make distinctions between rights of these new citizens. If you guys are really interested in changing the bill of rights. Just put in the immigration bill that these new citizens are not granted the protections of the bill of rights, but do not try to pry them from the original Americans.
Membership has its privileges.
The senate rightfully rejected the gun control legislation and President O'bomber shook with rage when he tried to discuss the vote at a brief press venting. Ridiculously childish. Called the National Rifle Association liars. The NRA is a forceful civil rights group which is on the right side of the constitution and the bill of rights. I am thankful for their vigilance.
Native Americans will not be cowed. There are still enough of us old school boys around to be vigilant. It is time for gun control to recede back underground as it did back in 2000 when Al Gore was the last dolt to try to win a national office on the wrong side of guns. It took 13 years for it to resurface and become a talking point again, but it was obviously way too soon.
Americans are too smart for this talk of disarming. The world is becoming more dangerous and not less dangerous and it has nothing to do with the the second amendment.
Guns make us safer. Gun free zones are to be avoided at all costs.
We are watching what your administration will do in its investigation of these two Muslim extremists.
We wonder what is taught at the Mosque they attended? What was the older one doing in Russia for 6 months. And why, if the FBI already considered him a threat, was he allowed to plant a couple of bombs at the marathon.
Sequester? Or incompetence? Either way you look bad.
I know it is hard to let go of our middle east policy of oil exploitation, but Americans have been working hard here to find more oil and bring our country out of this foreign oil dependency. If you want to neutralize Iran as a threat to our world, bring it up in congress and vote on it. Then act boldly and swiftly to minimize the loss of life and treasures.
I would not want your position. Your plate is full and we are living in an unstable world. I wish you the best of luck.
I suggest you inform the soccer moms that no government can guarantee the safety of its citizens from senseless attacks like those at the Boston Marathon, but we will do all that we can. Same with gun violence. We must take the good with the bad.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Ha! Tell that to the people of Boston. Try to convince them your world view is correct. Two or more Muslim immigrants become radicalized enough to plant a couple of IED's at the Boston Marathon and blow the crap out of 171 +/- of our citizens killing three, including an 8 yr old boy there to watch his father compete, and one Chinese national here to further his education. Despicable!
W may have wrecked the economy, but it only took you a little more than 4 years to wreck our security. How many bombs blew up Americans under W's watch after 911?
Now we have Major Hassan's attack at Fort Hood, and the failed attempt at Time Square, and these two Chechen dweebs who waltz by security at the Boston Marathon which included bomb sniffing dogs, and set down a couple of IED's and waltz away.
I am fearful your presidency could be linked to more of these bombings and yours may be referred as the Presidency of Barack O'bomber. Your reluctance to say terrorism and Muslim in the same sentence or even at all is queer.
I use the term "queer" to mean peculiar, odd, and not in the pejorative sense, not that there is anything pejorative to consider when two consenting adults commit acts of sodomy in privacy.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a noise? It is the same with sodomy. The sodomites need to make love and not noise.
Now, with Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing it seems you have American Soccer Moms frightened enough to try to advance some meaningful gun and bomb control legislation. But wait.
This is America. Personal protection is left to the individual and not delegated to law enforcement. Most of us, who are native Americans, and by this I mean no disrespect to the American Indian, but now we have had multiple generations of Americans born on this soil, under this constitution and its bill of rights, so we are native Americans, only want to call law enforcement to help with the clean up after we have protected ourselves and our families with our own guns as granted to us as natives by the second amendment. The bill of rights is our birthright, like fishing and hunting for our Native Americans.
Hey Marcus Rubio, your immigration bill could make distinctions between rights of these new citizens. If you guys are really interested in changing the bill of rights. Just put in the immigration bill that these new citizens are not granted the protections of the bill of rights, but do not try to pry them from the original Americans.
Membership has its privileges.
The senate rightfully rejected the gun control legislation and President O'bomber shook with rage when he tried to discuss the vote at a brief press venting. Ridiculously childish. Called the National Rifle Association liars. The NRA is a forceful civil rights group which is on the right side of the constitution and the bill of rights. I am thankful for their vigilance.
Native Americans will not be cowed. There are still enough of us old school boys around to be vigilant. It is time for gun control to recede back underground as it did back in 2000 when Al Gore was the last dolt to try to win a national office on the wrong side of guns. It took 13 years for it to resurface and become a talking point again, but it was obviously way too soon.
Americans are too smart for this talk of disarming. The world is becoming more dangerous and not less dangerous and it has nothing to do with the the second amendment.
Guns make us safer. Gun free zones are to be avoided at all costs.
We are watching what your administration will do in its investigation of these two Muslim extremists.
We wonder what is taught at the Mosque they attended? What was the older one doing in Russia for 6 months. And why, if the FBI already considered him a threat, was he allowed to plant a couple of bombs at the marathon.
Sequester? Or incompetence? Either way you look bad.
I know it is hard to let go of our middle east policy of oil exploitation, but Americans have been working hard here to find more oil and bring our country out of this foreign oil dependency. If you want to neutralize Iran as a threat to our world, bring it up in congress and vote on it. Then act boldly and swiftly to minimize the loss of life and treasures.
I would not want your position. Your plate is full and we are living in an unstable world. I wish you the best of luck.
I suggest you inform the soccer moms that no government can guarantee the safety of its citizens from senseless attacks like those at the Boston Marathon, but we will do all that we can. Same with gun violence. We must take the good with the bad.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Urban Poverty Law Center: IRAN The Boston Marathon!
President Mockmood Afterdinnerjob was in Africa yesterday announcing to the world how Iran did not need nuclear bombs.
Was his statement a reference to the horrors which befell some of the finishers of the Boston Marathon yesterday?
If Iran has over a hundred thousand infiltrators in our country all planning mischief against the American public, Mockmood, is correct. He can bleed Americans with random attacks like the one in Boston and our people will demand corrective actions which may or may not benefit Iran in the long run, no pun intended.
Prayers out to the victims of the BMB.
At least the incandescent light bulb and high flush toilets have been banned. Now if we can get those pesky bombers to stop blowing people up we will have made some progress.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center
Was his statement a reference to the horrors which befell some of the finishers of the Boston Marathon yesterday?
If Iran has over a hundred thousand infiltrators in our country all planning mischief against the American public, Mockmood, is correct. He can bleed Americans with random attacks like the one in Boston and our people will demand corrective actions which may or may not benefit Iran in the long run, no pun intended.
Prayers out to the victims of the BMB.
At least the incandescent light bulb and high flush toilets have been banned. Now if we can get those pesky bombers to stop blowing people up we will have made some progress.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Urban Poverty Law Center: Late Term Abortion, Legal In All 57 States
Where is the American outrage? Where is the American Courage? Where is the American decency, the moral compass, the American Conscience?
Just like the near term infants Dr. Kermit Gosnell delivered and killed with his sharp instruments in his philthy, Philadelphia, Planned Parenthood backed Alley Abortion Clinic. The horrors unfolding at the murder trial of this Joseph Mengle like man of medicine are taboo to our watchdog press which has the terrible habit of ignoring stories like this which could stop the killing of innocent lives through the process known as Late Term Abortion.
The news leaking out of the trial is not making the rounds on the majors. Some atrocities are better left in the dark.
When Eisenhower learned of one of the Nazi concentration camps which had been running full bore just over the hill from a meddling size German city, he invited its inhabitants to come and view the carnage.
It is time for Americans to take a good long look under the covers at what a tragedy partial birth abortion is. It's a gruesome process which inflicts pain on the infants. A moral society would have nothing to do with it.
A society that will kill its babies, will have no qualms about killing anyone whom is deemed inconvenient. Think Waco and Ruby Ridge, and more recently Benghazi.
In our country, abortion is government-sanctioned and sponsored killing. Of course, the liberals justify these killings on the baseless grounds that these were unwanted children of mostly minority mothers who live off government handouts anyway and society is better off not having to feed, clothe, educate, and eventually incarcerate these miscreants. They know they are the easiest to kill when they can not fight back.
You see mother's womb is the first gun free zone the unborn in America have to pass through to enjoy one of the God given rights declared in our founding document.
Kermit Gosnell, an American abortionist, is an immoral asshole. A country which condones Gosnell and demonizes Adam Lanza for the same work is schizophrenic at worst and in denial at best.
Our population without Roe v Wade would likely be more than 370 million. We have aborted millions and millions of babies. We do not deserve to remain free and prosperous here in America with that albatross hanging around our collective necks.
Pray for Kermit the fraud, pray for his victims, pray for these mothers who sacrifice up their children to the abortionist's vacuum and instruments of curettage, and pray for our country to come out of this dark age of abortion on demand.
In the late 1960's a song came out by somebody called "Goddamn the Pusher man". Kermit Gosnell is the "Puller man". In a religious sense I feel he is damned. Maybe our young will someday glorify the end of abortion in their music. Steppenwolf sang a version of this song which I recall was fed over my high school's PA system back in 1969 by the boys back in shop, many of whom may have been aborted if it were legal and as available back then as it is now.. It delighted me because of the sheer bravado it represented.
And maybe the press will do the right thing this time by shining the light on what this rat was doing under the cover of Planned Parenthood. And maybe I will crap Krugerrands of pure gold.
It could happen.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Just like the near term infants Dr. Kermit Gosnell delivered and killed with his sharp instruments in his philthy, Philadelphia, Planned Parenthood backed Alley Abortion Clinic. The horrors unfolding at the murder trial of this Joseph Mengle like man of medicine are taboo to our watchdog press which has the terrible habit of ignoring stories like this which could stop the killing of innocent lives through the process known as Late Term Abortion.
The news leaking out of the trial is not making the rounds on the majors. Some atrocities are better left in the dark.
When Eisenhower learned of one of the Nazi concentration camps which had been running full bore just over the hill from a meddling size German city, he invited its inhabitants to come and view the carnage.
It is time for Americans to take a good long look under the covers at what a tragedy partial birth abortion is. It's a gruesome process which inflicts pain on the infants. A moral society would have nothing to do with it.
A society that will kill its babies, will have no qualms about killing anyone whom is deemed inconvenient. Think Waco and Ruby Ridge, and more recently Benghazi.
In our country, abortion is government-sanctioned and sponsored killing. Of course, the liberals justify these killings on the baseless grounds that these were unwanted children of mostly minority mothers who live off government handouts anyway and society is better off not having to feed, clothe, educate, and eventually incarcerate these miscreants. They know they are the easiest to kill when they can not fight back.
You see mother's womb is the first gun free zone the unborn in America have to pass through to enjoy one of the God given rights declared in our founding document.
Kermit Gosnell, an American abortionist, is an immoral asshole. A country which condones Gosnell and demonizes Adam Lanza for the same work is schizophrenic at worst and in denial at best.
Our population without Roe v Wade would likely be more than 370 million. We have aborted millions and millions of babies. We do not deserve to remain free and prosperous here in America with that albatross hanging around our collective necks.
Pray for Kermit the fraud, pray for his victims, pray for these mothers who sacrifice up their children to the abortionist's vacuum and instruments of curettage, and pray for our country to come out of this dark age of abortion on demand.
In the late 1960's a song came out by somebody called "Goddamn the Pusher man". Kermit Gosnell is the "Puller man". In a religious sense I feel he is damned. Maybe our young will someday glorify the end of abortion in their music. Steppenwolf sang a version of this song which I recall was fed over my high school's PA system back in 1969 by the boys back in shop, many of whom may have been aborted if it were legal and as available back then as it is now.. It delighted me because of the sheer bravado it represented.
And maybe the press will do the right thing this time by shining the light on what this rat was doing under the cover of Planned Parenthood. And maybe I will crap Krugerrands of pure gold.
It could happen.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, April 5, 2013
Urban Poverty Law Center: Congressional Oversight? We Don't Need No Stinking Congressional Oversight!
The more you look under the rug at what our governmental bureaus are up to, the more obvious it becomes that no one is in charge and congressional oversight is a joke!
This, after learning BATFnE, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, had another slip shod undercover sting operation in Milwaukee come to light, loosely called "Operation Fearless".
There, they set up a trading company which was to buy and sell chop shop items and drug paraphernalia and deal in illegal guns off the street. All this to catch a few criminals.
Congress got wind of the operation after "the business" had $35,000 worth of items stolen and at least one hand gun and a machine gun stolen by criminals who outsmarted our best minds on the BATFnE.
I suspect the truth is more like a huge number of guns were lost to the criminal element in Milwaukee and the cover-up will become the real story.
To Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, a machine gun is fully automatic, you squeeze the trigger and the gun shoots rapidly towards what it is pointed at, but problem is most machine guns, especially the earlier ones pushed off target through the recoil process making them great for burning through ammunition, but lousy for striking a target.
A sniper rifle is a thousand times better weapon if your intention is to hit a target. But the machine gun is great for keeping the bad guys feeling for their heads and ducking for cover when the brrrrprattt of the machine gun is heard as well as a very popular screech point for professional political scare nannies like Ms. Pelosi and Mlle. Feinstein.
Congress wants to learn from the BATFnE if the stolen guns had trigger locks as required by law, and did the thieves have background checks before taking the guns from an unlocked car out front of the business.
The BATFnE has not returned congress' calls or answered its letters about "Operation Feckless" and as an observer of the cat and mouse games the alphabet soup bureaus play with the oversight committees in congress, I feel certain this congress will be ignored because the bureaucrats who head these departments are permanent and congress is temporary.
And the real power lies in the entrenched bureaucrat. This must change.
My advice to our congress is to demand a response or stop funding until you get a response.
Time to turn up the heat. You get no respect because you appear to be part of the Paper Tiger the US Government has become. If a division like BATFnE refuses to testify, defund them. Send them packing like Reagan did the air traffic controllers. Hire a new bunch to take over.
I might suggest you ask the National Rifle Association to subcontract out the necessary work that the BATFnE does in firearms, and the National Brewers Association take over the Alcohol police work, and the RJ Reynolds company to keep tobacco in check. Could it get any worse?
It may be time to shake up the departments that do not cotton to congressional oversight. And who knows we might just save some money in the process.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
This, after learning BATFnE, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, had another slip shod undercover sting operation in Milwaukee come to light, loosely called "Operation Fearless".
There, they set up a trading company which was to buy and sell chop shop items and drug paraphernalia and deal in illegal guns off the street. All this to catch a few criminals.
Congress got wind of the operation after "the business" had $35,000 worth of items stolen and at least one hand gun and a machine gun stolen by criminals who outsmarted our best minds on the BATFnE.
I suspect the truth is more like a huge number of guns were lost to the criminal element in Milwaukee and the cover-up will become the real story.
To Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, a machine gun is fully automatic, you squeeze the trigger and the gun shoots rapidly towards what it is pointed at, but problem is most machine guns, especially the earlier ones pushed off target through the recoil process making them great for burning through ammunition, but lousy for striking a target.
A sniper rifle is a thousand times better weapon if your intention is to hit a target. But the machine gun is great for keeping the bad guys feeling for their heads and ducking for cover when the brrrrprattt of the machine gun is heard as well as a very popular screech point for professional political scare nannies like Ms. Pelosi and Mlle. Feinstein.
Congress wants to learn from the BATFnE if the stolen guns had trigger locks as required by law, and did the thieves have background checks before taking the guns from an unlocked car out front of the business.
The BATFnE has not returned congress' calls or answered its letters about "Operation Feckless" and as an observer of the cat and mouse games the alphabet soup bureaus play with the oversight committees in congress, I feel certain this congress will be ignored because the bureaucrats who head these departments are permanent and congress is temporary.
And the real power lies in the entrenched bureaucrat. This must change.
My advice to our congress is to demand a response or stop funding until you get a response.
Time to turn up the heat. You get no respect because you appear to be part of the Paper Tiger the US Government has become. If a division like BATFnE refuses to testify, defund them. Send them packing like Reagan did the air traffic controllers. Hire a new bunch to take over.
I might suggest you ask the National Rifle Association to subcontract out the necessary work that the BATFnE does in firearms, and the National Brewers Association take over the Alcohol police work, and the RJ Reynolds company to keep tobacco in check. Could it get any worse?
It may be time to shake up the departments that do not cotton to congressional oversight. And who knows we might just save some money in the process.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, April 4, 2013
ObamaCare, Good For Hiring Government Workers, Bad For Health Care: Or How To Redistribute Wealth Without Adding To Production Or the Product.
The real goal of Obama care is a shake down of the health care business. Anytime Big Government sees a profitable business model it seeks to insert its union goons and paws all over the process.
Apparently one sixth of the GDP of the United States was just too large a target for those who watch while others do the heavy lifting to stand aside while good care is provided at a relatively reasonable cost to the consumer.
Yesterday came the report that a family of four who can get good insurance coverage for about $14,000 this year will be paying $20,000 per year for less coverage beginning in 2014. Cancer centers have shut out medicare patients because of the sequestration even though no medicare spending comes from the general budget, that is if we had a budget which we have not had in earnst for the past 4 years.
You singles with insurance now enjoy good coverage for $7,000 per year but next year you are slated to shell out $12,000 per year for the same coverage.
I am nearly 60 yrs old and I have not had $5,000 spent on my behalf for all of my health care needs up to now, and part is due to good luck and no major injuries/accidents and the other part is due to never going to see a doctor or a dentist since 1987. Yes, I still do have my good tooth and it gets me by just fine on my diet of unfiltered cigarettes and Jack Daniels. I supplement my nutrition by adding a little coke to the JD.
I used to smoke a carton of camels a day, but now I can only wheeze through about 3 packs a day. It is true what they say about old age. It slows you down. Likewise, my drinking has fallen to only about a 5th and a half a day, but I will not drink on Sundays until church is let out. I figure it is out somewhere by 8 am local time.
Oh, back on point. The government will insert many, many workers to watch what the real health care workers of America are doing by layering it with a bureaucracy the size which would make the Chinese army blush with envy. Each of these empty output jobs will only siphon monies which would have otherwise gone to providing health care.
It is make work for the unemployable! We are being consumed by the public servants. They hired 50,000 workers to harass the air traveling public. They have plans to hire 1 million or more to parasite off health care and the 2 trillion dollar per year bonanza it represents.. I wonder which industry is next in the giant Goliath governmental grasp of the gold.
Auto, banking, education, defense, health, tobacco, air travel, big agriculture? The problem with government is sooner or later they run out of businesses to parasitize.
The small guy trying to eek out a living has some big competition. The increased cost of health care premiums will only pay for the bureaucrat's Obamacare puts in place to monitor the system, a health care system which worked just fine for 90% of the paying public.
It will all come to a stop when the last dollar is printed by the FEDs.
Now where did I put that cigarette and my bottle of JD?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Apparently one sixth of the GDP of the United States was just too large a target for those who watch while others do the heavy lifting to stand aside while good care is provided at a relatively reasonable cost to the consumer.
Yesterday came the report that a family of four who can get good insurance coverage for about $14,000 this year will be paying $20,000 per year for less coverage beginning in 2014. Cancer centers have shut out medicare patients because of the sequestration even though no medicare spending comes from the general budget, that is if we had a budget which we have not had in earnst for the past 4 years.
You singles with insurance now enjoy good coverage for $7,000 per year but next year you are slated to shell out $12,000 per year for the same coverage.
I am nearly 60 yrs old and I have not had $5,000 spent on my behalf for all of my health care needs up to now, and part is due to good luck and no major injuries/accidents and the other part is due to never going to see a doctor or a dentist since 1987. Yes, I still do have my good tooth and it gets me by just fine on my diet of unfiltered cigarettes and Jack Daniels. I supplement my nutrition by adding a little coke to the JD.
I used to smoke a carton of camels a day, but now I can only wheeze through about 3 packs a day. It is true what they say about old age. It slows you down. Likewise, my drinking has fallen to only about a 5th and a half a day, but I will not drink on Sundays until church is let out. I figure it is out somewhere by 8 am local time.
Oh, back on point. The government will insert many, many workers to watch what the real health care workers of America are doing by layering it with a bureaucracy the size which would make the Chinese army blush with envy. Each of these empty output jobs will only siphon monies which would have otherwise gone to providing health care.
It is make work for the unemployable! We are being consumed by the public servants. They hired 50,000 workers to harass the air traveling public. They have plans to hire 1 million or more to parasite off health care and the 2 trillion dollar per year bonanza it represents.. I wonder which industry is next in the giant Goliath governmental grasp of the gold.
Auto, banking, education, defense, health, tobacco, air travel, big agriculture? The problem with government is sooner or later they run out of businesses to parasitize.
The small guy trying to eek out a living has some big competition. The increased cost of health care premiums will only pay for the bureaucrat's Obamacare puts in place to monitor the system, a health care system which worked just fine for 90% of the paying public.
It will all come to a stop when the last dollar is printed by the FEDs.
Now where did I put that cigarette and my bottle of JD?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Urban Poverty Law Center: North Korea Will Strike The South: Here's Why!
Mark Twain once said along with about a billion other salient things, "No man can stand success. Anothers that is."
And this is the reason Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea will attack his more affluent cousins in the South. Under communism the North has floundered while the South populated with the same people has flourished. There is turbulence brewing over there at the 38th parallel.
Unlike the goofs who control the United States and its war machine, Kim and his generals know exactly what the military and war is for, namely "Stealing other peoples stuff."
Of course if the women are not dogs these can come in handy as prizes of conquest as well, but that is another whole treatise which is too politically incorrect even for these pages.
Only the US seems not to know the true reason for war. Let me see now, Vietnam, the spoils of war to the US, NADA! Iraq I, again nothing. Iraq II, a big zippo. Afghanistan, if you discount the CIA's taking over the poppy crop, ZERO!
It seems to me a good war should pay dividends. I am not talking about the kinds of fortunes handed out by the government to our most favored banks and the automobile industry, but something in return for the trillion or two spent chasing phantoms all over the middle east. Could we not at least bring a few camels over to our petting zoos? Something?
Before the Civil War in America, the North was furious with those Southerners who through cotton and slavery were amassing fortunes and preferred to trade with England which made finer things than our newly industrialised North. There were more millionaires in Mississippi than in New York just prior to the Civil War.
The South was impoverished by the war and the North took all it could, the DuPont's stole North Carolina, and countless other carpetbagging Yankee bastards filled the void here in old Dixie and some of us here still recall that injustice. It is in the genes.
Kim Jong Un will be North Korea's Abe Lincoln. He will be credited with saving the Union! The US should back away from this little yellow man because he has nothing to lose and so much to gain.
Should make for an interesting summer. What if anything will Obama and John Kerry do besides wring their hands and call for tougher sanctions from the UN?
The North Koreans know the US is a Paper Tiger full of flatulence, tethered to fools who believe man can burn fossil fuels and cause the whole world to heat up.
Will the North invade the South? Won't be the first time it has happened and probably not the last.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
And this is the reason Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea will attack his more affluent cousins in the South. Under communism the North has floundered while the South populated with the same people has flourished. There is turbulence brewing over there at the 38th parallel.
Unlike the goofs who control the United States and its war machine, Kim and his generals know exactly what the military and war is for, namely "Stealing other peoples stuff."
Of course if the women are not dogs these can come in handy as prizes of conquest as well, but that is another whole treatise which is too politically incorrect even for these pages.
Only the US seems not to know the true reason for war. Let me see now, Vietnam, the spoils of war to the US, NADA! Iraq I, again nothing. Iraq II, a big zippo. Afghanistan, if you discount the CIA's taking over the poppy crop, ZERO!
It seems to me a good war should pay dividends. I am not talking about the kinds of fortunes handed out by the government to our most favored banks and the automobile industry, but something in return for the trillion or two spent chasing phantoms all over the middle east. Could we not at least bring a few camels over to our petting zoos? Something?
Before the Civil War in America, the North was furious with those Southerners who through cotton and slavery were amassing fortunes and preferred to trade with England which made finer things than our newly industrialised North. There were more millionaires in Mississippi than in New York just prior to the Civil War.
The South was impoverished by the war and the North took all it could, the DuPont's stole North Carolina, and countless other carpetbagging Yankee bastards filled the void here in old Dixie and some of us here still recall that injustice. It is in the genes.
Kim Jong Un will be North Korea's Abe Lincoln. He will be credited with saving the Union! The US should back away from this little yellow man because he has nothing to lose and so much to gain.
Should make for an interesting summer. What if anything will Obama and John Kerry do besides wring their hands and call for tougher sanctions from the UN?
The North Koreans know the US is a Paper Tiger full of flatulence, tethered to fools who believe man can burn fossil fuels and cause the whole world to heat up.
Will the North invade the South? Won't be the first time it has happened and probably not the last.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Abe Lincoln,
John Kerry,
Kim Jong Un,
North Korea,
War in Korea
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Urban Poverty Law Center: Untitled Or Who Made Jim Carrey Smart?
E Tu, Jim Carrey?
Times are troubled indeed when comics and movie stars attack our constitution. Jim Carrey's blatantly racist rant against the only unprotected majority in the US is pathetic!
Conservative Americans are opened for ridicule by the print, the television, and the movie media.
Do "rednecks" have the same rights and privileges under our laws as the protected ones? If not, why not. Last time I looked, rednecks are people too. And for now the constitution applies to everybody.
Carrey's video "Cold Dead Hands" misses the mark in so many ways. It is not funny. It promotes disarming Americans, and it is dangerous. He fails to recognize in America you may choose to be armed or not.
I am sure Mr. Carrey will feel safe enough to forgo any armed bodyguards in his entourage when and if the second amendment is overturned here in the states, but for now he should continue to provide armed men for his safety since all the nuts do not grow on trees and man is a predator by nature. We have thousands of years of history which records multiple examples of man v man atrocities.
Is he stupid? Or does he think we are dullards?
What makes Jim feel the value of his life is any more important than that of the redneck he ridicules in his recent mockery. The God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are common to us all. Not just for the special people of privilege who inhabit Hollywood and the media elites who write about all that.
The right and requirement of self-defense is non-negotiable and if I feel it is in my self-interest to be armed to insure the safety and security of myself and my family and community then I will take the steps necessary to provide for that by any legal means I can afford. If I can afford to hire and arm a group of illegals to provide for my protection, because they will work for less, I would be wise to bulk up on bandits while bandits are legal.
The BATF has graciously sent assault weapons south of the border with Mexico so some bandits already can be hired with guns. Fast and Furious, the unrecognized benefits when staffing a personal army of bodyguards.
I am almost into my 7th decade and have not had to use a gun in my defense which is a good track record. In a perfect world I never will have to use a weapon in my defense, but with the kinds of people out on the street, who will rob a woman with a 14 month old baby and shoot the baby in the head when told the woman has nothing to steal, I will keep my position open for now and forever.
Did the police and the gun laws on the books keep the woman with a baby in the stroller safe from the criminals who confronted her that day? If she had an armed body guard this would not have happened.
The young mother who lost her child will never be the same. The young criminals who stole everything from that baby and his mother will be tried by the juvee court system and after a lot of hand wringing and self-blame will be out on the streets to kill again within a decade or less.
And for now everybody, including Jim Carrey and all the rednecks in America, needs to be armed and dangerous.
The successful animals in nature have self-defense built in. The hare is quick and agile, the tortoise has a shell, hard and tough. The honey bee's labor when stolen comes with a risk of a sting. Man has his rocks, spears, arrows, swords, guns, bombs, and bodyguards which when one stops to think about it is just a personal army.
Stay armed my friend. Who has more interest in your personal safety than you?
Jim Carrey is a fool. He plays the fool in movies and in real life. He is life imitating art and he is a bigot.
Following Mr. Carrey's advice on the second amendment is like asking Adolf Hitler "Which way to the public showers?"
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Times are troubled indeed when comics and movie stars attack our constitution. Jim Carrey's blatantly racist rant against the only unprotected majority in the US is pathetic!
Conservative Americans are opened for ridicule by the print, the television, and the movie media.
Do "rednecks" have the same rights and privileges under our laws as the protected ones? If not, why not. Last time I looked, rednecks are people too. And for now the constitution applies to everybody.
Carrey's video "Cold Dead Hands" misses the mark in so many ways. It is not funny. It promotes disarming Americans, and it is dangerous. He fails to recognize in America you may choose to be armed or not.
I am sure Mr. Carrey will feel safe enough to forgo any armed bodyguards in his entourage when and if the second amendment is overturned here in the states, but for now he should continue to provide armed men for his safety since all the nuts do not grow on trees and man is a predator by nature. We have thousands of years of history which records multiple examples of man v man atrocities.
Is he stupid? Or does he think we are dullards?
What makes Jim feel the value of his life is any more important than that of the redneck he ridicules in his recent mockery. The God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are common to us all. Not just for the special people of privilege who inhabit Hollywood and the media elites who write about all that.
The right and requirement of self-defense is non-negotiable and if I feel it is in my self-interest to be armed to insure the safety and security of myself and my family and community then I will take the steps necessary to provide for that by any legal means I can afford. If I can afford to hire and arm a group of illegals to provide for my protection, because they will work for less, I would be wise to bulk up on bandits while bandits are legal.
The BATF has graciously sent assault weapons south of the border with Mexico so some bandits already can be hired with guns. Fast and Furious, the unrecognized benefits when staffing a personal army of bodyguards.
I am almost into my 7th decade and have not had to use a gun in my defense which is a good track record. In a perfect world I never will have to use a weapon in my defense, but with the kinds of people out on the street, who will rob a woman with a 14 month old baby and shoot the baby in the head when told the woman has nothing to steal, I will keep my position open for now and forever.
Did the police and the gun laws on the books keep the woman with a baby in the stroller safe from the criminals who confronted her that day? If she had an armed body guard this would not have happened.
The young mother who lost her child will never be the same. The young criminals who stole everything from that baby and his mother will be tried by the juvee court system and after a lot of hand wringing and self-blame will be out on the streets to kill again within a decade or less.
And for now everybody, including Jim Carrey and all the rednecks in America, needs to be armed and dangerous.
The successful animals in nature have self-defense built in. The hare is quick and agile, the tortoise has a shell, hard and tough. The honey bee's labor when stolen comes with a risk of a sting. Man has his rocks, spears, arrows, swords, guns, bombs, and bodyguards which when one stops to think about it is just a personal army.
Stay armed my friend. Who has more interest in your personal safety than you?
Jim Carrey is a fool. He plays the fool in movies and in real life. He is life imitating art and he is a bigot.
Following Mr. Carrey's advice on the second amendment is like asking Adolf Hitler "Which way to the public showers?"
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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