Sunday, June 9, 2013

Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center Shut Down Over Concerns, Or What A Difference A Goat Makes?

Dear Reader.

I am pinning this, sadly my last posting as the President of the Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center.

I have been terminated by my masters.  I am under bond not to reveal these masters who have decided to shut my creative outlet down.  I know some of my followers will know instantly who and what has done this to me.

I do not want anybody to jump to aNy concluSions About  what hapPened yesteRday when the fbI Served Me notice I could no longer use the internet for my "unAmerican writings."

Rest assured I will not take this lying down.  The boys from FEMA say I will have to work in their forced labor camp in Ohio.  When I asked about my rights under the constitution these agents replied,
"that's so 18th century!"

They went on to tell me I forfeited my rights when I had sexual relations with that goat.  And they had pictures but I swear those were photo-shoped.  I am innocent.  REALLY!

"I did not have sexual relations with that goat, Ms Lewinsky!"  In case she reads this.

I pinned this rapidly from my i-phone before they take that away.

For those of you who read these pages and were amused, I thank you.  For those of you who read these pages and were offended, I thank you.  For those of you who read these pages and were neither amused nor offended, get counseling.

As it turns out Freedom isn't free.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Political Prisoner, Past President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center

PS:  I have just seen Edward Snowden, the alleged leaker for the NSA surveillance program speaking to a Guardian reporter.  This man has sacrificed everything for the truth and a chance for freedom.  His description of the government as filled with "architects of oppression" is chilling.

As my last act I extend him amnesty and will give him the key to the city of Cedar Grove. jdm

I remember "Catch 22" where Yoserian is in a bomber and over the radio is asked to "help him!"

It is only at the end of the movie that we learn that the person Yoserian is to help is "Snowden!"

Yoserian rolls Snowden over and his guts, all mangled, spill out and he dies.

I think that is a coincidence. jdm

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