Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ted Cruz: Taking Republican Politics To "Risky Business." Call For The Privatization Of All Nonessential Government Functions

Candy "the bulk" Crowley interviewed Texas Senator Ted Cruz on CNN's Sunday morning news show "State of the Nation" and did not score any political points against this true patriot. Using all the might of her 150 kilogram corpus humungus and her 1 kilogram brain, and fed querries from the finest commie minds CNN has to offer in its editorial staff, she appeared exhausted after appearing in the ring with Senator Cruz and a sigh of relief was heard to bellow from those callous partisan vocal cords of hers when the interview finally ended after Senator Cruz pointed out Harry Reid's nonsensical rejoinder to the perty gal who asked about what harm would be done in funding cancer riddled children and their treatment at the NIH.

Score one for Ted Cruz!

He is probably the brightest intellect in Washington and thank the Lord above he is on our side!

Say what you will about President Obama and his intellect, but it cannot hold a candle to the wattage Senator Cruz is packing inside his calvarim. Senator Cruz can publicly speak without a teleprompter. President Obama cannot speak to a grade school class without one. Cruz does not need a script, the President cannot go off script without making a fool of himself.

Cruz started the republicans on their course of a whopping 17% government shut down of all the nonessentials that this government in its great big heart provides as service to its masters, the American people.

The President of this Spite House closes national monuments to veterans and stops disability payments to veterans, but the National Mall is opened for a rally to the Union goonies and their Illegal Alien charges who only need grants for US citizenship so they too could be blocked from our national parks and malls like the rest of us commoners, but then they could become Union members and democrat voters and help complete the nationalist socialist vote of more of America's treasure to government coffers and out of the private sector. The rape of America will be complete.

I might suggest that Ted Cruz put a vote to the American People on whether or not we close these monuments and parks permanently to the government and sell them to the people to manage them.

It seems we should off load some of the burden our poor politicians and our over worked bureaucrats are feeling.

They have way to much on their plates managing to keep opposition political operatives from having tax free platforms from which to voice their opinions and spying on all Americans, including this piece as it is written, and taking over 1/7 of the nations GDP with the new healthcare law.

If we privatize our national monuments and parks and take these tasks off these public servants who are running our nation these bureaucrats will be free to manage the essential operations of government like border patrol and CO2 emissions from wood burning stoves, and school lunches.

I say privitize all nonessential government functions. I know a lot of Americans that would like to own Yellowstone and have a chance to operate it as it should be for the delight and enjoyment of our American people and not as a bargaining chip to close willy-barackie by the Spite House anytime the political parties have a disagreement.

Pawns unite! It is our chess board.

Ted Cruz is the man who can make it happen. Tangling with him will be the real "Risky Business!"

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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