Wednesday, May 1, 2013

William Ayers: Urban Poverty Law Center's Useful Idiot of His Generation Award Winner!

Is it time for William Ayers to come out of retirement?  Have his grievances been adequately addressed?  Did the bombs he planned after smoking a bale and a half of Mexican Gold create the perfect world he envisioned in his THC clogged synapses back in the 70's?

Billie, "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" do you?  Your destruction of American Imperialism is complete.  Your actions only chased the real oligarchs deep underground, leaving the American people exposed and vulnerable with a government which ignores the cries of its everyday citizens and pays butchers like Dr. Kermit Gosnell to terminate unwanted babies through horrible partial birth abortions.

The US government is first and foremost only interested in self-preservation.  A hundred thousand Department of Homeland Security jackboots on the ground whose main function is to preserve our trusted and highly vaulted government.  Jackboots who only lick from the government trough.  Jackboots who know their well being is intricately linked to the success of this regime.

Yesterday they were unemployable high school dropouts.  Now they dress in black, wear armored underwear and are decked out with the best weapons and the greatest technology available to mankind.
Janet (The Napper) Napolitono, the secretary of DHS has ordered them 1.6 billion hollow-point bullets to fire off in their spare time which has amounted to 99.9% since formation.

Targets now are said to include women and children, white Christians who home school, and not the bearded middle easterner or the rare fair skinned Chechnyan.

Ours is an embarrassingly rich nation if we can house, supply, and support an army of 100,000 who were called upon only three times in the past decade.  Mob control at Katrina, and hurricane Sandy, and to chase down a couple of Chechnyan schoolboys who had the poor judgement to take a page from Mr. Ayers book and blow up a couple of cooking pots filled with gunpowder, nails, and ball bearings at one of America's least violent sporting events, a marathon.

Now we learn the older schoolboy, still on his mother's medicaid insurance, a young lad of 26, TT, was also on government welfare so the government probably bought all the materials to make the device and worse, the Saudis and the Russians warned DHS that TT was a terrorist in 2011 and again in 2012.

The US government's reaction to this sensitive information will be buried along with all the other epic failures since congress long ago shirked its oversight responsibility, preferring instead to plot self- enriching schemes with insider trading scams.   But what ever ineffectual bureau was charged with watching him, he was not prevented from carrying out this attack.  Maybe we need half a million jackboots to protect our government?

Over paying people to be idle is not a good idea be they immigrants or jackboots in the DHS.

Well, Chechnyan schoolboys will be Chechnyan schoolboys and how were they to know they were supposed to blow up Tea Party folks and not the beautiful blue bloods of Boston.  Bill you must get the word out.  No explosives in Blue States!

The younger of the youths charged with the bombing in Boston, DT, was also a pothead, like Bill Ayers and looks remarkably like a young version of Robert Zimmerman, not the one who is charged with killing Trayvon, but the one who changed his name to Bob Dylan.

Can a connection with getting bombed on marijuana and planting bombs be made?  "It is stoney when your riding in your car.  I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned."  I need half a billion stimulus package dollars and I will buy a bale and a half of marijuana and get back to you with the results of my study, if I can remember, that is.

The human tragedy which unfolded in Boston a few weeks ago can be squarely laid at the feet of William Ayers.  His weak willed attempt to be a revolutionary has given us the world we live in today.

It is not a better and a safer place.  Corporate imperialism and greed has supplanted national imperialism to the detriment of all mankind.   A few bankers conspire to rob all the world of its riches and as long as they pay off the politicians, anything goes.

The problem is the world is a complicated place and people are unpredictable.  Those who believe themselves to be clever are often not.

The Internet and information is dangerous to these secretive cabals.   The moral believers in this country must make an effort to elect the right kinds of people to office.  These leaders must be courageous and identify problem bureaucrats and bureaucracies and be willing to fire them like Reagan with the air-traffic controllers.

I hereby declare Professor William Ayers as The Most Useful Idiot of My Generation.  This award is given by the Urban Poverty Law Center to the person whose actions, we believe, have influenced the world through unintended consequences to weaken the rights and freedoms of the individual and threaten a moral society.

Congratulations, Professor Ayers!  You have destroyed freedom for generations to come.  Your name will be placed along side Judas, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Stalin, Booth, Oswald, that Armenian who started WWI and for this we salute you.

The blood and treasure spilled in Boston is yours as will be the next event your drug addled minds concocted all those years ago and set into action.

The baton has been passed!  The lessons of the history you crafted have not been lost on your students.

TT and DT are only the first of who knows thousands of William Ayers copycats.

Time will tell.  Now where did I put that Doobie?

Oh, I almost forgot, happy May Day comrade!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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