Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: IRAN The Boston Marathon!

President Mockmood Afterdinnerjob was in Africa yesterday announcing to the world how Iran did not need nuclear bombs.

Was his statement a reference to the horrors which befell some of the finishers of the Boston Marathon yesterday?

If Iran has over a hundred thousand infiltrators in our country all planning mischief against the American public, Mockmood, is correct.  He can bleed Americans with random attacks like the one in Boston and our people will demand corrective actions which may or may not benefit Iran in the long run, no pun intended.

Prayers out to the victims of the BMB.

At least the incandescent light bulb and high flush toilets have been banned.  Now if we can get those pesky bombers to stop blowing people up we will have made some progress.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center

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