Tuesday, September 3, 2013

President Barack Hussein Obama: Brilliant Middle East Policy Ploy!

Folks, to be honest, I did not get Obama nor his presidency, that is, until now.

I have had a lot of unflattering things to say about this most polished baratone reader of the magic teleprompter, but now I can see what he is doing with his most recent tact in the Middle East.

I refer to his brilliant strategic alliance with Al Qada against Syrian President Assad.

How did I miss the cleverness of this move by President Obama against Assad and with the terrorist who are lining up in Syria to fight the good fight?

You see, when has an ally of the US won anything but a draw or outright defeat in the past 50 years?

Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan have all suffered in its alliance with the United States.

With the alliance forged with Al Q, Barack Hussein Obama has assured their defeat and ours as well.

It is a strange play in "mutual assured destruction" that was practiced and played out during the cold war with the USSR.

Kudo's to Obama and Kerry and your new foreign policy gambit. Form an alliance with the enemy, assure a defeat!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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