Friday, April 5, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Congressional Oversight? We Don't Need No Stinking Congressional Oversight!

The more you look under the rug at what our governmental bureaus are up to, the more obvious it becomes that no one is in charge and congressional oversight is a joke!

This, after learning BATFnE, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, had another slip shod undercover sting operation in Milwaukee come to light, loosely called "Operation Fearless".
There, they set up a trading company which was to buy and sell chop shop items and drug paraphernalia and deal in illegal guns off the street.  All this to catch a few criminals.

Congress got wind of the operation after "the business" had $35,000 worth of items stolen and at least one hand gun and a machine gun stolen by criminals who outsmarted our best minds on the BATFnE.
I suspect the truth is more like a huge number of guns were lost to the criminal element in Milwaukee and the cover-up will become the real story.

To Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, a machine gun is fully automatic, you squeeze the trigger and the gun shoots rapidly towards what it is pointed at, but problem is most machine guns, especially the earlier ones pushed off target through the recoil process making them great for burning through ammunition, but lousy for striking a target.

A sniper rifle is a thousand times better weapon if your intention is to hit a target.   But the machine gun is great for keeping the bad guys feeling for their heads and ducking for cover when the brrrrprattt of the machine gun is heard as well as a very popular screech point for professional political scare nannies like Ms. Pelosi and Mlle. Feinstein.

Congress wants to learn from the BATFnE if the stolen guns had trigger locks as required by law, and did the thieves have background checks before taking the guns from an unlocked car out front of the business.

The BATFnE has not returned congress' calls or answered its letters about "Operation Feckless" and as an observer of the cat and mouse games the alphabet soup bureaus play with the oversight committees in congress, I feel certain this congress will be ignored because the bureaucrats who head these departments are permanent and congress is temporary.

And the real power lies in the entrenched bureaucrat.  This must change.

My advice to our congress is to demand a response or stop funding until you get a response.
Time to turn up the heat.  You get no respect because you appear to be part of the Paper Tiger the US Government has become.  If a division like BATFnE refuses to testify, defund them.  Send them packing like Reagan did the air traffic controllers.  Hire a new bunch to take over.

I might suggest you ask the National Rifle Association to subcontract out the necessary work that the BATFnE does in firearms, and the National Brewers Association take over the Alcohol police work, and the RJ Reynolds company to keep tobacco in check.  Could it get any worse?

It may be time to shake up the departments that do not cotton to congressional oversight.  And who knows we might just save some money in the process.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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