Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Obama Administration Has A Problem: A Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center Exclusive Report

If you keep up with politics like I do you already know our President, Barack Hussein Obama, has a huge problem.  I know what you are thinking, but it is not about spying on journalists, or illegally denying conservatives the civil right to assemble and protest against a government which they believe is out of control, and not even about the four lives sacrificed in Benghazi so that "Dear Leader" could hold on to power and rule in his banana republic fashion a little longer.

No, it is an unemployment problem that is out of control.  He is working feverishly to correct this by expanding the government and hire a bajillion new unskilled workers to mine phone calls from Verizon customers which number in the gazillions each year.  What they are looking for is anybody's guess.

I suppose they might be looking for key words such as "tea party", or "patriot" or "Bill of Rights" so they can target these miscreants for a closer look by the IRS, the FBI, and the EPA, and OSHA if the need calls for it. 

Here is how it works.

Let's say I call my pal, Doug from Colorado and in our conversation I use any of the forbidden words.   The NSA Snoop in Utah, Mohamed Alhaseed, new hire, for $17 an hour plus benefits, records my ill chosen words and sends a report up to his supervisor, "Snoop Doggy Jones", another new hire, for $27an hour plus benefits who is located in Detroit.

Snoop Doggy looks the transcript over and cross references the calls from Tennessee to Colorado, both potentially troubling hot spots, aka "Red States" and passes the information to Washington, DC where Malinda Rodriquez, a second generation illegal immigrant, making $38 per hour plus benefits reviews both reports from Mohamed and Snoop Doggy, and decides this needs a closer look.

She sends her report and the other two to her supervisor in the White House, Valarie Jarrett, who makes $117 per hour plus full benefits, and she calls Eric Holder, the US attorney General, who makes $157 per hour plus benefits, who then calls President Obama, who makes $400,000 a year plus benefits, who passes these reports to both the FBI and Janet Napoletano, the director of the Department of Homeland Security, who both make $170 per hour. 

The FBI investigates me and Doug and decide to send the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms over for a little look.  Janet, decides she needs more information and asks the IRS to pull up our tax records and to also to pay a little visit.

They learn in the on site visit we have cattle and this gets the EPA involved.  Meanwhile Doug and I hire lawyers who charge $250 per hour and try to defend ourselves against innocent remarks over our Verizon phone lines.

And the biggest kicker of all is that we paid for all of it with our tax monies.

God save the republic or destroy it which ever is in our best interest! 

I will leave that in God's capable Hands.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center

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