Thursday, August 15, 2013

Meet The Rodeo Clown Who Captured The Heart Of A Nation: Bobby Skittles

Meet Bobby Skittles. Better known as the Missouri Masked Obama clown. Bobby made the mistake of keeping in his clown act a mask of each president dating back to president Clinton, donning each and firing up the crowd at the rodeo with the same question, "How would you like to see President Clinton,Bush,Obama rolled over by an angry bull?"

Crowd roars and cheers. Then Bobby Skittles runs from the bull, mask on, to the great delight of the crowd. Bobby Skittles did not know his presidential mask would be ripped from his face that cool August evening is Sluggo, Missouri by politicians who fear Bobby's caraciture of President Obama, strikes far to close to the truth for these lily white politicos!

The real story behind the story is that these "Crazy-Assed Cracker" politicos in Missouri including the governor, the Lt governor, and Senator Claire McCaskill are closeted racists trying to keep any reference to the president from containing terms such as clown, monkey, neanderthal, no wait they were white, well you catch what I mean here.

We will not be truly free of racism in this country until we can look at any politico, black, white, brown, or yellow, and shout insults at a rodeo which include terms such as clown and Obama in the same sentence. Until then we will remain separate and unequal.

Ridicule is a powerful force in public life. To give Obama a pass on ridicule and criticism because he is black is carrying affirmative action too far.

The rules have to be the same for everybody. White, black, pink, yellow, red and brown all politicians should be ready for those who disagree with their ideology to, from time to time, hurl an insult or two. That is what we do.

President Obama, Bobby Skittles, did not mock you because you are black, he mocks you because you are the President.

Congratulations on your accomplishment. Very few can achieve what you have especially given your meager intellect which has been successfully hidden from public view by clever speech writers and your telepromptors.

I do not mock you because you are black, I mock you because you are wrong. Wrong for America, wrong for the world, and wrong to allow your protectors to crucify a lowly rodeo clown who in his act used your likeness to entertain.

Your are bigger than that, or are you?

If you do not act to spare this lowly Cowboy Clown soon you will go down in history as the worst president since Hitler. Or perhaps a better example might be Stalin given your communist leanings.

Perhaps that is the way God intended it.

He made you and He gave you free will. Too bad.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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