Saturday, April 20, 2013

President Obama: The World Wonders. Where Were You?

Yes Mister President, Al Qaeda is off balance.  Osama bin Laden is dead, and you killed him.  They no longer can hurt innocent Americans.  Their backs are broken and they have no wheelchairs!

Ha!  Tell that to the people of Boston.  Try to convince them your world view is correct.  Two or more Muslim immigrants become radicalized enough to plant a couple of IED's at the Boston Marathon and blow the crap out of 171 +/- of our citizens killing three, including an 8 yr old boy there to watch his father compete, and one Chinese national here to further his education.  Despicable!

W may have wrecked the economy, but it only took you a little more than 4 years to wreck our security.  How many bombs blew up Americans under W's watch after 911?

Now we have Major Hassan's attack at Fort Hood, and the failed attempt at Time Square, and these two Chechen dweebs who waltz by security at the Boston Marathon which included bomb sniffing dogs, and set down a couple of IED's and waltz away.

I am fearful your presidency could be linked to more of these bombings and yours may be referred as the Presidency of Barack O'bomber.  Your reluctance to say terrorism and Muslim in the same sentence or even at all is queer.

I use the term "queer" to mean peculiar, odd, and not in the pejorative sense, not that there is anything pejorative to consider when two consenting adults commit acts of sodomy in privacy.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a noise?  It is the same with sodomy.  The sodomites need to make love and not noise.

Now, with Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon Bombing it seems you have American Soccer Moms frightened enough to try to advance some meaningful gun and bomb control legislation.  But wait.

This is America.  Personal protection is left to the individual and not delegated to law enforcement.  Most of us, who are native Americans, and by this I mean no disrespect to the American Indian, but now we have had multiple generations of Americans born on this soil, under this constitution and its bill of rights, so we are native Americans, only want to call law enforcement to help with the clean up after we have protected ourselves and our families with our own guns as granted to us as natives by the second amendment.  The bill of rights is our birthright, like fishing and hunting for our Native Americans.

Hey Marcus Rubio, your immigration bill could make distinctions between rights of these new citizens.   If you guys are really interested in changing the bill of rights.  Just put in the immigration bill that these new citizens are not granted the protections of the bill of rights, but do not try to pry them from the original Americans.

Membership has its privileges.

The senate rightfully rejected the gun control legislation and President O'bomber shook with rage when he tried to discuss the vote at a brief press venting.  Ridiculously childish.  Called the National Rifle Association liars.  The NRA is a forceful civil rights group which is on the right side of the constitution and the bill of rights.  I am thankful for their vigilance.

Native Americans will not be cowed.  There are still enough of us old school boys around to be vigilant.  It is time for gun control to recede back underground as it did back in 2000 when Al Gore was the last dolt to try to win a national office on the wrong side of guns.  It took 13 years for it to resurface and become a talking point again, but it was obviously way too soon.

Americans are too smart for this talk of disarming.  The world is becoming more dangerous and not less dangerous and it has nothing to do with the the second amendment.

Guns make us safer.  Gun free zones are to be avoided at all costs.

We are watching what your administration will do in its investigation of these two Muslim extremists.

We wonder what is taught at the Mosque they attended?  What was the older one doing in Russia for 6 months.  And why, if the FBI already considered him a threat, was he allowed to plant a couple of bombs at the marathon.

Sequester?  Or incompetence?  Either way you look bad.

I know it is hard to let go of our middle east policy of oil exploitation, but Americans have been working hard here to find more oil and bring our country out of this foreign oil dependency.  If you want to neutralize Iran as a threat to our world, bring it up in congress and vote on it.  Then act boldly and swiftly to minimize the loss of life and treasures.

I would not want your position.  Your plate is full and we are living in an unstable world.  I wish you the best of luck.

I suggest you inform the soccer moms that no government can guarantee the safety of its citizens from senseless attacks like those at the Boston Marathon, but we will do all that we can.   Same with gun violence.  We must take the good with the bad.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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