Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: North Korea Will Strike The South: Here's Why!

Mark Twain once said along with about a billion other salient things, "No man can stand success.  Anothers that is."

And this is the reason Kim Jong Un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea will attack his more affluent cousins in the South.  Under communism the North has floundered while the South populated with the same people has flourished.  There is turbulence brewing over there at the 38th parallel.

Unlike the goofs who control the United States and its war machine, Kim and his generals know exactly what the military and war is for, namely "Stealing other peoples stuff." 

Of course if the women are not dogs these can come in handy as prizes of conquest as well, but that is another whole treatise which is too politically incorrect even for these pages.

Only the US seems not to know the true reason for war.  Let me see now, Vietnam, the spoils of war to the US, NADA!  Iraq I, again nothing.  Iraq II, a big zippo.  Afghanistan, if you discount the CIA's taking over the poppy crop, ZERO! 

It seems to me a good war should pay dividends.  I am not talking about the kinds of fortunes handed out by the government to our most favored banks and the automobile industry, but something in return for the trillion or two spent chasing phantoms all over the middle east.  Could we not at least bring a few camels over to our petting zoos?  Something?

Before the Civil War in America, the North was furious with those Southerners who through cotton and slavery were amassing fortunes and preferred to trade with England which made finer things than our newly industrialised North.  There were more millionaires in Mississippi than in New York just prior to the Civil War. 

The South was impoverished by the war and the North took all it could, the DuPont's stole North Carolina, and countless other carpetbagging Yankee bastards filled the void here in old Dixie and some of us here still recall that injustice.  It is in the genes.

Kim Jong Un will be North Korea's Abe Lincoln.  He will be credited with saving the Union!  The US should back away from this little yellow man because he has nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Should make for an interesting summer.  What if anything will Obama and John Kerry do besides wring their hands and call for tougher sanctions from the UN?

The North Koreans know the US is a Paper Tiger full of flatulence, tethered to fools who believe man can burn fossil fuels and cause the whole world to heat up.

Will the North invade the South?  Won't be the first time it has happened and probably not the last.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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