Monday, June 24, 2013

Edwardo Snowden, Patriot Or Scoundrel? The Jury Is Still Out

A National Security Administration spook with a high level security clearance defects to Hong Kong with four lap top computers filled with secrets which could be damaging to our governments ability to spy on foreign governments and its own citizens.  The amendment which guarantees US citizens the right to privacy has been pulverized by the spies at the NSA.  My cell phone is my personal property and my conversations with my friends and my family and business associates are private, or should be.

If the public airwaves for my cell communications are in the public domain, and if NSA has recordings of my communications,  then what right does the government have to keep secret its communications which utilize these same public airwaves?

Does the 5th admendment to the constitution secure my private property rights as it relates to phone and internet communications?  I wonder.  Is NSA and its cell phone and computer survellience program an infringement on these rights?  Who knows?

Does the NSA have the communications recorded during the Benghazi tragedy among the State Department, the White House, and the Department of Defense?  I will seek this information via a freedom of information request.  Should be pretty interesting reading if it is not all redacted and I suspect it will read something like this:

SOS Clinton:  "Mr President, our consulate in Libya has been BLACK OUT next 17 lines..."

POTUS:  "Let me get with BLACK OUT next 5 lines....OK"

SOD Panetta:  "We can't just fly in and BLACK OUT next 23 lines......Good night."

SOS Clinton:  "I got a party to attend tonight with Huma and I still have to do my hair and my nails  
                        these crises are never at a convenient time.  BLACK OUT next 48 lines...."do you think
                        I'm sexy"....BLACKED OUT next 13 lines.

Now this is where Mr. Snowden comes in.  I believe he has the entire transcripts and can release it if he desires, so you see, what we have here is a Mexican Standoff of sorts.  Mr. Snowden is holding all the NSA cards and has the goods on the Smellie Ones in Washington, DC.   He has the power to air the dirty laundry for any number of scandals which have surrounded this administration.

Never have so few done so much so quickly and so incompetently as have the Obama cabal with its washed up 1970's weathermen advisory board and of course "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." 

And where is the congress?  NSA has your conversations recorded and ready to use against any critics.  Oversight, yeah, will say that was an oversight.  This NSA monster is eating congress.  FBI files are nothing to the copies of the phone sex and foul language the NSA has stored up on our political class.

Congress needs to grow a pair and put a stop to this.  We must admit that none of us is perfect except for ourselves and then move to fix this problem.  NSA needs more oversight and strict guidelines for its operations both domestic and abroad. 

Edwardo Snowden is not the problem, he is the product of the problem and may be catalyst to the solution.  For now I believe his intentions are good, but as they say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center 

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