Thursday, April 4, 2013

ObamaCare, Good For Hiring Government Workers, Bad For Health Care: Or How To Redistribute Wealth Without Adding To Production Or the Product.

The real goal of Obama care is a shake down of the health care business.  Anytime Big Government sees a profitable business model it seeks to insert its union goons and paws all over the process. 

Apparently one sixth of the GDP of the United States was just too large a target for those who watch while others do the heavy lifting to stand aside while good care is provided at a relatively reasonable cost to the consumer. 

Yesterday came the report that a family of four who can get good insurance coverage for about $14,000 this year will be paying $20,000 per year for less coverage beginning in 2014.  Cancer centers have shut out medicare patients because of the sequestration even though no medicare spending comes from the general budget, that is if we had a budget which we have not had in earnst for the past 4 years.

You singles with insurance now enjoy good coverage for $7,000 per year but next year you are slated to shell out $12,000 per year for the same coverage. 

I am nearly 60 yrs old and I have not had $5,000 spent on my behalf for all of my health care needs up to now, and part is due to good luck and no major injuries/accidents and the other part is due to never going to see a doctor or a dentist since 1987.  Yes, I still do have my good tooth and it gets me by just fine on my diet of unfiltered cigarettes and Jack Daniels.  I supplement my nutrition by adding a little coke to the JD. 

I used to smoke a carton of camels a day, but now I can only wheeze through about 3 packs a day.  It is true what they say about old age.  It slows you down.  Likewise, my drinking has fallen to only about a 5th and a half a day, but I will not drink on Sundays until church is let out.  I figure it is out somewhere by 8 am local time.

Oh, back on point.  The government will insert many, many workers to watch what the real health care workers of America are doing by layering it with a bureaucracy the size which would make the Chinese army blush with envy.  Each of these empty output jobs will only siphon monies which would have otherwise gone to providing health care.

It is make work for the unemployable!  We are being consumed by the public servants.  They hired 50,000 workers to harass the air traveling public.  They have plans to hire 1 million or more to parasite off health care and the 2 trillion dollar per year bonanza it represents..  I wonder which industry is next in the giant Goliath governmental grasp of the gold.

Auto, banking, education, defense, health, tobacco, air travel, big agriculture?  The problem with government is sooner or later they run out of businesses to parasitize.

The small guy trying to eek out a living has some big competition.  The increased cost of health care premiums will only pay for the bureaucrat's Obamacare puts in place to monitor the system, a health care system which worked just fine for 90% of the paying public. 

It will all come to a stop when the last dollar is printed by the FEDs.

Now where did I put that cigarette and my bottle of JD?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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