Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Newly Flexible Re-Elected President Obama And Iranian President Hasan Rouhani

Given President Barak Obama's new found flexibility after his rout of Mitt Romney in last years presidental election cycle which was bastardized by Candy Crowley and her Benghazi lie, and Lois Lerner and her mischief at the IRS and its Tax Free policies for all but Tea Party groups, and the thousands of voting iregularities at all the large cities in the swing states, and how easily our twice elected president was rolled by Russian Leader
Vlad, the Obama-Knocker, Putin in the squabble over Syrian Gas in Assad's struggle with Al Qaeda, now we learn Iranian President Hasan Rouhani wants to meet President Obama for talks in the first ever Middle East and West Muslim Summit Talks.

Who better to represent America but our Muslim in Chief who blurted out to Georgie Stepsonallofus, that "McCain has not been critical of my Muslim religion." To which Geo said, "You mean Christian religion."

With our current leader we will be lucky if he doesn't do a "fast and furious"-like walking of nuclear weapons across the border into Iran.

We will know something is up if the dimunitive North Korean leader Kim's Yon Son is next to request an audience.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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