Saturday, May 11, 2013

Benghazi: A Study Of And The Lapse Of Good Leadership And The End Of A Presidency

The Benghazi lapse of good leadership, BLOG-L, to cleverly coin a term for future reference, is a milestone or rather a millstone around the neck of a floundering presidency.  We have witnessed an astoundingly inept obfuscation of even the most basic facts in the events at the American Consulate that September 11, 2012 night.

Now we learn the BLOG-L press release went through 12 different versions when only one, the truth, was required.  Why the fear to call the attack which left four fellow Americans dead an act of terror by Muslim extremists?

Why the pinning of the attack on a spontaneous Muslim block party gone awry over some unknown you-tube video produced by some Coptic christian hack in LA which no one saw?

A block party which included numerous AK's, RPG's, Molotov cocktails, and dozens of mortar rounds just in case the party was attacked by wild dogs?

No Hillary, those versions of what really happened all fell well short of what is expected of American leadership.

Americans under attack, whether at home or abroad, deserve all the interventions for rescue which are possible no matter how slight the chance of success.   Orders for the military to stand down in Benghazi were vexing unless your plans were to allow Ambassador J. Chris Stevens to be murdered?

How does the attack fit into the 2012 presidential election?   Did Obama's meme of the death of Al Q ring somewhat hollow after the Benghazi attack and the loss of four Americans.  Was BLOG-L caused by the fog of war, the war being with Mitt Romney and not with our Muslim enemy?  Or is BLOG-L
the best we can expect from our leadership as it stands and are they really that incredibly inept?

If you are ever uncertain what the correct action would be in any future event, call the parents of the Americans involved.

Ty Wood's father could have correctly called the right action in a heart beat.

Send in the marines!

Hillary, imagine how your actions might have been different if your husband Bill had been Ambassador Stevens' guest that warm September 11 evening when the block party broke out at the consulate.

OK, maybe that is not a fair comparison, take Chelsea and place her in harms way and then make your best call given those circumstances.  This is all that any parent and American who has children serving our country can ask.

Treat them all as family because they are our family, they are members of our tribe and of this great United States of America.

Hillary Clinton, you and Barack Obama, and Leon Panetta and who ever else was involved in making the decision to not stand up and fight for every precious American life in Benghazi have fallen short of a minimum standard of care.

Your mishandling of the affair in Benghazi is political malpractice of the highest tier.  Your hi jinx with the misleading press conferences and failure to attribute the attacks as terrorist linked and your BLOG-L is criminal at best and jailing a goof for a you-tube video smacks of despotism of the worst kind.

I strongly suggest you tinder your resignation from public life retroactive to September 12, 2012.

You see Madame Secretary, that is the last day we could believe you.

In your campaign against our most inept president since Bill Clinton, you posited the question:  "Who is going to answer that 3am phone call?"

The real gnawing question for the American people is not only who will answer, but what will the leadership do in response when that call comes in.

Al Q in Benghazi-1        The Obama/Hillary/Panetta Team-0

Try to get it right next time.  Use more of your cleverness to lead and you will not need to use it to cover-up your mistakes.

You will find it is much easier to look the relatives of the dead Americans in the eye and say your are sorry and we did everything possible to try to save them, than to try to lie after you have done nothing.

BLOG-L is the end of the Obama Administration since it will mark when the fawning press will see the corruption and ineptitude that permeates this God-awful administration.

Everybody can make mistakes, but this is a MISTAKE!

Hope for America and 2014 is around the corner and more senate and house cleansing will be the order of the day.  I predict a lot of the entrenched corrupticians be they D or R will make their exits before this whole thing comes raining down like Al Gore's middle chakra on a 20 dollar per hr hotel masseuse.

The lessons of Benghazi are legion.  Is anybody but me paying attention?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

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