Friday, December 13, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Obamacare Is A Poison Pill Americans Must Not Swallow!

I have refrained from commenting in this forum on politics for a few weeks and feel I am healthier than ever. The rollout of Obamacare with its dismal results and intended consequences, to date maybe 360,000 American units have acquired insurance through the giant federally mandated insurance exchanges via the $662,000,000 website put together in typical government no bid contract slip-shod manner by a friend of the president's wife, from her collegial days at Princeton, verses the 155,000,000 working American families who stand to lose their coverage under this reign of terror is a big fail!

Republicans may be branded as warriors against women by the Democrat, but this act, Obamacare, is an act of war against the working American family. We need some rules of engagement just as restrictive for our pols as the ones our service men and women must endure in Afghanistan.

I sometimes pine that I was born a decade too late and of the wrong race and background to run in their circles for in this case privilege certainly has its privilege!

My final declaration: This cannot pass for representative governance. Now that Mr. Nelson Mandela is gone, the newly oppressed productive class in America will find a leader who will lead them out of this new bondage we find ourselves in. A bondage which provides very little benefit for its slaves. Borders protection, a joke. Applying the rule of law to all equally, another joke. Protection of the money supply through the full faith and credit of the United States. Honest and fair elections, ha, ha! I could go on but you know this and other atrocities we are subjected to each day.

Where is my congressman? Nowhere to be seen until he or she needs my vote to be playing footsie with the kleptocrats in DC every other November! Where are my senators? Those two cornfed, political hacks, vetted by the establishment, loyal to the establishment who only come around every 6th year for another renewal of a six year contract.

I would suggest that if a Union official made Obamacare part of the package for the rank and file he or she would find out really quickly how hot his life might become at the meeting.

I suggest we do everything in our power to have this law which keeps on morphing, and delayed by the naked emperor's decree after decree, all unconstitutionally, repealed in its entirety by electing pols who promise just this.

Action date is November, 2014. Our votes can right this wrong. Next we can tackle the money problem. This current bunch has a spending problem.

Read Mark Twain's short story: "The Great Beef Contracts" this will show nothing has changed in government for over a hundred and fifty years.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Phd, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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