Monday, October 28, 2013

Mark Twain's Autobiography, Vol II In Jack Maybolt's Library: Twain Speaks Out From The Grave!

I am in my element. Reading my literary Mark's autobiography, volume II. Twain early on waxes on how everything that is ever written is only re-written as there is not a single new human thought or phrase ever penned.

And so it is I too must repeat what has been writ a thousand, nay, a million times through out the ages, nay time immemorial.

For it is far, far better to have loved and lost than to never have been the target of an IRISH Audit!

There Mark Twain, look for that one in the reams and reams of published works!

I have been dutifully watching those who would watch us.

I will return when I have finished reading Twain's last masterpiece, spoken from the grave with nary a care in this great big old world and my "ignorance covers the whole world in a blanket with very few holes in it."

Look for me in mid November or do not look for me at all.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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