Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Real Tragedy Of Global Warming: Rise In CO2 Lower Intellect

Test scores across the nation have fallen each decade so that now we are facing the first generation of stupid with no hope of improving our situation.  What has become of human intellect?

With rising carbon dioxide levels we have witnessed a simultaneous drop in intellect.  To prove my point I will cite a few well known recent examples.

President Obama and the congress pass a massive health care bill to save money and insure everyone and it does neither.

We fight limited wars in oil rich areas of the world and steal not a single drop of oil.

We strike down laws of nature in hopes these deviant acts become normalized .  Acts which are a public health risk and no public health official had the courage to quarantine HIV carriers when it was first recognized as a disease spread primarily by sodomy.  Now the homosexual lobby wants to give blood again.

Where is the common ground when a water park can be shut down for sanitizing if one human turd is discovered floating amongst the frolicking swimmers and nothing is deemed risky by public health officials when one man inserts a pen is into another's an us?

No thanks.  But that's discrimination!  Damn right it is.  And I also don't drive against traffic at night on the interstate.  Or walk alone in poor neighborhoods or try to pet the lions at the zoo.

Discrimination is a good thing,  A little of it is necessary for survival.

Governments are instituted among men for the people's benefit.  When governments flip and exist for the sole benefit of the governors it's usefulness to the people is wanting.

Bad government like a bad marriage is no government.

A Natural law marriage can only be between a man and a woman.  The law is in place to encourage humans to reproduce.

We abort 50,000,000 US citizens since passage of R v W and government seeks to replace these natural aborted citizens with poorly educated immigrants from Mexico.

Let me see replace an abortee who would be indoctrinated into our culture by local society with its mores and tradions and schooling with an immigrant with no commonality with our culture.   Well, that makes perfect sense if you are sucking more carbon dioxide than you are blowing off. 

Are all our Senators and Congressmen stupid?  Which begs the question?  What?

Yes, Virginia, raising a child is costly, but pales in comparison to the problems of the clash of cultures which we will surely see more of in the future with Europe's experiment in Islamification, and our own flirtation with it to a lesser extent.

In summation, common sense is out the window, when an elderly Southern food show host is raked over the bar-b-que coals and publicly tortured over a word spoken 3 decades ago, and children are sent home from school and expelled for playful mimicry of guns by hand signs or a pastry, and all hope of its recovery is lost.  

All loss of reason must be laid at the feet of global warming and the rise of CO2!

Clearly our minds are dulled by the elevated levels of carbon dioxide and mankind is befuddled by a CO2 narcosis!

Civilization will fail as surely as night follows the day, .....or does day follow night.

Now where did I put my car keys?


Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center

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